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Collapse MS 2843 - Sir Thomas Taylor: Principal of Aberdeen University: papersMS 2843 - Sir Thomas Taylor: Principal of Aberdeen University: papers
1 - Manuscript summary of collection by Helen M. Taylor
Expand 2 - Collection of copies of published work by or concerning Thomas Murray Taylor2 - Collection of copies of published work by or concerning Thomas Murray Taylor
Expand 3 - Collection of addresses delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor at graduation ceremonies in the University of Aberdeen3 - Collection of addresses delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor at graduation ceremonies in the University of Aberdeen
Expand 4 - Sermons, speeches, lectures and reviews4 - Sermons, speeches, lectures and reviews
Expand 5 - Papers relating to legal cases in which Taylor was an appointed officer5 - Papers relating to legal cases in which Taylor was an appointed officer
Expand 6 - Lectures delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor when Professor of Law6 - Lectures delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor when Professor of Law
Expand 7 - Legal opinions given by Thomas Murray Taylor 7 - Legal opinions given by Thomas Murray Taylor
Expand 8 - Speeches, reports and correspondence by Thomas Murray Taylor when acting as promotor in law8 - Speeches, reports and correspondence by Thomas Murray Taylor when acting as promotor in law
Expand 9 - Papers relating to Commission of Enquiry into Crofting Conditions9 - Papers relating to Commission of Enquiry into Crofting Conditions
Expand 10 - Papers relating to other public work undertaken by Thomas Murray Taylor and correspondence on matters of public concern10 - Papers relating to other public work undertaken by Thomas Murray Taylor and correspondence on matters of public concern
Expand 11 - Notes for speeches delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor to bodies or organisations unconnected with the University or the Church 11 - Notes for speeches delivered by Thomas Murray Taylor to bodies or organisations unconnected with the University or the Church
Expand 12 - Correspondence and related papers concerning Thomas Murray Taylor's address marking the Fourth Centenary of the Reformation12 - Correspondence and related papers concerning Thomas Murray Taylor's address marking the Fourth Centenary of the Reformation
Expand 13 - Collection of notes for speeches and scripts of broadcasts concerning Kirk Week (August 1957)13 - Collection of notes for speeches and scripts of broadcasts concerning Kirk Week (August 1957)
Collapse 14 - Collections of papers, speeches and correspondence concerning work done by Thomas Murray Taylor for the World Council of Churches14 - Collections of papers, speeches and correspondence concerning work done by Thomas Murray Taylor for the World Council of Churches
1 - World Council of Churches
2 - World Council of Churches
3 - World Council of Churches
Expand 4 - Pamphlet 'The Ministry of the Laity in the World'4 - Pamphlet 'The Ministry of the Laity in the World'
5 - Pamphlet, 'Christians and Atomic War'
Expand 6 - Letters by Thomas Murray Taylor to Scottish Church Leaders 6 - Letters by Thomas Murray Taylor to Scottish Church Leaders
Collapse 7 - Collection of correspondence between Thomas Murray Taylor and members of the Church of Scotland Foreign Mission Committee7 - Collection of correspondence between Thomas Murray Taylor and members of the Church of Scotland Foreign Mission Committee
8 - Report by Thomas Murray Taylor of the meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches held at Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, India.
9 - MS. notes made by Thomas Murray Taylor for Foreign Mission Report to General Assembly, and address to Women's Foreign Mission meeting
Expand 15 - Collection of notes, etc. by Thomas Murray Taylor on 'authority in religious matters'15 - Collection of notes, etc. by Thomas Murray Taylor on 'authority in religious matters'
Expand 16 - Collection of correspondence between Thomas Murray Taylor and church leaders concerning inter-church relations16 - Collection of correspondence between Thomas Murray Taylor and church leaders concerning inter-church relations
17 - Collection of notes in Thomas Murray Taylor's own handwriting, for addresses to national and local church committees
18 - Copy of pocket or miniature edition of 'The New Testament, a new translation' by James Moffatt
19 - Lecture notes on jurisprudence taken by Thomas Murray Taylor when law student at Aberdeen University
Expand 20 - Collection of addresses or notes for addresses, discussions, debates, etc. made by Thomas Murray Taylor as a student20 - Collection of addresses or notes for addresses, discussions, debates, etc. made by Thomas Murray Taylor as a student
Expand 21 - Collection of honours, diplomas, warrants of appointment and other papers, with correspondence relating thereto21 - Collection of honours, diplomas, warrants of appointment and other papers, with correspondence relating thereto
22 - Application to Aberdeen University Court for the Chair of Law at the University of Aberdeen
23 - Correspondence respecting quotation on plaque placed in King's College Chapel
Expand 24 - Collection of correspondence and other papers relating to official visits to Universities in Canada and Geneva24 - Collection of correspondence and other papers relating to official visits to Universities in Canada and Geneva
Expand 25 - Collection of personal letters by and to Thomas Murray Taylor25 - Collection of personal letters by and to Thomas Murray Taylor
26 - Collection of newspaper cuttings on Thomas Murray Taylor and family
Expand 27 - Collections of notes made by Thomas Murray Taylor 27 - Collections of notes made by Thomas Murray Taylor
Expand 28 - Collection of official tributes to Thomas Murray Taylor28 - Collection of official tributes to Thomas Murray Taylor
Expand 29 - Collection of obituary notices and reports on death of Thomas Murray Taylor29 - Collection of obituary notices and reports on death of Thomas Murray Taylor
30 - Letters of condolence
Expand 31 - Collection of correspondence31 - Collection of correspondence
Expand 32 - Collection of student lecture notes32 - Collection of student lecture notes
Expand 33 - Collection of diplomas awarded or presented  to Thomas M Taylor33 - Collection of diplomas awarded or presented to Thomas M Taylor
34 - Correspondence: letters of congratulation to Thomas Murray Taylor on appointment as Principal