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MS 2778 - Papers of Duff of Meldrum
1 - Muniments of title
2 - Muniments of title relating to teinds
3 - Contracts of marriage, wills and testaments and entrance of heirs
4 - Bonds and assignations
5 - Other documents relating to legal and financial transactions
6 - Documents arising from, or relating to legal processes and records of diligence
1 - Documents arising from, or relating to legal processes
1 - Documents arising from, or relating to legal processes
2 - Decreet of apprising, William Gordoun of Cottoun against Andrew Meldrum of Drumbreck
3 - "The contents off Lethinties minute anent the bargain of the barronnie of Meldrum"
4 - "Copie of Balbithanes act contra the laird of Meldrum".
5 - Decreet of Court of Session, copy Jerome Innes against Marquis of Hamilton etc.
6 - "Inventure of the writts of the Moores of Fyvie"
7 - "Inventary of the writs and evidents of the Barrony of Meldrum deliver'd by Meldrum to Lethinty"
8 - Decreet of commisioners for surrenders and teindes, James Milne, minister of Inverurie, against Sir George Johnstone of Caskieben
9 - Decret of Court of session, extract James Moir, minister at Tarves, against George Gordone of Geicht and others
10 - "Inventar of the wreats anent Meldrum"
11 - Act of Privy Council Lord Treasurer and Patrick Urquhart against James Raith
12 - "The inventar of the goods, gere and others... plundered and taken away be umquhill Sir William Forbes of Craigievar..."
13 - Original Bundle labelled: " This bundle contains a parcell of old papers.... relative to Peter Pallat and Watson of Muirhouse their interests on Cattie and Forresterhill"
14 - Declaration before Court of Session Sir William Gray against Patrick Urquhart
15 - Protestation Donaldson Skiltoune against John Donaldsone
16 - Decreit, copy, of commissioners for administering justice. Patrick Oliphant against Andrew Miln
17 - Decreet of commissioners for administering justice. Patrick Oliphant against Andrew Miln etc.
18 - "Information for the laird of Lethintie against Mr Patrick Oliphant"
19 - "Informatione for the laird of Lethintie against Mr Patrick Oliphant".
20 - Inventary of writs of Muirs of Fyvie
21 - "Inventure of the writs of the Muirs of Fyvie"
22 - Decreet of sheriff court, Aberdeen. William Guild against Sir John Forbes of Craigellie
23 - "Inventar of the writtes now at [Edinburgh]".
24 - "Nott furth of the Marquis of Huntlies retour bearing the extent of the lands and barronie of Tarvis and others."
25 - Decreet of apprysing: William Broune against John Gordon of Buckie
26 - Decreet of sheriff court of Aberdeen Patrick Urquhart of Lethintie against William Lumsden
27 - "Inventare of the writes produced be the laird of Lethintie in the improbatione pursued at the instance of Patrick Oliphant."
28 - Supplication to parliament of Patrick Urquhart of Lethentie "anent the plunderings of his house".
29 - "Memorandum of the Laird of Meldrum".
30 - "Inventoure of the wreets of the Moores of Fyvie".
31 - "Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum"
32 - "Information for Thomas Forbes of Auchquhorties against Gordoune of Kincraigie".
33 - "Information for the Laird of Meldrum anent the Earl of Haddingtoune"
34 - "Inventar of papers produced be Adam Urquhart"
35 - "Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum yr. against the aires of Mr William Lumsdaill"
36 - "Informatione for the Laird of Meldrum against Alexander and James Lumsden"
37 - "Petition for James Lumsdone against Meldrum"
38 - Act and commission of Lords Commissioners for the plantation of kirks concerning union of Bethelnie and Burtie.
39 - Instrument of adjudication, copy, incomplete Alexander Forbes and Adam Urquhart Land of Fenzies
40 - Decreit of Court of Session Marie Gordoun and Adam Urquhart against James Gray, cordiner, Canongate
41 - Order to Adam Watsone and others in Creichie and Cromblet to pay silver duty
42 - "Minutes of process: Forbes of Wattertoune contra Cheyne"
43 - Submission to arbitration. Earl of Airlie and Countess of Airlie, his mother
44 - "Information for the Laird of Meldrum against Mistris Hamiltone"
45 - "Inventar of the writts and evidences....... given to Adam Urquhart of Meldrum"
46 - "Answeres to the queries proposed be the Laird of Meldrum."
47 - "Memorandum of Meldrum's Debite"
48 - "Answeares to the queries proposed be the Laird of Meldrum"
49 - "Report made by my Lord Abotshall auditor."
50 - Memorandum and informations "for the laird of Meldrum against the Laird of Tolquhone".
51 - "Inventar of the writs and evidents... delivered up be William Broune to Adam Urquhart...".
52 - Decreet of Court of Session. Adam Urquhart of Meldrum and Sir John Nisbet of Dirltoune against Sir Alexander Forbes of Toqhon
53 - Decreet of Sheriff Court, Aberdeen, extract, Adam Urquhart against William and Alexander Cantleys in Auchmaycoy and Alexander Buchan
54 - "Articelles agreed upon betwixte the Laird of Colquhone and Meldrume at Banffe"
55 - "Articles agried upon betwixt the Lairds of Tolquhone and Meldrum..."
56 - "Declaration of William Patersone...after the deceise of Thomas Forbes"
57 - "Memorandum for John Seatoune and Mr. Pallot his constituent"
58 - Decreet of Court of Session Sir George Gordon of Haddo against Alexander Strachane of Kinnodie
59 - "Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum"
60 - Petition of Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon etc. to Privy Council
61 - Decreet of [sheriff court of Aberdeen]
62 - "Petition, Lord Tolquhone and uthers"
63 - "Information for --- Meldrum and his tenents against Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon"
64 - "Information for the Laird of Meldrum and his tenents against ... Tolquhon"
65 - "Information anent Achorthes to be adveysed"
66 - Declaration by Sir Richard Maitland of Pitrichie
67 - Supplication to Court of Session of Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon
68 - "Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum"
69 - "Inventar and copie, of the wrytes and evidents of the Lands of Craigstoune"
70 - "Inventar of the writs and annual rents of the lands of Craigstoune"
71 - "Inventar of the writs of Cragstoune delyvered to Forglen be Meldrum"
72 - "Protestatione be Janet Forbes and hir spous..."
73 - "Inventar, copie, of Mr Pallote and his factor their securitye of the debt dew by Alexander Burnet ..."
74 - Submission and decreet arbitral, extract George Ferguson and John Cheyn
75 - "Answers of Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon to the bill given in against him be ...Meldrum"
76 - "Memorandum for Alexander Sibbald of Auchereidie..."
77 - Memorandum to Mr Pallots procurators
78 - Memorandum to Mr Pallots advocats
79 - Petition to court of Session of Adam Urquhart concerning Balquhayne
80 - "Bill, copie, answers and delyverance: Tolquhone against Meldrum"
81 - "Inventar of the --- dents of the toune and lands of Auch[orthies]."
82 - Double interloquitor Lord Pittrichie against Lord of Geight
83 - "Information of what Mr Robert my brother stands ingaged for ... , John Chein's account under his own hand"
84 - "Answers: Tolquhhan against Meldrum"
85 - "Memorandum anent Peter Pallat his right off that tenement off land off Alexander Burnet"
86 - Memorandum and informations "for the land of Meldrum against Alexander Straquhan and the Laird of Tolquhone'.
87 - "Information, John Chein, to be considered"
88 - Petition of Alexander MacKenzie to commissioners of the Treasury
89 - Submission to arbitration Robert Burnet of Lethintie and Patrick Farquhar of Mounie
90 - "Memorandum ... anent Alexander McKenzie"
91 - "Note of incumbrances"
92 - "Information for the Laird of Meldrum"
93 - "Note of papers belonging to Marie Gordone..."
94 - "Inventar of the wreitts concerning the lands of Tolcuhone..."
95 - "Note of adjudication: Earl of Panmure against ...Meldrum"
96 - "Account of the bonds given to William Urquhart of Banffe..."
97 - Minute "Laird of Meldrum" and John Pratt
98 - "Double answer to Thomas Wilsons memorandum anent Pyronen in Burdeaux"
99 - Decreet of Court of Session Adam Urquhart against Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon
100 - Decreet of Court of Session Crown against Adam Urquhart
101 - Informations "for the Laird of Meldrum and George Graham against the Laird of Tolquhone"
102 - "Answers for the Earle of Heddingtoun..."
103 - "Petition for James Somerveill on of the gentlemen of the Earl of Airlies troop"
104 - "Act adding justices of the peace in the shyres of Berwick, Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles"
105 - "Information for Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhan against George Graham"
106 - "Information to Mr. Robert Cheyne to the Laird of Meldrum"
107 - "Replyes for the Laird of Meldrum to the answers given in be the Laird of Tolquhan to Meldrums claim"
108 - Original bundle, labelled: "This bundle contains account of Mr. Buchan's claim against Meldrum"
109 - "Duplyes for Tolquhoune to the replyes given in by Meldrum"
110 - "Intimatione to the laird of Meldrum anent Forbes of Bodonsald and Mr Robert Chein"
111 - "Inventar of writtes of the lands of Ardmurdo...deliverd be Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon to Adam Urquhart of Meldrum".
112 - "Inventar of some old wreits concerning the toune and lands of Ardmurdo".
113 - "Memorandum anent the rights of the lands of Fenzies"
114 - "Inventar of the movables that my Lady Mary Gordone hath bought and received."
115 - "Memorandum for my Lady Marie Gordone anent the condition of the deceist laird of Meldrum his estate."
116 - "Inventar, copie, of writts belonging to Peter Pallatt delivered on receit be Thomas Willsoune.."
117 - "Informatione for Sir George Gordon of Geight against the Laird of Park."
118 - Decreet, decreet adjudicate and associated papers- Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy against George Buchan
119 - Decreet of Court of Session, Sir Alexander Forbes of Colquhoun against George Grahame, merchant.
120 - Act of commissioners for restitution of fines and forfaulters in favour of Lady Cavers and her son for citing John Urquhart
121 - "Memorandum for Robert Watsone anent the caption against the tenants of Meldrum's land."
122 - Act of Privy Council concerning John Urquhart's participation "in rebellion" August 1690
123 - "Informatioune of John Milne elder in Old Meldrum and George Milne his son against Alexander Burnet."
124 - "The true rentall of the Countes of Perth her joynter lands in the parioch of Meldrum."
125 - "Articles of depositation betwixt... Meldrum and Mr John Buchan and Alexander Burnet."
126 - "Memorandum for Robert Watsone anent Meldrum's sasine".
127 - "Information for John Urquhart...against Alexander Burnet sometimes his chamberlane."
128 - "Information anent Meldrum's affairs with Alexander Burnet."
129 - "Answer for the laird of Meldrum and others to the libell pursued against them by Alexander Burnet."
130 - Decreet of Court of Session, Robert Watsone against Margaret Pallat
131 - "Ane inventar of papers belongin to the laird of Meldrum given to the laird of Blair Drummond."
132 - "Inventar of writts".
133 - "Note of the decreet, Menzies of Hangingshaw and Carlyle of Boytack against Mr John Buchan and Meldrum."
134 - Submission to arbitration, John Urquhart, John Buchan and Alexander Burnet
135 - "Information for the laird of Meldrum."
136 - "Memorandum for the laird of Meldrum."
137 - "Inventar of Meldrum's writs."
138 - "Memorandum anent the rights of the lands of Fenzies."
139 - Decreet adjudicate of Court of Session, Patrick Stewart of Tannadice against John Urquhart
140 - Abbreviate adjudication of Court of Session, Patrick Stewart of Crannachie against John Urquhart
141 - "Inventar of foure wrights of the Lands of Fenziez and others caryed south be the laird of Meldrum."
142 - 'Inventar of some peapers sent south be the Lady Meldrum...'
143 - Decreet of Court of Session: Lewis Gordon against John Urquhart
144 - 'Nott of the proces, Patrick Home of Westertoun against John Urquhart'
145 - 'Inventar off the writts of the Muires of Fyvie'
146 - 'Inventar off the writts of the Muires of Fyvie'
147 - 'Inventar off the wryts off Fingaske'
148 - Act, copy, of Senate of Hamburg, 'in the action betwixt Captain O'Neill and Charles Banqures'
149 - 'Information for the Laird of Meldrum against Alexander Home of Wesrestoune'
150 - 'Answer to the queries proposed be Count Leslie'
151 - Original bundle labelled 'Instructions of the debts due to Mr Robert Gordon and Mr. Alexander Birnie ...'
152 - Note beginning 'Here are papers bewixt the Duke of Hamilton and the laird of Meldrum'
153 - Abbreviate of adjudication of Court of Session, Patrick Ross against John Urquhart
154 - Decreet of adjudication of Court of Session, Patrick Ross against John Urquhart
155 - 'Inventar of peapers caryed south with Lady Meldrum'
156 - 'Memorandum for my wife of what papers have sent south with her'
157 - Decreet adjudicat of Court of Session: George Forbes against John Urquhart
158 - 'Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum'
159 - 'Ane note of the proces ... Earl of Aberdeen against John and Alexander Forbess ...'
160 - 'Reasons of advocation raised be the Laird of Meldrum for advocating the action of mails and duties [the rent of an estate]...'
161 - Original bundle labelled "Instructions of the debt due to Magdalen Findlater ..."
162 - Testament dative and inventar of William Urquhart, minister at Bethelnie
163 - 'Ane note of the peapers for the Laird of Meldrums defence in the action persewed be Straquhan of Glenkindie'
164 - Nomination under Great Seal of Francis Cheyne as tutor dative to James Urquhart
165 - 'Memorandum for Robert Watson anent his caption against the tennants of Meldrum's land'
166 - 'Answers to the doubts proposed by Meldrum in relation to Doctor Strachan's rights'
167 - 'Memoriall anent Meldrum's affairs with Mr John Buchan, advocat ...'
168 - 'Minuts: Urquhart of Meldrum against William Panton'
169 - Act, extract of Commissioners of supply of Aberdeen concerning valuation of Bethelnie
170 - 'Petition for John Urquhart ...'
171 - 'Inventor of the Laird of Meldrum his wrytes in Mr John Campbells custodie umquhyll he died'
172 - 'Memorandum for the Laird of Meldrum anent peapers etc. lyein in the clerks hands'
173 - Answers for the Laird of Meldrum to the petition given in by Mr John Buchan
174 - Petition, copy, 'of Mr John Buchan against the Laird of Meldrum'
175 - 'Condescendence of the daites and registration of the Bonds and other wraites in publica custodia'
176 - Submission to arbitration: John Urquhart and John Buchan
177 - 'Inventure of the wreits of Saffok and Boghead'
178 - 'Inventure of the wreits of Saffok and Boghead'
179 - 'Note of inhibitions registrat in the sheeieff court bookes of Aberdeen...'
180 - 'Memorandum I am owing to the Earl of Haddington...'
181 - 'Ane noat and inventor of the bonds assynet be Alexander Strachan of Kinadie...'
182 - 'Inventar of Peter Pallott and his factors rights of Alexander Burnets tenement in Aberdeen and the warrandice lands'
183 - 'Memorandum off such papers as Meldrum is to get in order to perfect the bargain with Lesly'
184 - 'Inventure of the papers anent Craigstone receaved from William Adamsone'
185 - 'Memorial and queries for William Urquhart...and answers per Graham'
186 - 'Memorandum for Mr Robertson'
187 - Petition for the Laird of Meldrum
188 - 'Inventory of some Writes ---- concerning Lyon of Carse his claims against me'
189 - 'A note of proposalls to the Laird of Meldrum anent the infeftments in the lands of Fingask ...'
190 - Memorial concerning the cause of Sir Alexander Forbes against Adam Urquhart
191 - 'Double inventur of the wreits and evidents of the lands of Finzies and Muires of Fyvie'
192 - 'Inventar of bonds belonging to the deceast Adam Urquhart of Meldrum';
193 - Memoranda; untitled
194 - 'Information anent Feingask'
195 - 'Informatione anent Jackstone'
196 - Memorandum regarding the legal affairs of the laird of Meldrum
197 - 'Note anent quahats due to the toune of Aberdein'
198 - 'Memoir to Mr Thomas Gordon concerning Meldrum and Madam Brown and Morison ...'
199 - 'Memorandum anent the moores of Fyvie'
200 - 'Inventar of severall peapers betwixt Meldrum and Lethintie'
201 - 'Petitions for the laird of Meldrum'
202 - 'Interrogatory for Alexander Colvill of Kincardine --- Hyde, Drummond and their factor against him'
203 - 'Memorandum anent Mr Pallat from John Seatoune'
204 - 'Nott of debts assigned to Tollquhan be Kinaldie against Thomas Forbes ... '
205 - 'Memorandum anent Hiltoun'
206 - Petition to Court of Session for Andrew Logie of Loanhead
207 - 'Memorandum for Sir Alexander Innes of Caxton'
208 - 'Inventory of wrytes belonging to the laird of Meldrum'
209 - 'Note of hornings against the lairds of Meldrum since the year 1684'
210 - Minutes, interlocutors and notes, John Urquhart against James Ferguson
211 - 'Inventar of the wreits and evidents of the lands of Fienzies'
212 - 'Informatione for the Laird of Meldrum against Mr James Ferguson advocate'
213 - Petition to Court of Session of John Urquhart
214 - Decreet of Court of session, extract: John Urquhart against --- Cheyn
215 - 'Informatione for the laird of Meldrum against the laird of Glack'
216 - Decreet of Court of Session: James Taitt against John Urquhart
217 - 'Representatione to my Lord Crossrig for Doctor Lewes Gordone'
218 - 'Representation for Meldrum'
219 - 'Informatione for the laird of Meldrum and his tennants against Dr Patrick Urquhart'
220 - Act of Commissioners of Supply and J. P.s to publicize Act of Parliament for sowing of pease and beans
221 - Decreet, scroll: James Ferguson against John Urquhart
222 - Minute, scroll: James Ferguson against John Urquhart
223 - Minutes: Elphinstone of Glack against the laird of Meldrum
224 - 'Information for the laird of Meldrum against Elphinstone of Glack'
225 - 'Inventar and receipt of papers delivered be Dr Patrick Urquhart to William, Lord Saltoun
226 - 'Inventar .. of papers delyvered be Doctor Patrick Urquhart to William, Lord Saltoun'
227 - Decreet of Sheriff Court of Aberdeen: Rebecca Smith, relict of William Leith against Patrick Yeat
228 - Act of Baron Court of Meldrum concerning feus of Old Meldrum
229 - 'Note of papers belonging to the laird of Meldrum lying in the custody of William Drummond'
230 - 'Part of a memorandum from David Gregory of Kinairty to his son'
231 - Submission and decreet arbitral: John Urquhart and James Drummond
232 - Decreets of cognition and adjudication of Court of session: James Ferguson of Pitfour
233 - Abbreviat and decreet adjudication of Cort of Session: James Leith against John Urquhart
234 - 'Note of the proces on the passive titles; the Earl of Huntly against Meldrum'
235 - 'Double inventar of peappers delivered be ... Patrick Urquhart to William, Lord Saltoun'
236 - 'Double of the act to continue the acts for recruiting her Majestie's land forces ...'
237 - 'A narrative: Meldrum against Buchan and Burnett'
238 - 'A narrative of the state of the affair betwixt Meldrum against Buchan and Burnett'
239 - 'Inventar of papers delyvered be the Marquess of Huntly to Patrick Duff of Craigstoun'
240 - Minutes: Alexander Allan against John Urquhart
241 - Memoir: John Urquhart and Master of Mortifications of Aberdeen
242 - Act of J. P.s, extract, regarding shoemakers' charges
243 - Responde, copy, for Charles, earl of Dunfermlings retour
244 - Process, extract: John Urquhart against the tenants of Meldrum
245 - 'Memorandum for ... Meldrum'
246 - Decreet of commissar of Court of Session: John Urquhart against John Tent
247 - 'Inventar of writes produced for the fewars of Old Meldrum ...'
248 - 'Act of councell of Aberdeen in favour of the Master of Mortifications appoynting him ...'
249 - 'Inventary of writts belonging to John Urquhart'
250 - Minutes, double: 'John Urquhart and 'the lairds of Barra'
251 - 'State of the debts claimed from Mr Campbell of Calder ...'
252 - '... Inventar, copy, of heritable estate of Mr John Buchan, given up by Mr George Buchan'
253 - 'Answers to the queries of the creditors of Captain George Campbell'
254 - Submission and decreet arbitrall John Urquhart and Sir John Reid of Barra
255 - Bills and protestation Lady Meldrum against Peter Japp
256 - Notification, extract of election of William Alexander as master of litster calling in Aberdeen
257 - "Inventare of the papers...delivered to Mr William Urquhart... by Mr James Thomson..."
258 - Decreet of Court of Session John Urquhart against Thomas Morgan feuar in Old Meldrum
259 - "Inventar of papers sent in to Mr George Keith..."
260 - "A narrative of the state of Meldrum against Buchan and Burnet"
261 - Original bundle labelled "Alexander Scroggie's adjudication of the heretable debt formerly due to William Pantoun..."
262 - 'Memorandum and queries for the laird of Meldrum'
263 - Submission to arbitration with decreet arbitrall: John Ross of Arnadge and Christian and Jean Ross
264 - Summonds of tutory, copy: Estate of Duke of Gordon
265 - 'Answers to Meldrum's memorialls and queries'
266 - 'Extract summonds and general charge, Urquhart and William Burnet'
267 - 'Memoriall and queries for William Urquhart of Meldrum'
268 - 'Memoriall, queries and answeres for William Urquhart'
269 - 'Answers to the queries for William Urquhart of Meldrum'
270 - 'Answers to Meldrum's queries'
271 - 'Memorial and queries for William Urquhart...'
272 - 'Declaration by John Gibsone'
273 - 'Minutes: William Urquhart of Meldrum against Alexander Burnet etc.'
274 - 'Answers to Meldrum's queries'
275 - Memorialls and queries for William Urquhart of Meldrum
276 - 'A note of mutuall claims given in to the arbiters in the submission bewixt William Urquhart of Meldrum and...'
277 - 'Memorial and queries for William Urquhart...'
278 - 'Memoir for William Urquhart...'
279 - 'Inventary, copie, of writes given out in the process on the passive titles;'
280 - The petition of William Urquhart of Meldrum
281 - 'Minutes: Meldrum against William Urquhart'
282 - 'Answers for William Urquhart ... to the claim of Mr George Buchan'
283 - 'Inventar of writts given given in for William Urquhart ... in the submission betwixt him and William Burnett and others'
284 - 'Memorial for William Burnet, James and Elspet Raitt'
285 - 'Memorial for William Burnet, James and Elspet Raits'
286 - 'Memorandum for Mr Keith'
287 - Submission to arbitration: William Urquhart and George Buchan
288 - 'Minutes; Urquhart of Meldrum against Mr George Buchan'
289 - Memoriall in obliation to the depending arbitration and transaction bewixt Meldrum and Mr Buchan'
290 - 'Memoir for Meldrum'
291 - Submission and decreet arbitral: William Urquhart and William Burnet
292 - 'Memoriall for Meldrum'
293 - 'Memoir for Meldrum and Mr Buchan'
294 - 'Copy memorial and queries for Drummuir and his curators and answers per Mr James Graham and Mr Robert Craigie'
295 - Minutes, copy: Meldrum etc. against the Toun of Inverurie
296 - 'Inventary of writs produced for Mr George Buchan in the process of reduction and improbation ...'
297 - Inventary of the writs and evidents of the two thirds parts of the lands... of... Fyvie
298 - 'Memoriall for William Urquhart... and others'
299 - 'Memoir of what is to be suggested to the Lord Dunmore'
300 - 'Memoir from Meldrum to the Magistrates of Aberdeen'
301 - Memoriall for the laird of Meldrum'
302 - Memorial, queries and answers for William Urquhart
303 - 'Inventar of the writes given in for the Marquis of Tweedale whereby he claims right to certain lands...'
304 - 'Memorial for the Earle of Aberdeen anent the teinds of ... Fyvie'
305 - 'Declarations anent Rattshill and Over Bogghouse their casting peatts in the Moss of Catie'
306 - 'Memoriall for Urquhart of Meldrum anent the teinds of Fyvie'
307 - 'Scroll memorial for Meldrum against the Earl of Aberdeen'
308 - 'Answers to the memorial and queries of William Urquhart...'
309 - 'Inventary of the writes received from William Urquhart ... by William Burnet'
310 - Inventary of the writes received from William Urquhart ... by John French...'
311 - Memorial for the Marquis of Tweeddale and the Earl of Aberdeen
312 - Inventory, copy, 'of writes anent the teinds of Fyvie sent to Edinburgh to Mr Leonard Urquhart'
313 - Submission of arbitration, scroll: Marquis of Tweddale and Earl of Aberdeen; and William Urquhart of Meldrum
314 - 'Memorial, copy, for William Urquhart ... concerning the teinds of his lands
315 - Appointment of William Urquhart of Meldrum as burgess of Inverurie
316 - Decreet of baron court of Meldrum concerning rents etc. of tenants
317 - Submission and decreet arbitrall: William Urquhart and John Forbes against Adam Gordon
318 - Act of Commissioners of Supply: Dividing the Barrony of Meldrum
319 - Memoir: Thomas Mosman to John French
320 - Submission and decreet arbitral, extract: Sir James Reid of Barra and William and Keith Urquhart
321 - Act and procedure, extract of Commissioners of Supply of ... Aberdeen
322 - Answers for John Fordice of Gask to the petition of William Urquhart
323 - 'Protests Bertram and Williamson against Urquhart and Cumming ... '
324 - 'Memorial for William Urquhart of Meldrum, esquire, in the process at his instance against Mr John Likely, minister of Meldrum.
325 - 'Memorial for William Urquhart'
326 - 'Condescendence for Mr John Lickly'
327 - 'Memorial for Mr Urquhart'
328 - Submission to arbitration, Lord Aberdeen and Col. Gordon
329 - 'Condescendence for William Urquhart and Keith ... his son against the Earl of Aberdeen'
330 - 'Memorial and queries for Mr Urquhart of Meldrum with answers thereto by the solicitor of Mr Elphingston'
331 - 'Answer to the memorial and queries for Mr Urquhart ...'
332 - Submission to arbitration: Earl of Aberdeen and Keith Urquhart
333 - Summons: Earl of Aberdeen against William and Keith Urquhart
334 - 'Notes anent the dicission and setting of Ballcairn'
335 - 'Notes against the value of the backs of Ballcairn and Over Gower'
336 - 'Memorial for William Urquhart ... in relation to the submission betwixt him and the Earl of Aberdeen ...'
337 - Memorial and claim, copy: Earl of Aberdeen and Col. Gordon of Fyvie
338 - 'Memoir for Captain Urquhart against William Taylor'
339 - 'Duplies for William and Keith Urquhart ... to the replies for the Earl of Aberdeen ...'
340 - Submission and decreet arbitral: Earl of Aberdeen and Col. William Gordon
341 - Decreet arbitral, scroll: Col William Gordon of Fyvie; and William and Keith Urquhart
342 - 'Locality of the stipend of the parish of Fyvie'
343 - 'Memorial and queries for James Urquhart ...'
344 - Inventory of writs
345 - 'Coppy of a claim given into the arbiters by Mr Buchan'
346 - 'Informatione for the laird of Meldrum against James Taitt, merchant taillor in Paris and John Ramsay ...'
347 - 'Inventar of papers belonging to the laird of Meldrum and delivered ... to --- Urquhart ...'
348 - 'Memoriall from the laird of Meldrum to the ... Marquis of Huntly'
349 - 'Inventor of papers against Burnet'
350 - List of writs
351 - 'Inventory of writes belonging to John Urquhart of Meldrum ...'
352 - Original bundle labelled: 'Instructions of Meldrum's claim against Ballogie'
353 - 'Reply to Meldrums answers'
354 - 'Answers for the laird of Meldrum'
355 - 'Note of the bonds contained in Mr Buchans claim against Meldrum'
356 - 'Memorial for Keith Urquhart'
357 - Proceedings of Baron Court of Meldrum upon petition of John Forbes
358 - 'Memorial for Keith Urquhart of Meldrum'
359 - 'List of papers for additional appendix'
360 - 'Inventary of writes belonging to John Urquhart ...'
361 - Decreet arbitral, copy: James Urquhart, George Kilgour and Mr Taitt's Trustees
362 - Warrant of commitment against James Lamb for theft
363 - 'Declaration of James Lamb'
364 - Decreet arbitral: James Urquhart and James Forbes. Arrears of rent
365 - 'Inventory of Beauchamp Colclough Urquhart'
366 - 'Answers for Mr William Black, advocat - to the complaint given in be Andrew Logie of Lonhead ...'
367 - 'Memorandum to Mr Pallotts advocat anent the process now depending at the instance of Robert Fergusone ...'
368 - 'Information, Laird of Meldrum anent the Earle of Hadingtoun'
369 - 'Information --- in the cause persewit be Cheyne agaist Forbess'
370 - 'The breve naratione of that lamentabill accident befallen betwixt Johne Farquharsone of Inverey ...'
371 - 'Memorandum anent Geight'
372 - 'Memorial relative to the business betwixt the Marquess of Huntley and Meldrum'
373 - 'Information for Adam Urquhart of Meldrum against Bailzie Mercer'
374 - 'Memorandum anent Meldrum's estate and affairs'
375 - 'The inventar of the goodis .. away taken be umquil Sir William Forbes ...'
376 - 'Memorandum for Robert Burnet of Lethintie anent the tack of teynds ...'
377 - Petition for Meldrum and Auchortis against the Earl of Aberdeen
378 - Petition for John and Alexander of Forbes of Auchortis against the Earl of Aberdeen
379 - 'Extracts from Lord Bankton and Mr John Erskine's Institution of the Scots Law'
380 - Petition for Mr John Urquhart
2 - Records of diligence
7 - Correspondence relating to legal and financial transactions, including letters missive
8 - Discharges
9 - Tacks and related papers
10 - Estate rentals and accounts
11 - Accounts, mainly household or personal and related papers
12 - Correspondence relating to the Lairds of Meldrum
13 - Collection of warrants, commissions, instructions and burgess tickets
14 - Miscellanea
15 - Addenda
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