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Collapse MS 2621 - Records of Kinharrachie Estate, Ellon, Aberdeenshire MS 2621 - Records of Kinharrachie Estate, Ellon, Aberdeenshire
1 - Letters of tack granted at Aberdeen by Master John Reid, parson of kirk and parish of Logie Buchan, in favour of William Turing of Foveran, and his wife, Margaret Strachan
2 - Contract of alienation betwixt John Gordon of Buckie and the lairds of Auchterellon elder and younger anent the heritable right of Hiltoune and Kinharrachie, mill, mill town and mill lands
3 - Charter in favour of John Gordon of Buckie and Beatrice Urquhart respecting toun and lands of Hiltoun
4 - Precept of Sasine for infefting John Gordon of Buckie in lands of Kinharrachie
5 - Instrument of Sasine in favour of John Gordon of Buckie and his spouse, Beatrice Urquhart, respecting the lands of Kinharrachie, Hiltoun, "Doupmill" and Kirkhill
6 - Contract of alienation between John Gordon of Buckie and John Hay of Crimonmogate regarding Little Arnage
7 - Procuratory of resignation granted by John Hay of "Crichmonmogate" in favour of John Gordon, elder, of Buckie respecting the lands of Little Arnage
8 - Contract of alienation between John Gordon of Buckie and Walter, Thomas and Alexander Cheyne, anent lands of Tillydesk
9 - Charter granted by Walter Cheyne, with consent of his wife, Margaret Cheyne, Thomas Cheyne of Rainistoun & Alex. Cheyne in Caldwallis in favour of John Gordon of Buckie respecting lands of Tillydesk, Toddilhills and Elphin, held of John, Earl of Mar
10 - Contract of alienation and disposition in which Alexander Tullyduff, in return for sums paid by John Gordon of Buckie, sells and dispones to him the toun and lands of Blinbburne, with privileges regarding carriage of fuel from moss of Tulliedesk
11 - Tack of the small tiends on vicarage of the lands of Little Arnage by Sir George Bruce of Carnock to John Gordon of Buckie
12 - Charter by John Gordon of Buckie in favour of John Gordon, his son and his spouse, Johan Campbell, respecting the lands of Tillydesk, for implement of their marriage contract
13 - Procuratory of resignation granted by John Gordon of Buckie, elder, in favour of John Gordon,"apperand" of Buckie, his son, and heirs male to be procreate between him and Johanna Campbell his spouse, respecting lands of Hiltoun, Kinharrachie
14 - Letters of assignation respecting lands of Little Arnage, Kirkhill
15 - Procuratory of resignation granted by Walter Cheyne, sometime of Arnage in favour of John Gordon of Buckie respecting the lands of Tillydesk
16 - Assignation by John Gordon, elder, of Buckie, in favour of John Gordon, younger, and Johane Campbell... of the contract and unexecuted procuratory of resignation granted by Alex. Tullydaff and Walter Cheyne of lands of Blindburne
17 - Instrument of resignation
18 - Charter granted at Holyroodhouse under the Great Seal in favour of John Gordon, younger, apparent of Buckie
19 - Precept of sasine granted in favour of John Gordon apparent of Buckie
20 - Instrument of sasine in favour of John Gordon, younger
21 - Extract of instrument of sasine and precept of sasine respecting lands of Tullidesk in barony of Kellie
22 - Tack of tiends granted at [?] Loudoun by Thomas, Lord Bruce of Kinloss.
23 - Contract of alienation or disposition by Thomas, Lord Bruce of Kinloss, to John Gordon of Buchan of tiends of Kinharrachie & others.
24 - Disposition granted by John Gordon, elder, of Buckie, Beatrix Urquhart, his wife, John Gordon of Hiltoune, his eldest son, Jean Scott, his [second] wife, William Gordon, second son of John Gordon of Buckie in favour of John Donaldson, merchant burgess of Aberdeen.
25 - Renunciation and grant of redemption by John Ingrahame in sheriff clerk's registry.
26 - Decreet of transumpt of tack of tiendsheaves of lands and barony of Arnage by Walter, Abbot of Kinloss.
27 - Instrument of resignation of lands of Tillydesk etc.
28 - Charter of resignation granted by John, Earl of Mar (as superior) in favour of John Donaldson.
29 - Instrument of resignation into the lands of the crown of the lands and barony of Hiltoune etc.
30 - Crown charter granted on above date on 25th and sealed 30 June 1638 in favour of John Donaldson and his wife , Margaret Donaldson respecting lands and barony of Hiltoune.
31 - Precept of sasine for lands of Hiltoun, Kinharrachie etc.
32 - Extract by Ja. Swane [?] from register ofAberdeen Sheriffdom of Registration at Aberdeen for John Donaldson
33 - Extract of registration at Aberdeen on 17 Aug. 1638 at the instance of Alex. Davidson as procurator for George Morisone, bailie, burgess of Aberdeen, of assignation by Morisone at Aberdeen on 5 Nov. 1637 respecting obligation by late John Gordon of Rothiemay and John Gordon, younger of Buckie.
34 - Instrument of sasine in favour of John Donaldson and Margaret Donaldson, his spouse, respecting lands of Hiltoune etc. Taken by James Cheyne, N.P., Aberdeen.
35 - Instrument of sasine taken by James Cheyne N.P., Aberdeen respecting lands of Tillydesk
36 - Charter granted by John Donaldson of Hilltoune in favour of his wife, Margaret Donaldson respecting her liferent of the lands of Tillidesk, Toddilhills and Elphin
37 - Instrument of sasine taken by James Cheyne, N.P., Aberdeen, on presentation by Margaret Donaldson
38 - Renunciation and grant of redemption by Andrew Cruickshank, N.P. and Isobel Gordon his wife & daughters Agnes and Jean in favour of John Donaldson, merchant burgess of Aberdeen, consequent upon 10 Dec. 1635 contract between them and John Gordon of Buckie elder and younger.
39 - Obligation and disposition, granted by John Donaldson of Hiltoun in favour of his wife, Margaret Donaldson, respecting her infeftment in liferent of Kirkhill and Blindburne in barony of Hiltoune (?formerly in barony of Arnage.)
40 - Charter granted by John Donaldson of Hiltoun in favour of Margaret Donaldson, his wife.
41 - Instrument of Sasine in favour of Margaret Donaldson respecting liferent of the lands of Kirkhill and Blindburne following
42 - Discharge granted by Harie Elphinstoune of Caderhall in favour on John Donaldson of Hiltoune .
43 - Disposition by John Gordon, sometime in Tillidesk, now of Cauldwells, (and Marjorie Skene, his wife) in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune and Margaretr Donaldson, his wife.
44 - Instrument of resignation ad remanentiam, taken by Andrew Massie, N.P., at Aberdeen, on production by Alex. Gregorie, son of master John Gregory, minister of Drumoak, as procurator for John Gordon of Cauldwells, of disposition of this date by Gordon and his wife, Marjorie Chene, respecting lands of Toddilhills
45 - Discharge by Harie Elphinstoune of Caderhall in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune..
46 - Discharge and renunciation granted at Aberdeen in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune in respect of bond.
47 - Extract of registration of books of exchequer of annuity due to the Crown ref. John Donaldson
48 - Extract in books of council & session at the instance of James Abernethy in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune of outstanding rents on 20,000merks due to Beatrix Urquhart, Abercrombie's wife preceding March 1662.
49 - Discharge granted at Birkenboge by Alex. Abercrombie, elder, of Birkenbogie, in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune for 600 merks as @rent.
50 - Discharge in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune
51 - Contract between Master Alexander Seatone and John Seatone, fiar of Thorntoune respecting various properties.
52 - Letters of assignation granted by Sir Ludovick Gordon of Gordonstoune in favour of his eldest son, Robert Gordon.
53 - Extract of registration at Edinburgh of bond granted on 21 July 1665 in favour og Sir Ludovivk Gordon of Gordonstoune for 5,000 merks.
54 - Letters of horning and poinding at instance og Robert Gordon against John Donaldson of Hiltoune respecting Donaldson's bond of 21 July 1665.
55 - Letters of inhibition granted under the signet at Edinburgh on above date and extracted by George Dallas.
56 - Execution of above letters of inhibition by Andrew Syme, messenger (raised) against John Donaldson of Hiltoune at instance of Robert Gordon
57 - Precept of sasine granted at Edinburgh under the Great Seal infavour of William Gordon, writer, Edinburgh, and his heirs, respecting lands of Meikle Tibbertie, Watrishmuire and croft of Meikle Tibbertie called Newwark with mill and mill lands etc. and liberty of whole of the Reid Moss, in the parish of Logie Buchan and Foveran.
58 - Extract by George Dallas of letters of apprising granted under the Signet at Edinburgh on above date & signetted on 25 July 1670 re bond by John Donalsdon.
59 - Precept of sasine in favour of William Gordon, writer, Edinburgh, respecting Meikle Tibbertie,Whatrichnore & croft of Meikle Tibbertie called Newwark etc. and Red Moss held of crown by George Seattoun, elder, of Thorntoune and his son.
60 - Extract registration of bond granted by John And Alex Donaldson in favour of James Riddell, merchant burgess of Edinburgh of 26 July, 1669.
61 - Letters of horning granted at Edinburgh raised against John and Alex. Donaldson of Hiltoune respecting bond to James Riddell.
62 - Executionof letters of horning upon John and Alex. Donaldson at instance of James Riddell.
63 - Instrument of sasine on compearance of William Gordon, writer, Edinburgh, with precept of sasine under the Great Seal respecting the toun and lands of Overtibbertie called Meikle Tibbertie, Watrichmore etc. plus "glebarius", called Reidmoss, all in parish of Logie Buchan and Foveran.
64 - Executions by messengers of letters of horning, poinding & arrestment raised at the instance of Robert Gordon, eldest son of Sir L. Gordon of Gordonstounr on 1 Dec. 1670 against John Donaldson of Hilltoune.
65 - Extract of registration at Edinburgh on 7 July 1671 at the instance of John Anderson, advocate, as procurator for John Donaldson, of Hilltoune, of Donaldson's bond of 29 July 1669 in favour of George Sinkie, merchant burgess of Edinburgh for £393 Sc. in payment for merchantise. [merchant's name may be Sinkkie or Suttie}.
66 - Letters of horning and poinding raised at the instance of George Sinkie [or Suttie], merchant, Edinburgh, against John Donaldson of Hilltoune
67 - Extract of registration at the instance of Andrew Thomson, as procurator for John and Alexander, of bond granted by them at Rawes of Huntly on 9 Nov. 1670 to George Gordon of Muiraik for 3950 merks .
68 - Precept of poinding and arrestment granted by William, Earl Marischal, at the instance of George Gordon of Muiraik against John Donaldson of Hilltoune and aAexander Donaldson, his eldest son, for non-payment of bond of 9 Nov. 1670 for 3950 merks & registered in sheriff court boks in Aberdeeb. 26 Aug. 1671.
69 - Letters of horning granted under the signet at Edin. on above date (& extracted on signetting) at the instance of George Gordon of Muirack agaonst John and Alex Donaldson respecting payment of bond for 3950 merks
70 - Letters of inhibition granted under the signet at Edinburgh on above date at the instance of George Gordon of Muiraik against John and Alexander Donaldson respecting non payment of their bond for 3950 merks .
71 - Letters of apprising granted at Edinburgh on above date under under the signet [signetted] & extracted by Ja.Cheyne on 7 Sept.] at the instance of George Gordon of Muiraik against John and Alexander Donaldson as in earlier writs.
72 - Executions of letters of horning by James Cumming and "Vidast Kellie", messengers, against John Donaldson of Hilltoune at instance of G. Sinkie.
73 - Assignation by George Suittie, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, in favour of James Riddell, merchant burgess of Edinburgh of bond granted to Suittie by John Donaldson of Hilltoune dated 29 July 1669, for £393 Sc. principal etc.
74 - Letters of Caption granted under the signet at Edin. on above date at the instance of George Suitie, merchant in Edb., against John Donaldson of Hilltoune following on his being put to the horn on 27 Sept. 1671 for non-payment of £393 Sc. principal etc. as in bond of 29 July 1669 to complainer.
75 - 3 executions of letters of inhibition of 5 Sept 1671 by messengers George Pratt and Andrew Syme
76 - Executions of letters of horning of 5 Sept. 1671 against John and Alexander Donaldson by messengers
77 - Letters of caption on said date under the signed extracted and signetted on 6 Nov. by Wm. Gordon granted at Edb. at the instance of James Riddell, merchant burgess of Edb. against John Donaldson of Hilltoune and his son Alexander
78 - Execution of letters of apprising by Andrew Syme, messenger,
79 - Extract register of registration at Edb.at the instance of John Anderson, advocate, as procurator for Sir James Baird, John Abercrombie and John Gordon, and James Brown, advocate for Wm. Peires, John and Alex. Donaldson, of condiscendance granted ar Banff & Hilltoun on 18 Mar & 11 May 1671 by Sir James Baird of Auchmedden, sheriff principal of Banffshire as "odsman and oversman".
80 - Letters of apprising granted under the signet at the instance of James Riddell against John and Alex Donaldson.
81 - Letters of apprising granted at the instance of John Gordon of Buckie following on condescendance against John Donaldson of Hilltoun for recovery of sums due.
82 - Execution of letters of poinding, denunciation & apprising raised by George Gordon of Muiresk against John and Alexander Donaldson.
83 - Execution of denunciation of the lands of Hilltoune at the instance of George Gordon of "Muiraich"
84 - Execution of denunciation of the lands of Hilltoun etc.
85 - Execution of denunciation of the lands of Hilltoun etc. at the instance of John Gordon of Buckie following on letters of poinding, denunciation and apprising granted to him against John Donaldson of Hilltoune.
86 - Execution of denunciation against John Donaldson of Hilltoun.
87 - Execution of denunciation at the instance of James Riddell against John Donaldson.
88 - Charter of adjucation in favour of George Gordon respecting barony of Hiltoun etc., formerly held by John Donaldson, elder, and Alexander Donaldson.
89 - Precept of sasine under the Great Seal (portion of seal still adhering to tag), of same date. Written to Great Seal by Wm. Clerk on 9 Mar. 1672.
90 - Precept of sasine under the Great Seal in favour of Robert Gordon respecting lands in parish of Ellon formerly held by John Donaldson of Hiltoune.
91 - Royal charter in favour of Robert Gordon.
92 - Instrument of sasine, with precept of sasine respecting toun and lands of Hiltoune,Elphin, Kinharrachie, etc.
93 - Instrument of resignation by John Henderson for James Forbes of Watertoune to John Donaldson of Hiltoune for new infeftments.
94 - Disposition respecting lands and barony of Hiltoune, Kinharrachie etc., in parishes of Ellon and Methlick.
95 - Disposition between John Donaldson of Hiltoune et al and Wm. Moir of barony of Hiltoune
96 - Extract of discharge granted by Donaldson payable by him to late Alex. Abercrombie, elader of Birkenbog.
97 - Disposition by George Gordon from Donaldsons of Hiltoun. Rights conferred toWm. Moir, advocate.
98 - Disposition granted by Alexander Donaldson in favour of William Moir.
99 - General retour in favour of Alexander Donaldson as heir to his father
100 - Retour of special service in favour of Alexander Donaldson.
101 - Inventory of writs delivered by William Broun to Adam Urquhart of Meldrum with his receipt and discharge thereof.
102 - Extract of John Gordon of Buckie as heir to his father, the late John Gordon of Hiltoun.
103 - Extract of registration of discharge granted at Edinburgh on 31 Jul. 1665 in favour of John Gordon respecting leters if inhibition.
104 - Extract of discharge at instance of John Gordon, Wm. Broun and John Elleis.
105 - Precept of Sasine or precept from Crown in Chancery for the infefting of Alex. Donaldson, now of Hiltoune in lands and barony of Hiltoune etc.
106 - Instrument of Sasine registered in Aberdeen
107 - Instrument of resignation for Alex. Donaldson as in disposition in order that new infeftment be granted to Moir.
108 - Precept of Clare Constat granted by Charles, Earl of Mar in favour of Alex. Donaldson as heir to his father.
109 - Instrument of resignation re lands and barony of Hiltoune etc. in favour of Master William Moir, advocate.
110 - Crown charter in favour of Master William Moir re lands and barony of Hiltoune
111 - Letters granted under the Privy Seal of Scotland at Edinburgh anent Hiltoune.
112 - Exact copy of original back bond granted at Edinburgh by Wm. Moir, advocate.
113 - Instrument of sasine respecting lands of Tillidesk etc.
114 - Instrument of Sasine respecting barony of Hiltoune, lands of Kinharrachie dated at Edinburgh 11 July 1673.
115 - Letters of inhibition and arrestment extracted at the instance of William Moir against Alex. Donaldson now of Drumquhyndle.
116 - Extract of of decreet against Alexander Donaldson of Hiltoune and legal action subsequent thereto.
117 - Extract of registration by Walter Reid as procurator for Wm. Sinclair
118 - Extract of registration at Aberdeen at the instance of Walter Reid as procurator for Master Wm. Gordon of assignation in favour of James Gordon of Seaton respecting William Gordon's rights in sum of £500 Scots principal contained in bond by John Donaldson of Hiltoune to him of 27 July 1669.
119 - Extract regarding discharge of bond granted by John Donaldson of Hiltoune.
120 - Charter by Charles, Earl of Mar in favour of William Moir, advocate, now of Hiltoune, respecting lands of Tillidesk, Toddelhills b& Elphin in the parish of Ellon.
121 - Articles of agreement respecting conveyance by Moir to Ross or Rose of lands and barony of Hiltoune, Tillidesk and pendicles of Toddilhills and Elphan.
122 - Extract of registration of discharge granted at Birkenbog on 20 Aug. 1657 by Abercrombie (elder of B.) in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoune.
123 - Instrument of sasine of charter granted by Charles of Mar respecting lands ofTillidesk, Toddelhills & Elphin in parish of Ellon.
124 - Disposition granted in favour of John Ross on advance by him of £39,000 for which is disponed the barony of Hiltoune etc.
125 - Obligation granted by William Moir, advocate, in favour of John "Rosse", "anent the rentall of the vicarage teynds of the Lands and Barronie of Hiltone, Tillydesk & pendicles yrof".
126 - Extract of registration of discharge granted at Kirktoun of Fyvie, respecting bond of John & Alex. Donaldson of Hiltoun for £800 Sc.
127 - Extract registration of discharge granted for Thomas Mitchelle in favour of John Donaldson of Hiltoun and John Gordon of Buckie on receipt of 800 merks owing to the late Thomas Mitchell N.P.
128 - Inventory of miscellaneous writs concerning lands & barony of Hiltoune, Tillidesk & pendicles therteof called Toddelhills & Elphane in sheriffdom of Aberdeen.
129 - Uncompleted scroll. Inventory of "miscellaneous writs, diligences etc. of Turnerhall"Includes the majority of writs included in 128, 140 or others dated 1614 to 1682 respecting to barony of Hiltoune.
130 - Instrument of resignation respecting lands and barony of Rosehill, (formerly of Hiltoun) in favour of John Rose and his wife, Margaret Udnie.
131 - Charter of confirmation granted at Edinburgh under the Great Seal in favour of John Rose, brother of Hugh Rose of Kilravock, and Margaret Udney, his wife, in conjunct fie and liferent, and to heirs male heritably, respecting barony of Hiltoune, lands of Kinharrachie, etc. as held by William Moir, advocate, and his wife Isabella Alexander.
132 - Instrument of Sasine for granting od sasine respecting baroy of Rosehill.
133 - Extract of ratification at Aberdeen by Isobel Alexander, spouse to Wm. Moir, advocate, of renunciation of her conjunct fie and liferent respecting lands and barony of Hiltoune, etc. in favour of John" Rosse" of Rosehill and Margaret Udnie, his wife, in conjunct fie and liferent.
134 - Copy of last will and testament of John Turner, merchant in Danzig.
135 - Excerpt from deed of entail of Turnerhall about payments to burgesses of Aberdeen and Trades Hospital.
136 - Precept respecting barony etc.of Rosehill
137 - List of inhibitions against Donaldson and Moir of Hiltoune.
138 - Memorial anent purchase of lands and barony of Hiltoun by execut of late John Turner, from John Ross or Rose of Rosehill (son of deceased John Ross ).
139 - Memorial anent Moss of Piltachie
140 - Inventory of writs of lands and barony of Hiltoun (now called Rosehill), & Tillidesk etc. tiends therof in parish of Ellon disponed by John Ross of Rosehhill to Robert Turner, son of deceased Andrew Turner, some time in Kinminitie in parish of Birse.
141 - Extract of letters of suspension granted under the signet at Edinburgh that day (Williamson, Piltachie v. Rose of Rosehill)
142 - Answers to queries in foregoing Rosehill memorial
143 - Extract of letters of Horning & Arrestment, granted at the instance of John Ross of Rosehill against William Moir.
144 - Executions of letters of horning raised at the instance of John Rose (or Ross) of Rosehill against Wm. Moir of Hiltoune
145 - Obligation by John Ross or Rose of Rosehill to Robert Turner, son of deceased Andrew Turner in Kininmintie
146 - Obligement by John Rose of Rosehill to obtain infeftment in toune and lands of Tillidesk, Toddelhills and Elphan.
147 - Instrument of intimation by Robert Turner to John Rose of summons of reduction for appearance before Council and Session in Nov. "to warrand the forsd Moss" to Robert Turner.
148 - Execution of letters of horning raised at the instance of John Ross of Rosehill against William Moir of Hilltoune, advocate
149 - Instrument of sasine respecting lands of Tillidesk, Elphan & Toddelhillocks as in charter granted by John Keirie of Gogar, now superior, in place of Charles, late Earl of Mar.
150 - Charter in favour of Robert Turner respectin lands and barony of Hilltoune and also lands of Newark, Meikle Tippertie, Watrichmoor & half of arable of Reidmoss in parish of Logie Buchan.
151 - Instrument of sasine, respecting barony of Turnerhall
152 - Procuratory of resignation by Robert Turner of Turnerhall respecting lands ofNewark, Over Tippertie; Watrichmoor and half of Moss of Reidmoss pertaining to same in parishes of Logie Buchan & Foveran for new infeftment of the crown in favour of Robert Turner.
153 - Instrument of resignation of lands of Tillidesk etc. in favour of Robert Turner of Turnerhall in liferent and John Turner, his eldest son in fee.
154 - Charter of resignation of lands of Tillidesk , etc. granted by James Erskine of Grange and his son David Erskine of Dun.
155 - Instrument of sasine taken by George Turner, N.P., Aberdeen, following on charter of resignation of 3 Aug. 1730.
156 - Precept of sasine respecting lands and barony of Turnerhall in favour of John Turner.
157 - Instrument of sasine respecting lands and barony of Turnerhall.
158 - Special Retour of Keith Turner of Turnerhall in lands and barony of Turnerhall.
159 - Precept of sasine granted in favour of Keith Turner of Turnerhall as heir to his father respecting lands and barony of Turnerhall.
160 - Instrument of sasine with precept of sasine respecting barony of Turnerhall.
161 - Precept of Clare Constat in favour of Keith Turner respecting lands of Tillidesk etc.
162 - Instrument of sasine with precept of Clare Constat or Sasine.
163 - Precept of Sasine in favour of John Turner of Turnerhall respecting lands and barony of Turnerhall.
164 - Instrument of sasine with presept of sasine of 10 Apr. 1812.
165 - Precept of Clare Constat granted by Earl of Fife as superior of lands of Tillidesk, etc.
166 - Instrument of sasine with precept of Clare Constat respecting lands of Tillidesk.
167 - Inventory of title deeds of Tillidesk, etc.send to Mr Kennedy, W.S. on 29 Dec. 1838.
168 - Inventory of title deeds of lands and barony of Turnerhall - lands held of the crown. ?made by A. Kennedy, W.S.
169 - Inventory of title deeds of lands of Tillidesk and Toddlehills & Elphin, part of the estate of Turnerhall held of the Earl of Fife
170 - Inventory of title deeds of lands of Tillydesk and pendicles called Toddlehills & Elphin in parish of Ellon - items listed date from 1615 to 1695.
171 - Inventory [marked I in pencil] of the title deeds of Turnerhall from 1614 to 1692.
172 - Inventory ofmiscellaneous titles and other writs of the entailed estates of Turnerhall, Tipperty and Tillidesk.
173 - Extract of contract of excambion between the tutors of John Turner of Turnerhall and John Ross of Arnage.
174 - Inventory of documents concerning the Red Moss of Foveran sent to Mr John B. Douglas W.S., with memorial for connsel's opinion.
175 - Memo. of papers taken to Edinburgh on that date.
176 - Draft inventory of titles handed to Messers. J.B. Douglas and Smith W.S. by Messers Murray and Garden, connected with the Reidmoss.
177 - Particulars of papers anent Reidmoss anent Reidmoss sent to Mr J.B. Douglas at various times during that year.
178 - Memorandum of the title of lands of Tillidesk belonging to Colonel John Turner , held of the Earl of Fife as superior.
179 - Inventory of title deeds relating to Kinharrachie Estate, Ellon, Aberdeenshire,[formerly]