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Collapse MS 2778 - Papers of Duff of MeldrumMS 2778 - Papers of Duff of Meldrum
Expand 1 - Muniments of title1 - Muniments of title
Expand 2 - Muniments of title relating to teinds2 - Muniments of title relating to teinds
Expand 3 - Contracts of marriage, wills and testaments and entrance of heirs3 - Contracts of marriage, wills and testaments and entrance of heirs
Expand 4 - Bonds and assignations4 - Bonds and assignations
Collapse 5 - Other documents relating to legal and financial transactions5 - Other documents relating to legal and financial transactions
Collapse 1 - Legal and finacial transactions1 - Legal and finacial transactions
1 - Inventory
2 - Contract William Setoune and George Setoune
3 - Instrument of renunciation, copy, Thomas Gordoune in favour of Janet Leslie
4 - "Compt of the plinishing of the house of Meldrum"
5 - Contract John Setoune, Robert Maitland and Elsbeth Maitland
6 - Agreement scroll. Sir Alexander fraser of Fraserburgh etc.
7 - Assignation, part Arthur Cheyn to John Seatoun
8 - Contract of wadset John Seatoun and Patrick Maitland of Cairnefechill
9 - Grant of escheat of fourfalture of Andrew Meldrum by Crown in favour of James Olde
10 - Contract William Setone and Andrew Meldrum of Ardfork
11 - Translation. Andrew Meldrum in favour of William Setoun
12 - Bond. William Wedderburne to William Settoune
13 - Original bundle labelled: 'Buckies papers'
14 - Contract: William Seatoune and John Irving of Artanfurd
15 - Contract of wadset: William Seytoun and John Irving
16 - Agreement: John Oliphant and William Ord
17 - Minute of Contract: William Seatone and Patrick Urquhart
18 - Contract, 2 copies: William Setoun and Patrick Urquhart of Lethinty
19 - Contract: Sir Alexander Gordon of Cluny, Sir John Leslie of Wardes, William Seatoun of Meldrum, and Patrick Urquhart of Lethintie
20 - Contract of Wadset: William Seaton and William Lumsden
21 - Contract: Marquis of Hamilton and Crown and disposition, copy: William Murray, of H.M. Bedchamber
22 - Contract: Crown and Marquis of Hamilton
23 - Instrument: Alexander Forbes in favour of William Forbes
24 - Bond: Patrick Fraser to Patrick Urquhart
25 - Bond: William Lumsden to William Seatoun
26 - Contract: William Seatoun and William Lumsden
27 - Contract: Patrick Urquhart of Lethintie and Dr William Guild
28 - Obligement: William Guild to Patrick Urquhart
29 - Contract of wadset, damaged: 'Laird of Lethindie and -- Forbes of Fingask'
30 - Contract of wadset: Patrick Urquhart and Sir William Gray
31 - Original bundle, labelled: 'Papers concerning the Muirs of Fyvie, betwixt Patrick Urquhart and Patrick Oliphant'
32 - Contract of wadset: Patrick Urquhart and Robert Farquhar
33 - Bond: John Forbes of Ardmurdo to William Forbes
34 - Instrument: Patrick Urquhart of Lethintie against Sir Robert Farquhar of Mouny
35 - Bond: Patrick Urquhart to Commissioners of Exchequer
36 - Translation: Alexander Patynne of Cluny in favour of James Kerr yr.
37 - Assignation: Patrick Urquhart of Lethintie to Alexander Abernethie
38 - Contract of wadset, copy: Patrick Urquhart and William Guild
39 - Bond: Patrick Urquhart to Cathren Rolland
40 - Minute of contract: Angus MacDonald of Glengarrie and John Urquhart
41 - Backbond: Angus McDonald of Glengarrie to John Urquhart
42 - Contract: Adam Urquhart, yr., James and Patrick his brothers germans; and Robert Burnet, yr.
43 - 'Transumpt of Mowneys aprysings disponed to Meldrum'
44 - Bond and double: Adam and John Urquhart to Robert Burnet and Ann forbes his spouse.
45 - Instrument of reversion: Sir Robert Farquhar and Gilbert Gray in favour of Adam Urquhart
46 - Obligation and double: Adam Urquhart and Alexander Fraser to Robert Burnet And Ann Forbes his spouse
47 - Admission of Adam Urquhart as burgess of Peebles
48 - Bond and relief and warrandice: Sir John Forbes of Craigievarr to Thomas Forbes of Auchorties
49 - Precept incomplete, Marquis of Huntlie to David Tyrie in Cullintine
50 - Instrument of renunciation
51 - Assignation. Alexander Lumsdane to Adam Urquhart Duties of lands of Ardconen and milne of Cromlet
52 - Disposition. Willliam Gray to John Seaton
53 - Bond. Marquis of Huntlie to Jean Gordoun, his sister
54 - Contract of wadset. Adam Urquhart and Alexander Sibbald
55 - Contract. Adam Urquhart and Alexander Gellie of Auchorthies
56 - Contract. Adam Urquhart and William Crombie
57 - Consdescendence. Gilbert Ogilvie of Craige and Adam Urquhart
58 - Minute. Alexander Forbes of Tolquhone and Adam Urquhart
59 - Contract of wadset. Adam Urquhart and Alexander Forbes
60 - Disposition, incomplete. John Seaton to Francis Cheine
61 - Bond, incomplete. James Keyth to Adam Urquhart
62 - Obleidgment, copy, damaged, Adam Urquhart to George Rickert
63 - Instrument of sasine upon bond of Adam Urquhart to George Pantoun and Elspet Forbes his spouse
64 - Bond. Adam Urquhart to Andrew Skeine
65 - Precept. Adam Urquhart against Alexander Buchan of Auchmaquoy
66 - Agreement. Adam Urquhart and William Sanquhar, mason work at Meldrum.
67 - Translation. George Leith of Freefield in favour of John Leith, his son
68 - Contract. John Geillies in the wood of Putachie and Christian, his spouse
69 - Instrument of resignation. Adam Urquhart in favour of himself
70 - Assignation. James Gordon in Mortlack to Adam Gordoune of Sweltoune
71 - Intimation of assignation. Adam Urquhart to John Setton of Newwarke
72 - Contract of wadset
73 - Minute of contract
74 - Notarial instruments concerning the affairs of Peter Pallote; French
75 - Original bundle labelled "papers related to the disposition of William Brown's two appriseings of the lands of Breckie in favour of Meldrum."
76 - Declaration, Patrick Gray, David Perslie and George Bith
77 - Contract. Adam Urquhart and James Murray, mason construction of dykes
78 - Contract of wadset. Adam Urquart and Frances Cheyne
79 - Backbond, double, Adam Urquhart to Janet Forbes and John Strachane her spouse
80 - Bond. Patrick Gordoune of Lechestoune etc
81 - Minute. Adam Urquhart and William Adamsone
82 - Obleidgement, copy. Adam Urquhart to George Hay
83 - Translation, incomplete
84 - Indenture of apprenticeship. Adam Urquhart and Wiliam Shearer; Daniel Hamilton, gardiner
85 - Minute of Agreement. Adam Urquhart and Robert Irvine, minister of Towie
86 - Contract: Sale of crops on Lands of Strathbogie
87 - Back ticket: Quantity of 1500 bolls
88 - Assignation, double, incomplete: Escheat and life rent of John Lyon of Craigston
89 - "Nott of the debt due be John Lyon of Craigston to .... Meldrum",
90 - Contract. "Adam Urquhart and David Hamilton gardener."
91 - Obligatione. William Forbes and John Mackie to "Laird of Meldrum"
92 - "Artickled betwixt my Lord Banff and Meldrum"
93 - Disposition, scroll: Adam Urquhart in favour of Walter Stewart
94 - Bond, double: Adam Urquhart to Lord Banff
95 - Bond of warrandice: Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen to Adam Urquhart
96 - 'A not of bonds gived up to Adam Gordon in Boggis'
97 - Instrument of double condesendence: Marquess of Huntley and William, Lord Forbes
98 - Minute of condescendence: Adam Urquhart and Alexander Lind of Tarves
99 - Article of agreement: Adam Urquhart and Alexander Forbes
100 - Instrument: James Coutts in Milne Cowie against John Cheyne of Finzies
101 - Assignation: James Gordon to Adam Urquhart
102 - Translation, incomplete: John Pantoune in favour of -
103 - Oblidgement, double, incomplete: Adam Urquhart to Alexander Ogilvie
104 - Oblidgement: Adam Urquhart, George Gordon of Edenglassie and Thomas Ogilvy, provost of Banff
105 - Bond: Lord Banff to Adam Urquhart of Meldrum
106 - Indenture: Adam Urquhart and Oliver Young and Peter Mackie
107 - Note of condesence: Marquis of Huntly and William Anderson
108 - Agreement: Adam Urquhart and John Pattone, skipper in North Leith
109 - Backbond: George Graham to Adam Urquhart
110 - Translation: Archibald Hamilton in favour of Thomas Gordone
111 - Translation: James Hay in favour of Thomas Gordoun
112 - Declaration, copy: Adam Urquhart in favour of Marquis of Huntly
113 - Minute of contract: Adam Urquhart and William Leslie
114 - Entries from cash book of Meldrum
115 - Ticket: William Livingstoun to Adam Urquhart
116 - Disposition, incomplete: Adam Urquhart to -
117 - Contract: Gilbert Ogilvie and Adam Urquhart
118 - Agreement: Adam Urquhart and Adam Gordoun
119 - Agreement: Adam Urquhart and Patrick Benzie, mason
120 - Bond: Alexander Murray to Adam Urquhart
121 - Ticket: John Leith to 'Laird of Meldrum'
122 - Translation: John Keirie to Alexander Innes of Cockstoun
123 - Disposition, scroll: Lillias Curror, relict of Robert Douglass in favour of Adam Urquhart
124 - Bundle of papers relating to transactions between John Urquhart and John Buchan of Cairnbrogie
125 - Bond: Patrick Ogilvie of Boyne to John Urquhart
126 - Contract of wadset: George Meldrum of Fyvie and George Seatoun
127 - Minute of condesendence: John Urquhart and Hugh Murray, herauld painter, Inverurie
128 - Original bundle labelled: 'Two debts due to Doctor Patrick Urquhart and discharged by the members of the King's College as his assignees.'
129 - Discharge and assignation: Margaret Palotte to Robert Watson
130 - Condecendence: John Urquhart and tenents of Eastertoun
131 - Disposition and assignation: Jean Pallotte and William Baisle, her spouse
132 - Instrument of renunciation: George Black and William Finlay in favour of John Urquhart
133 - 'Double of the accompts of the losses of Old Meldrum modified to be the Counsell of Scotland.'
134 - Agreement: Lady Meldrum and Patrick Weir
135 - Original bundle and inventory, labelled '-- writs delivered by Mr. George Buchan to William Urquhart -- 1736.'
136 - Copy of letter to magistrates of Hamburg to the magistrates of Edinburgh
137 - Obleidgement: Patrick and Harie Barclay and George Ellies to John Urquhart
138 - Instrument of renunciation
139 - Instrument of renunciation
140 - Contract of wadset. George Gordoune and Alexander Ewyne
141 - Contract of wadset. James Cheyne, John Robertson of Monqueich and Alexander Ewyn
142 - Declaration. Alexander and Elsbett Burnett to John Urquhart
143 - Translation. Alexander Davidsone in favour of John Urquhart
144 - Bond and associated papers. Alexander Abercrombie to Sir William Forbes
145 - Agreement. John Urquhart and Robert Watson
146 - Intimation, copy. John Urquhart to John Forbes of Auchorties
147 - "The translated double of the Bishop of Aberdeens priviledg according to the foundation",
148 - "Mr Thomas Gordons contarct to the Marquis of Huntly"
149 - "List of Arthur Forbes his debts".
150 - List of writs headed "....concerning the wadset"
151 - Disposition, John Urquhart in favour of Alexander Innes. Various sums
152 - Double obleidgement. John Urquhart to John and Alexander Reid
153 - Contract. John Urquhart and James Keith
154 - Disposition and assignation, extract Patric Ross in favour of Patrick Duff
155 - Indenture of apprenticeship and associated papers. Arthur Forbes of Shires, writer and William Pantoun.
156 - Instrument of sasine upon Patrick Ross in favour of Patrick Duff
157 - Indenture. John Urquhart and Alexander Cobben, sclater
158 - Disposition. Crown to John Urquhart
159 - Instrument and protestation John Urquhart against Andrew Laing in Kintore and George Ogilvie in Elgin, masons
160 - Contract. James Drummond of Blairdrummond and John Urquhart
161 - Agreement. John Urquhart and Robert Watson
162 - Contract. John Urquhart and brewers of Meldrum
163 - Instrument of renunciation
164 - Appointment by John Urquhart of Patrick Duff of Craigston as his baillie
165 - Obligement. Alexander Abercrony of Brunstane to Patrick Duff of Craigston.
166 - Assignation. John Urquhart toAlexander Dunbar
167 - Translation, copy, Robert Stewart in favour of Sir Archibald Campbell.
168 - Instrument of renunciation with associated papers
169 - Intimation of assignation
170 - Contract of wadset
171 - Translation. James Strachan, periwigmaker, in favour of John Urquhart
172 - Instrument of renunciation and grant of redemption
173 - Disposition, extract. Patrick Duff in favour of John Grant
174 - Disposition and translation
175 - Instrument of discharge and renunciation
176 - Minute of sale
177 - Obligement and associated papers: Lord Saltoune to George Urquhart
178 - Instrument of renunciation: Patrick Duff of Craigston in favour of William Urquhart
179 - Instrument of renunciarion: Patrick Duff in favour of William Urquhart
180 - Assignation, copy, incomplete: James and Elspet Rait to William Urquhart
181 - Mutual tolerance, copy: Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon and Adam Urquhart
182 - Mutual tolerance, extract: Adam Urquhart and Sir Alexander Forbes
183 - Mutual tolerance: Sir Alexander Forbes and Adam Urquhart
184 - Original bundle labelled 'Scrolls of the two declararions and obleidgements granted by Meldrum ...'
185 - Articles of agreement: William Urquhart and George Buchan
186 - Original bundle labelled: 'Letters from various creditors agreeing to accept annualrent ...'
187 - Note of disposition in favour of the Earl of Aberdeen
188 - List of the debts to be paid at Martinmas 1754
189 - Contract: William Urquhart and tenants of Meldrum
190 - Contract: William Urquhart and Keith Urquhart of Bethelnie
191 - Agreement: Earl of Aberdeen and Keith Urquhart
192 - Bond: Tenants of Meldrum to Keith Urquhart
193 - Obligation: John Forbes to Keith Urquhart
194 - Agreement for sale: James Forbes in Old Bethelnie and James Urquhart
195 - Intimation of death of 'Dlle Urquarth de Meldrume' in Paris
196 - Certificate of Alexander Smith as game keeper
197 - Articles of roup of half a leet of peats
198 - Bond, scroll: William Urquhart to Master of Mortifications of Aberdeen
199 - Original bundle of contracts, tenders, specifications and accounts
200 - Contract, incomplete: George Gordoun of Crychie and Alexander Ewn
201 - Inventar of [goods] lent be the Viscount of Frendraugh to the laird of Boyne
202 - Declaration and obligement, scroll: Earl of Aberdeen and William Urquhart
203 - Notes on charters of 1676 and 1717
Expand 2 - Factories and legal commissions2 - Factories and legal commissions
Expand 3 - Bills of exchange, drafts, and precepts3 - Bills of exchange, drafts, and precepts
Expand 6 - Documents arising from, or relating to legal processes and records of diligence6 - Documents arising from, or relating to legal processes and records of diligence
Expand 7 - Correspondence relating to legal and financial transactions, including letters missive7 - Correspondence relating to legal and financial transactions, including letters missive
Expand 8 - Discharges8 - Discharges
9 - Tacks and related papers
Expand 10 - Estate rentals and accounts10 - Estate rentals and accounts
Expand 11 - Accounts, mainly household or personal and related papers11 - Accounts, mainly household or personal and related papers
Expand 12 - Correspondence relating to the Lairds of Meldrum12 - Correspondence relating to the Lairds of Meldrum
Expand 13 - Collection of warrants, commissions, instructions and burgess tickets13 - Collection of warrants, commissions, instructions and burgess tickets
Expand 14 - Miscellanea14 - Miscellanea
Expand 15 - Addenda15 - Addenda