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Collapse MS 2814 - Papers relating to Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy, his ancestors, family and descendants, and to the families of Forbes, Fraser, Gregory, Leslie and others MS 2814 - Papers relating to Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy, his ancestors, family and descendants, and to the families of Forbes, Fraser, Gregory, Leslie and others
Expand 1 - Letters and papers relating to the life and work of Thomas Reid, his ancestors and relations by marriage1 - Letters and papers relating to the life and work of Thomas Reid, his ancestors and relations by marriage
Expand 2 - Letters and papers relating to the family of Leslie2 - Letters and papers relating to the family of Leslie
Collapse 3 - Letters, papers and accounts relating to: Alexander Leslie, senior, brother of above James Leslie; his son Alexander Leslie junior and others 3 - Letters, papers and accounts relating to: Alexander Leslie, senior, brother of above James Leslie; his son Alexander Leslie junior and others
Expand 1 - Letters and papers of Alexander Leslie, senior, and correspondence, etc. 1 - Letters and papers of Alexander Leslie, senior, and correspondence, etc.
Expand 2 - Letters and papers of Alexander Leslie, younger2 - Letters and papers of Alexander Leslie, younger
Collapse 3 - Papers, accounts and receipts relating to building work for Alexander Leslie at Birkwood, Banchory, formerly known as Maryfield Cottage3 - Papers, accounts and receipts relating to building work for Alexander Leslie at Birkwood, Banchory, formerly known as Maryfield Cottage
1 - List of estimates submitted for building"Maryfield Cottage"
2 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie, for advances to be made to tradesmen for work done on his house at Birkwood
3 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
4 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
5 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
6 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
7 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
8 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
9 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
10 - Orders by James Matthews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
11 - Orders by James Mathews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
12 - Orders by James Mathews, architect, Aberdeen, on Alexander Leslie
13 - Account, James Matthews, architect to Alexander Leslie
14 - Letter, James Matthews, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie, Birkwood
15 - Receipts, Adam Mitchell, mason, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
16 - Receipts, Adam Mitchell, mason, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
17 - Receipts, Adam Mitchell, mason, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
18 - Receipts, Adam Mitchell, mason, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
19 - Letter, Adam Mitchell, Aberdeen to James Matthews
20 - Receipts, Adam Mitchell, 10 Kingsland Place, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
21 - Receipt, Adam Mitchell, 10 Kingsland Place, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
22 - Letter, William Anderson, 5 Rennies Wynd, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
23 - Account, heirs of late William Anderson to Alexander Leslie, as attested by James Matthews
24 - Receipt, John B. Innes, 17 Rose St., Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
25 - Receipt, Messrs Bowman and Henderson, plasterers, 8 Shuttle Street, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
26 - Receipt, Messrs Bowmand and Henderson, plasterers, 8 Shuttle St., Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
27 - Receipt, Messrs Bowmand and Henderson, plasterers, 8 Shuttle St., Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
28 - Receipts, Joseph Strachan, Aberdeen to James Matthews, architect and Alexander Leslie
29 - Receipt, Joseph Strachan, Aberdeen, to James Matthews, architect, and Alexander Leslie
30 - Receipt, John Dower to Alexander Leslie
31 - Receipt, John Lyell, Aberden to Alexander Leslie
32 - Receipt, Messrs Farquhar and Gill, painters, glaziers, paper hangers and plumbers, 24 Upperkirkgate and 2 Drum's Lane, Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
33 - Receipt, Messrs Farquhar and Gill, painters, glaziers etc. 24 Upperkirkgare and 2 Drum's lane Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
34 - Receipt, Messrs Farquhar and Gill, painters, glaziers etc, 24 Upperkirkgate and 2 Drum's lane Aberden to Alexander Leslie
35 - Receipted accounts, William Pittendrigh, house carpenter, 56 loch St., Aberdeen to Alexander Leslie
36 - Receipted accounts, William Pittendrigh, house carpenter, 56 Loch St. Aberdeen
37 - Receipted account, Aberdeen Brick and Tile Co. Brick and Tile Co, Clayhills and 13 Market St Aberdeen to James Matthews, architect
38 - Receipt, James Petrie and Co., granite and marble works, Union Bridge Aberdeen to James Matthews, architect.
39 - Receipt, James Petrie & Co., granite and marble works, Union Bridge, Aberdeen to James Matthews, architect.
Expand 4 - Letters and papers relating to the ancestors of Jane Seton and others4 - Letters and papers relating to the ancestors of Jane Seton and others
Expand 5 - Collection of manuscript volumes containing lecture or school notes by members of the Leslie family and Leslie factorial and other account books.5 - Collection of manuscript volumes containing lecture or school notes by members of the Leslie family and Leslie factorial and other account books.
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous manuscripts, letters and papers, mainly concerning local history or of genealogical or archeological interest6 - Miscellaneous manuscripts, letters and papers, mainly concerning local history or of genealogical or archeological interest
Expand 7 - Collection of transcriptions or copies of manuscripts dating from 1472 to 1696; mainly relating to families of Leslie and Melville7 - Collection of transcriptions or copies of manuscripts dating from 1472 to 1696; mainly relating to families of Leslie and Melville
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous manuscript volumes and one 17th century Bible with extensive manuscript notes inserted8 - Miscellaneous manuscript volumes and one 17th century Bible with extensive manuscript notes inserted
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous items9 - Miscellaneous items