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MS 3655 - Papers of John Hastie Speirs MA (Aberdeen, 1928), BA (Cantab.), scholar of Scottish and English literature
1 - Correspondence: personal and professional
2 - Manuscript and typewritten drafts
3 - Printed matter; books, periodicals, articles (annotated/signed)
1 - Printed works by John Speirs (annotated)
2 - Printed works: F.R. Leavis
3 - Printed works: George Bruce
4 - Various printed works (with annotations/signed)
1 - H. Firth, The School of English Language and Literature
2 - Sir Sidney Lee, The Place of English Literature in the Modern University (London: Smith, Elder, 1913)
4 - H. W. Garrod, The Poetry of Collins (London: Humphrey Milford, 1928)
5 - T. S. Eliot, 'Salutation'
6 - [Poems], including The Windhover, Spelt from Sybil's Leaves
11 - L. C. Knights. How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth
12 - Towards Standards of Criticism. Selections from the Calendar of Modern Letters, 1925-7, chosen and with an introduction by F. R. Leavis (London: Wishart, 1933).
15 - Determinations: critical essays, with an introduction by F. R. Leavis
16 - Ezra Pound, Homage to Sextus Propertius
17 - Verses From New King's, by some former students of Aberdeen University; with a Prefatory Note by A. A. Jack.
19 - Hamish Henderson, Elegies for the Dead in Cyrenaica
20 - Sydney Goodsir Smith, Under the Eildon Tree, a Poem in XXIV Elegies
23 - File relating to Scrutiny magazine
1 - Letter: Scrutiny magazine
2 - Letter: Scrutiny magazine
3 - Article: Spectator magazine
24 - D. W. Jefferson, Aspects of Dryden's Imagery (Essays in Criticism 4)
25 - D. W. Jefferson, Laurence Sterne (London: Longmans)
26 - D. J. Enright, The Year of the Monkey
27 - Poetry Book Society, Bulletin
28 - L. C. Knights, Shakespeare's Politics: with some Reflections on the Nature of Tradition
29 - 'Ear' (Exeter University)
31 - University of Exeter Gazette 17
32 - Printed extracts from library works
4 - Photographs and prints
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