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MS 3682 - Hans Kosterlitz, Professor Emeritus and Director of the Unit for Research on Addictive Drugs: papers
1 - Research papers
2 - Reprints
1 - Einige Beobachtungen über das Verhalten der Esterase bei der Autolyse der Leber
2 - Zur Frage des aktiven Eisens. I. Seine Charakterisierung durch die Benzidin reaktion
3 - Zur Frage des aktiven Eisens. II. Seine biologische Aktivität: kann es in der Kultur hämophiler Bakterien als X - Faktor wirken?
4 - Zur Frage des aktiven Eisens. III. Seine Wirkung auf die Blutregeneration bei der Toluylendiaminanämie des Hundes
5 - Untersuchungen über die Verwertung der Galaktose in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. I. Methodik
6 - Untersuchungen über die Verwertung der Galaktose in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. II. Die Verwertung der Galaktose beim Diabetes mellitus. Die Galaktose als Ersatzkohlehydrat
7 - Untersuchungen über die Verwertung der Galaktose in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. III. Das Verhalten der Galaktose am pankreaslosen Hund bei völliger und teilweiser Insulinkarenz
8 - Untersuchungen über die Verwertung der Galaktose in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. IV. Beitrag zur Frage der Galaktoseassimilation in der Leber
9 - Untersuchungen über die Verwertung der Galaktose in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. V. Über die Bedeutung der Galaktosämie und der Glykosämie nach oraler Galaktosebelastung für die funktionelle Leberdiagnostik
10 - Über Glykogenbildung in der Leber ohne Insulin; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Ersatzkohlehydrate Über die Fahigkeit der Leber des pankreaslosen Hundes bei volliger Insulinkarenz, Glykogen zu bilden
11 - The Relationship of the Blood Sugar Level to the Systemic Blood Pressure
12 - Liver glycogen. Acyl derivatives and 'regenerated glycogens'
13 - The Presence of a Galactose - Phosphate in the Livers of Rabbits Assimilating Galactose
14 - Synthetic galactose - 1 - phosphoric acid
15 - Acyl Migration in a Derivative of Galactose
16 - The Utilization of Fat by the Aglycaemic Mammalian Heart
17 - A Method for the Estimation of Glucose - 1 - phosphate and Galactose - 1 - phosphate in the Liver
18 - The Structure of the Galactose - phosphate Present in the Liver During Galactose Assimilation
19 - The Apparent Dissociation Constants of Galactose - 1 - Phosphoric Acid
20 - The Fermentation of Galactose and Galactose - 1 - phosphate
21 - The assimilation of glucose and galactose in the liver
22 - The Digestibility of the Phytate - P of Oatmeal in Adult Man
23 - The storage of protein in the adult animal
24 - The effects of changes in dietary protein on the composition and structure of the liver cell
25 - The Assay of the Nutritive Value of a Protein by its Effects on Liver Cytoplasm
26 - The Effects of Short - Term Changes in Dietary Protein on the Response of the Liver to Carbon Tetrachloride Injury
27 - The Relationship between Losses in Labile Liver Cytoplasm and Urinary Nitrogen Excretion
28 - Some effects of pregnancy and lactation on the liver
29 - The Effects of Growth and Sex on the Composition of the Liver Cells of the Rat
30 - The Vasomotor Responses Due to Electrical Stimulation of the Sinus and Vagus Nerves of the Cat and their Modification by Large Doses of Sodium Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
31 - The Effect of Cocaine and Chronic Sympathetic Denervation of the Heart on the Chronotropic Action of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
32 - The Absence of an Effect of Dietary Protein on the Liberation of Liver Sympathin After Stimulation of the Hepatic Nerves
33 - Changes in the constituents of the liver cell in early choline and protein deficiencies
34 - The Absence of Dietary Effects on the DNA Content of Liver Nuclei of the Adult Rat
35 - The Effects of Dietary Protein, Fat and Choline on the Composition of the Liver Cell and the Turnover of Phospholipin and Protein - Bound Phosphorus
36 - Protein and Nucleic Acid Contents of Rat Livers One Day After A Single Injection of Carbon Tetrachloride
37 - Species Differences in the Deoxyribonucleic and Ribonucleic Acid Contents of Livers of Non - Pregnant and Pregnant Mice, Guinea - Pigs and Cats
38 - The Role of Hormonal and Dietary Factors in the Formation of Excess Ribonucleic Acid in the Livers of Pregnant Rats
39 - Some Dietary and Hormonal Effects on Maternal, Foetal and Placental Weights in the Rat
40 - A Method for Determining the Nutritive Value of a Protein by its Effect on Liver Protein
41 - The liver and protein metabolism
42 - The Action of Sympathomimetic Amines on the Rate of the Denervated Heart of the Cat
43 - The Effects of Preganglionic and Postganglionic Denervation on the Responses of the Nictitating Membrane to Sympathomimetic Substances
44 - Studies on Veratrum Alkaloids. XXII. Periodic Activity of the Sino - Auricular Node of the Denervated Cat Heart Caused by Veratramine
45 - Some Impressions from American Medical Schools
46 - Studies on veratrum alkaloids. XXIV. The inhibition by veratramine and veratrosine of the cardio - accelerator effect of electrical stimulation of the accelerator nerves
47 - The Mechanism of the Peristaltic Reflex in the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
48 - Inhibition of the Peristaltic Reflex of the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
49 - The Effects of Lowering the Bath Temperature on the Responses of the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
50 - Nutrition and Gestation. Opening address given at 4th International Congress of Nutrition
51 - Chemical reference substances
52 - The Inhibitory Action of Morphine on the Contraction of the Longitudinal Muscle Coat of the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
53 - Reflex Contractions of the Longitudinal Muscle Coat of the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
54 - The Effect of Morphine on Vagal Inhibition of the Heart
55 - The determination of the nutritive value of a protein by its effect on liver nitrogen in rats
56 - Role of the Mucous Membrane in the Peristaltic Reflex in the Isolated Ileum of the Guinea Pig
57 - Action of Bretylium on the Isolated Guinea - Pig Ileum
58 - Effect of Morphine on Some Sympathetically Innervated Effectors
59 - The Action of Morphine on Impulse Propagation in Nerve Fibres
60 - Dihydromorphine in Peripheral Nervous Tissue
61 - The Action of Morphine - Like Drugs on Impulse Transmission in Mammalian Nerve Fibres
62 - The Inhibition of Autonomic Neuro - Effector Transmission by Morphine - Like Drugs and its Use as a Screening Test for Narcotic Analgesic Drugs
63 - The Compound Action Potential in the Nerve Supplying the Medial Smooth Muscle of the Nictitating Membrane of the Cat
64 - Pharmacological Analysis of Intrinsic Intestinal Reflexes
65 - The Effects of Hexamethonium and Morphine on Transmission in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rabbit
66 - Agonist and Antagonist Actions of Morphine - Like Drugs on the Guinea - Pig Isolated Ileum
67 - Intrinsic Intestinal Reflexes
68 - Antagonist action of naloxone on the electrically stimulated longitudinal muscle of the guinea - pig islolated ileum
69 - B. Effects of Choline Esters on Smooth Muscle and Secretions
70 - Intrinsic and extrinsic nervous control of motility of the stomach and the intestines
71 - Mode of Action of Morphine - like Drugs on Autonomic Neuro - effectors
72 - Resting and Action Potentials Recorded by the Sucrose - Gap Method in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rabbit
73 - Kinetic Parameters of Narcotic Agonists and Antagonists, With Particular Reference to "N" - Allylnoroxymorphone (Naloxone)
74 - Kinetic parameters of narcotic agonist and antagonists
75 - Non - Specific Effects of Morphine - Like Drugs
76 - Spontaneous electrical activity and nerve - mediated inhibition in the innervated longitudinal muscle strip of the guinea - pig ileum
77 - Kinetic parameters of narcotic agonists and antagonists: further observations with the guinea - pig ileum method
78 - Further evidence for an electrogenic sodium pump in a mammalian sympathetic ganglion
79 - The Effects of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and Isoprenaline on Inhibitory "a" - and "ß" - Adrenoceptors in the Longitudinal Muscle of the Guinea - Pig Ileum
80 - The effect of the interval between electrical stimuli on the acetylcholine output of the myenteric plexus - longitudinal muscle preparation of the guinea - pig ileum
81 - Synaptic Potentials Recorded by the Sucrose - Gap Method From the Rabbit Superior Cervical Ganglion
82 - The effects of hexamethonium, morphine and adrenaline on the output of acetylcholine from the myenteric plexus - longitudinal muscle preparation of the ileum
83 - The morphine receptor in the guinea - pig ileum. A. Structure - action relationships. B. Effects on transmission from the myenteric plexus to the longitudinal muscle
84 - Impulse Transmission in the Myenteric Plexus - Longitudinal Muscle Preparation of the Guinea - Pig Ileum
85 - The morphine receptor in the guinea - pig ileum. A. Agonist potencies of normorphine, phenoperidine, fentanyl and etorphine. B. Methadone. C. Antagonists with very long duration of action
86 - Effects of calcium and manganese on acetylcholine release from the myenteric plexus of guinea - pig and rabbit ileum
87 - Interrelationship between Adrenergic and Cholinergic Mechanisms
88 - A New Example of a Morphine - Sensitive Neuro - Effector Junction: Adrenergic Transmission in the Mouse Vas Deferens
89 - The effects of morphine - like substances and their antagonists on transmission at the neuroeffector junction of the isolated myenteric plexus - longitudinal muscle preparation of the guinea - pig ileum
90 - Differential effects of drugs on the acetylcholine output from the myenteric plexus and the responses of the longitudinal muscle of the guinea - pig ileum
91 - Agonist and Antagonist Actions of Narcotic Analgesic Drugs
92 - Morphine receptor in the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig ileum
93 - Characteristics of morphine - sensitive release of neuro - transmitter substances
94 - The morphine receptor in the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig ileum. A. Assessment of agonist and antagonist activities of some compounds. B. The antagonist potency of naloxone against different agonists. C. Some ionic requirements of the morphine - sensitive mechanism of transmitter release
95 - Assessment of the agonist and antagonist properties of narcotic analgesic drugs by their actions on the morphine receptor in the guinea - pig ileum
96 - Release of acetylcholine from the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig ileum
97 - The assessment of agonist and antagonist properties of narcotic analgesic drugs by their actions on the morphine receptor in the guinea - pig ileum
98 - Assessment of the Agonist and Antagonist Properties of Narcotic Analgesic Drugs by Their Actions on the Morphine Receptor in the Guinea Pig Ileum
99 - Research Report: Unit for Research on Addictive Drugs, University of Aberdeen
100 - Narcotic analgesics and drug interaction in man
101 - An Analysis of the Phenomenon of Acute Tolerance to Morphine in the Guinea - Pig Isolated Ileum
102 - Effect of Morphine on Adrenergic Transmission in the Mouse Vas Deferens. Assessment of Agonist and Antagonist Potencies of Narcotic Analgesics
103 - The Effects of Morphine on the Release of Noradrenaline from the Cat Isolated Nictitating Membrane and the Guinea - Pig Ileum Myenteric Plexus - Longitudinal Muscle Preparation
104 - Opiate actions in guinea - pig ileum and mouse vas deferens
105 - Narcotic agonist and antagonist potencies of a homologous series of "N" - alkyl - norketobemidones measured by the guinea - pig ileum and mouse vas deferens methods
106 - Rates of Onset and Offset of Action of Narcotic Analgesics in Isolated Preparations
107 - In Vitro Models in the Study of Structure - Activity Relationships of Narcotic Analgesics
108 - Stereospecific Increase By Narcotic Antagonists of Evoked Acetylcholine Output in Guinea - Pig Ileum
109 - Some Thoughts on the Significance of Enkephalin, The Endogenous Ligand
110 - Experimental Procedure Recording Resting and Action Potentials by the Sucrose - Gap Method
111 - The assessment of agonist and antagonist properties of narcotic analgesic drugs by their actions on the morphine receptors in the guinea - pig ileum and mouse vas deferens
112 - Stimulation by Stretch
113 - The Peristaltic Reflex
114 - Assessment in the Guinea - Pig Ileum and Mouse Vas Deferens of Benzomorphans which have Strong Antinociceptive Activity but do not Substitute for Morphine in the Dependent Monkey
115 - Agonist and antagoist potencies of isomeric 2, 3 - dimethyl - 3 - aryl - piperidines
116 - Evaluation of Dependence Liability and Dependence Potential of Drugs
117 - Identification of two related pentapeptides from the brain with potent opiate agonist activity
118 - The assay of the agonist activities of "N" - methyl - and "N" - nor - homologues of morphine derivatives by the guinea - pig ileum method
119 - Multiple Opiate Receptors
120 - Enkephalins: Isolation, Distribution and Function
121 - Cross tolerance between morphine and methionine - enkephaline
122 - Structure - activity relationships of methionine - enkephalin
123 - Effects of Physostigmine and Electrical Stimulation on the Acetylcholine Content of the Guinea - Pig Ileum
124 - Possible significance of enkephalin, an endogenous ligand of opiate receptors
125 - The assessment of narcotic analgesic drugs and of ligands with peptide structure by their actions on the morphine receptors in the guinea - pig ileum and mouse vas deferens
126 - The Enkephalins: endogenous peptides with opiate receptor activity
127 - Peptides with Morphine - like Action in the Brain
128 - Opioid Peptides
129 - Inhibition of {³ H} - naloxone binding by opiate agonists
130 - In Vitro Pharmacology of the Opioid Peptides, Enkephalins and Endorphins
131 - Enkephalins, Endorphins and Opiate Receptors
132 - Opiate Receptors and Endogenous Opioid Peptides in Tolerance and Dependence
133 - Endogenous opioid peptides: multiple agonists and receptors
134 - The distribution of methionine - enkephalin and leucine - enkephalin in the brain and peripheral tissues
135 - Endorphins, enkephalins and the opiate receptors
136 - Evidence at the cellular level for the presence of several opiate receptors
137 - Incorporation of Labelled Amino Acids into the Enkephalins
138 - Endogenous opioid peptides: historical aspects
139 - Pharmacological and biochemical aspects of the enkephalins
140 - Biological Significance of the Endogenous Opioid Peptides and the Opiate Receptors
141 - Development of the Concepts of Opiate Receptors and their Ligands
142 - Endogenous opioid peptides
143 - Differences in the Inhibitory Effects of Normorphine and Opioid Peptides on the Responses of the Vasa Deferentia of Two Strains of Mice
144 - "In vitro" release of Leu - and Met - enkephalin from the corpus striatum
145 - The inhibitory effects of clonidine on the contractions of the guinea - pig ileum in the morphine - dependent and withdrawn states
146 - The incorporation of [³H] - tyrosine into the enkephalins of striatal slices of guinea - pig brain
147 - Enkephalin release from the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig small intestine in the presence of cycloheximide
148 - Isolated organs and cultured cells as models for the study of narcotic action
149 - The Inhibitory Effects of Presynaptic "a" - Adrenoceptor Agonists on the Contractions of the Guinea - Pig Ileum and Mouse Vas Deferens in the Morphine - Dependent and Withdrawn States
150 - Novel developments of "N" - methylbenzomorphan narcotic antagonists
151 - Biosynthesis and Release of Enkephalins
152 - Further Support for the Hypothesis of Multiple Opiate Receptors
153 - Factors Influencing the Release of Acetylcholine from the Myenteric Plexus of the Ileum of the Guinea - Pig and Rabbit
154 - Comparison of the Receptor Binding Characteristics of Opiate Agonists Interacting with µ - or k - Receptors
155 - The present state of our knowledge of the functions of enkephalins and endorphins
156 - Assessment of Analogues of Opioid Peptides in Four Parallel Assays
157 - Opioid Peptides and their Receptors Neuronal Peptides, 1978 Endorphins
158 - Multiple Opiate Receptors
159 - Endogenous opioid peptides and the control of pain
160 - Possible physiological significance of multiple endogenous opioid agonists
161 - Modification of Catecholamine Release by Narcotic Analgesics and Opioid Peptides
162 - Synthesis of enkephalins by guinea - pig striatum "in vitro"
163 - The Inhibitory Effects of Presynaptic "a" - Adrenoceptor Agonists on Contractions of Guinea - Pig Ileum and Mouse Vas Deferens in the Morphine - Dependent and Withdrawn States Produced "in vitro"
164 - Comparison of the binding characteristics of tritiated opiates and opioid peptides
165 - Specific protection of the binding sites of D - Ala² - D - Leu"5" - enkephalin ("d" - receptors) and dihydromorphine (µ - receptors)
166 - Comparison of Binding of [³H] - Naltrexone and [³H] - Dihydromorphine in the Mouse Vas Deferens and the Myenteric Plexus and Brain of the Guinea Pig
167 - Opioid Activities of Fragments of "d" - Endorphin and of its Leucine "65" - Analogue. Comparison of the Binding Properties of Methionine - and Leucine - Enkephalin
168 - Multiple Receptors for Opiates and Opioid Peptides
169 - The Best Laid Schemes O' Mice an' Men Gang Aft Agley
170 - Interaction of endogenous opioid peptides and their analogs with opiate receptors
171 - Enkephalins as putative transmitters in the peripheral nervous system
172 - Enkephalins: Receptors, Biosynthesis and Release
173 - Biosynthesis of the enkephalins in the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig ileum. Further analysis of the interaction of the enkephalins and their analogues with the opiate receptors
174 - Enkephalin precursors from guinea - pig myenteric plexus
175 - Specific protection of µ - and "d" - binding sites in guinea - pig brain, against the inhibitory effect of phenoxybenzamine, by agonists preferentially interacting with µ - or "d" - sites
176 - Comparison of the binding characteristics of opiates and opioid peptides
177 - Effects of changes in the structure of enkephalins and of narcotic analgesic drugs on their interactions with µ - and "d" - receptors
178 - Opioid peptides and pituitary functions
179 - Enkephalins: Receptors, Biosynthesis and Release
180 - Possible functions of the enkephalins
181 - Introduction
182 - Spontaneous and evoked release of enkephalin from the myenteric plexus of guinea - pig small intestine
183 - Effects of Electrical Stimulation on the Enkephalins in Guinea - Pig Small Intestine
184 - Enkephalins, endorphins and their receptors
185 - Comparison of the binding characteristics of tritiated opiates and opioid peptides
186 - Characterization of opioid receptors in nervous tissue
187 - Neuroactive Peptides, A Royal Society Discussion Meeting
188 - Opioid Peptides and Their Receptors
189 - Differential release of methionine - and leucine - enkephalin
190 - Binding characteristics of the k - subtype of the opiate receptor
191 - Opiate Receptors and their Exogenous and Endogenous Ligands
192 - Endorphins and enkephalins
193 - Possible physiological roles of the enkephalins and endorphins
194 - Unexpected Antagonism in the Rat Vas Deferens by Benzo - Morphans which are Agonists in other Pharmacological Tests
195 - Some 14 ß - Substituted Analogues of "N" - (Cyclopropylmethyl) normorphine
196 - Pharmacological analysis of opiate receptors in the rat vas deferens
197 - Tyr - D - Ala - Gly - MePhe - NH (CH2) 2 OH is a selective ligand for the µ - opiate binding site
198 - Tobacco Mosaic Virus - Enkephalin Conjugates: Potentiation of Opioid Activity
199 - Opioid Peptides and Sensory Function
200 - Characterization of the k - Subtype of the Opiate Receptor in the Guinea - Pig Brain
201 - Tetraethylammonium facilitates the stimulation - evoked loss of the enkephalins from the myenteric plexus of guinea - pig ileum
202 - The Role of the Opioid Peptides in the Control of Pain
203 - Activity profiles of opiates at the µ - , "d" - and k - binding sites
204 - Relation of morphine dependence to naloxone contractions in guinea - pig isolated ileum treated with morphine
205 - The Interaction of Opioid Peptides and Alkaloid Opiates with µ - "d" - and k - Binding Sites
206 - Inhibition of their Breakdown and Release of Endogenous Opioid Peptides from the Myenteric Plexus - Longitudinal Muscle of the Guinea - Pig Ileum
207 - Opioid peptides and their receptors
208 - Inhibition of the Breakdown of Exogenous and Endogenous Enkephalins
209 - The Interaction of Endogenous Opioid Peptides with the µ - , "d" - and k - Binding Sites in the Guinea - Pig
210 - Interaction of "p" - Nitrophenylalanine Enkephalins with µ - , "d" - and k - Subtypes of the Opiate Receptor
211 - Opioid peptides and their receptors
212 - The Binding Spectrum of Narcotic Analgesic Drugs with Different Agonist and Antagonist Properties
213 - Dynorphin "1 - 8" and dynorphin "1 - 9" are ligands for the k - subtype of opiate receptor
214 - The Interaction of [Met"5"] Enkephalin and [Leu"5"] Enkephalin Sequences, Extended at the C - Terminus, with the µ - , "d" - and k - Binding Sites in the Guinea - Pig Brain
215 - Comparison of In Vitro Potencies in Pharmacological and Binding Assays after Inhibition of Peptidases Reveals that Dynorphin ( 1 - 9 ) is a Potent k - Agonist
216 - Spectrum of the µ - , "d" - and k - Binding Sites in Homogenates of Rat Brain
217 - Pain and Opiate - Like Peptides
218 - I peptidi oppiacei: biosintesi, liberazione e recettori
219 - Opioid Peptides. Introduction
220 - Classification of Opioid Receptors
221 - Opioid Peptides and Pain - An Update
222 - Increase in Potencies of Opioid Peptides after Peptidase Inhibition
223 - Comparison of the Activities of Peptides Related to the Enkephalins in Pharmacological and Binding Assays
224 - Subtypes of the opiate receptor
225 - Opiate Receptors
226 - The Interaction of Some "N" - Substituted Homologues of Normetazocine with the µ - , "d" - and k - Binding Sites
227 - A Highly Selective Ligand for the k - Binding Site ( U - 50 , 488 H )
228 - Tyr - D - Pen - Gly - Phe - L - Pen and Tyr - D - Pen - Gly - Phe - D - Pen are Selective Ligands for the "d" - Binding Site
229 - Interactions of Some 4 - Anilinopiperidines and 4 - Phenylpiperidines with the µ - , "d" - and k - binding sites
230 - [³H] - Dynorphin A ( 1 - 9 ) : Binding Characteristics and Degradation Profile in Brain Homogenates
231 - Lysine Substitution Increases Mu - Selectivity of Potent Di - and Tri - Peptide Enkephalin Analogs
232 - Characterization of Opioid Peptides in Guinea - Pig Heart and Skin
233 - Metorphamide: Isolation, structure, and biologic activity of an amidated opioid octapeptide from bovine brain
234 - Comparison of the Pharmacological and Binding Profiles of Opioid Peptides Derived from Prodynorphin and Proenkephalin
235 - Opioid Peptides and Intraneuronal Coexistence of Transmitters
236 - Opioid Binding Sites of the k - Type in Guinea - Pig Cerebellum
237 - Methodological problems in the definition of k receptors
238 - Selectivities of opioid peptide analogues as agonists and antagonists at the "d" - receptor
239 - Opioid Receptors
240 - ß - Funaltrexamine Pretreatment of Guinea - Pig Myenteric Plexus Alters µ - Agonist Sensitivity without Affecting Opioid Binding Sites
241 - Hamster vas deferens contains "d" - opioid receptors
242 - Neurohumoral peptides with particular reference to opioid peptides
243 - Hamster Vas Deferens Contains "d" - Opioid Receptors
244 - Acute and Persistent Effects of "d" - Funaltrexamine on the Binding and Agonist Potencies of Opioids in the Myenteric Plexus of the Guinea - Pig Ileum
245 - Effects of D - Amino Acid Substitution in Dynorphin A ( 1 - 9 ) on Binding at the µ - "d" - and k - Sites
246 - Radioligands for Probing Opioid Receptors
247 - Types of opioid receptors: relation to antinociception
248 - Proenkephalin - and Prodynorphin - Derived Opioid Peptides in Guinea - Pig Heart
249 - The use of ["3"H] - [D - Pen "2", D - Pen "5"] enkephalin as a highly selective ligand for the "d" - binding site
250 - ["3"H] - Dynorphin A ( 1 - 8 ): Degradation Profile and Binding Characteristics in Brain Homogenates
251 - Tritiated Etorphine and Naloxone Binding to Opioid Receptors in Caudate Nucleus in Schizophrenia
252 - Species Differences in the Concentrations and Distributions of Opioid Binding Sites
253 - Pre - incubation of guinea - pig myenteric plexus with ß - funaltrexamine: discrepancy between binding assays and bioassays
254 - The Wellcome Foundation Lecture, 1982. Opioid peptides and their receptors
255 - 10 - Ketonaltrexone and 10 - Ketooxymorphone
256 - Recent Developments in the Bioassay of Opioids
257 - K - Binding and Degradation of ['3'H] Dynorphin A ( 1 - 8 ) and ['3'H] Dynorphin A ( 1 - 9 ) in Suspensions of Guinea - Pig Brain Membranes
258 - Opiates and opioids. Has morphine a physiological function in the animal kingdom?
259 - Binding and Pharmacological Profile of a Highly Selective Ligand for the K - Opioid Receptor - U - '69', '593'
260 - The Opioid Receptors in the Hamster Vas Deferens are of the 'd' - Type
261 - Differential postnatal development of µ - , 'd' - and x - opioid binding sites in mouse brain
262 - Bremazocine is an agonist at k - opioid receptors and an antagonist at µ - opioid receptors in the guinea - pig myenteric plexus
263 - Control by cations of opioid binding in guinea pig brain membranes
264 - Recent Developments in Bioassay Using Selective Ligands and Selective "In Vitro" Preparations
265 - Site - dependent effects of ions on µ - , "d" - and k - opioid binding in suspensions of guinea - pig brain membranes
266 - Differential postnatal development of µ - , 'd' - and x - opioid binding sites in rat brain
267 - Effects of cations on bindng, in membrane suspensions, of various opioids at µ - sites of rabbit cerebellum and k - sites of guinea - pig cerebellum
268 - Diprenorphine has agonist activity at opioid k - receptors in the myenteric plexus of the guinea - pig ileum
269 - Enkephalins
270 - Opioid physiology. Biosynthesis of morphine in the animal kingdom
271 - Membrane - Assisted Receptor Subtype Selection: Synthesis, Membrane Structure, and Opioid Receptor Affinity of [Phe '8,12'] - and [Phe'8, 12', Lys '10'] Dynorphin - [1 - 13] - Tridecapeptide
272 - Recent Advances in the Interaction of Opioid Ligands and their Receptors
273 - Modulation of Binding at Opioid Receptors by Mono - and Divalent Cations and by Cholinergic Compounds
274 - Tissue Content of Opioid Peptides in the Myenteric Plexus - Longitudinal Muscle of Guinea - Pig Small Intestine
275 - Cation Dependence of Opioid Receptor Binding Supports Theory on Membrane - Mediated Receptor Selectivity
276 - Endogenous Opioids and their Receptors
277 - The "Social - Chemistry" of Pharmacological Discovery. The Enkephalin Story. An Interview with Professor Hans W. Kosterlitz
278 - Opioid peptides and their receptors
279 - Regional variation in binding capacities at µ - , 'd' - and k - opioid sites in membrane suspensions from rabbit brain
280 - High - performance liquid chromatography of the neuropeptides: the endogenous opioid peptides
281 - Opioid Receptors and Mechanisms of Opioid Analgesia
282 - The best laid schemes o'mice an' men gang aft agley
283 - Opioid Receptors and Ligands
284 - D - Phe - Cys - Tyr - D - Trp - Orn -Thr - Pen - Thr - NH2 is a higly selective µ - ligand with low "in vitro" antagonist activity
285 - Effect of Tris, HEPES, and TES Buffers on Binding at µ - , 'd' - , and k - Opioid Sites in Guinea Pig Brain
286 - Electrically - Induced Release of Opioid Peptides from the Guinea - Pig Myenteric Plexus Preparation
287 - Opioid Receptor Subtypes: Past, Present and Future
288 - Opioid activity of dermenkephalin analogues in the guinea - pig myenteric plexus and the hamster vas deferens
289 - Bound reprints of Kosterlitz's early papers
3 - Lectures
4 - Correspondence
5 - Awards and appreciations
6 - Photographs
7 - Personal papers
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