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MS 2264 - Records of the Spalding Club (1839 - 1869) and New Spalding Club (1886 - 1928), Aberdeen
1 - Charter of confirmation by Robert III, to William of Abernethy of Saltoun, respecting lands in the barony of Rede/Rechy and Kngzaltuy/Kingauctie
2 - Instrument of sasine in favour of David Auquhairs respecting quarter of Waterst.. [?Waterston] in Sheriffdom of Forfar
3 - Decreet of Mary Queen of Scots following on letters granted on the instance of James, Lord of St. Johns, preceptor of Torphichen
4 - Charter granted at Banff on 2 June 1552
5 - Charter of feuferme with precept of sasine, granted by Master Archibald Lindesay, in favour of Thomas Low/Law, respecting manse building and gardens of Lindesay's rectory
6 - Letters of tack granted by Master George Hay, in favour of George Hay's son and heir, in respect of the parsonage of Rathven
7 - Tack of teinds granted by James Lyall, parson of Rathven, in favour of James Hay of Rannes
8 - Slip of parchment with seal of the town of Banff
9 - 19th century copy of transcript of "Old Valuation of Banffshire 1552"
10 - Retour by provost and baillies of Aberdeen
11 - Contract regarding Mary, daughter of Gilbert Menzies, Pitfodels, entering a french convent
12 - Contract regarding Mary, daughter of Gilbert Menzies of Pitfodels entering convent in France
13 - Manuscript referring to a disturbance in Dumfries by an armed band of men
14 - Manuscript referring to the illegal acts of Patrick Ray MacGrigor and Patrick Drummond in 1666
15 - Execution by William Gellie, sheriff's officer, of summons to appear before the sheriff of Banff etc. at Banff, 7 November 1700, upon James McPherson and others
16 - [? Contemporary] Copy of "Process: Procurator Phiscal against the "Egyptians" Banff, 7 November 1700 - 1721
17 - Copy petition to the Lords of Council, by the magistrates of Banff, relating a mortification granted by Alexander Winchester
18 - Inscriptions on the 'Isle of the Kirk of Cullen' concerning 'Muldavats Mortification'
19 - Copy of (Latin) inscription of a monument to Alex Duff of Bracco
20 - List of sasines in favour of the Duffs from general register at Edinburgh
21 - Genealogy of Helen Taylor, Lady Braco
22 - Account of the life of Helen Taylor, Lady Braco, who married Willliam Duff of Braco about 1709.
23 - Letter from Rose Innes to William Rose of Montcoffer
24 - Copy of draft of a letter by Mr Rose likely to the Minister of Cullen referring to the Brannan Stone
25 - Heavily corrected draft of first four pages of "Inventory of Ogilvie of Banff"
25a - Part of a manuscript inventory relating to Skatterly and others
26 - Memorandum of deeds belonging to Sir Robert Abercromby
27 - List of charters belonging to Sir Robert Abercromby of Birkenbog
28 - Letter from John Stuart to Dr Thurnam, discussing stone circles
29 - List of Deer and Monymusk charters in Hutton's Collections MS. Advocates Library
30 - Letter by William Robertson to the Reverend James Lawtie
31 - History of Banff compiled by William Rose Esq.
32 - Copy of disposition granted by James, Lord Deskford to the Burgh of Banff
33 - Letter and papers from G. Imlach to John Alex Camerson, regarding the writing of a history.
34 - Letter by Lord Macduff to Provost Dirom, returning articles of roup
35 - Letter from Alexander Anderson, to Patrick Rose, regarding the return of papers lent by Rose
36 - Note of expenses incurred on behalf of Burgh of Banff in 1820 by the writer
37 - Copy of "Notes of the ancient proprietors and Thains of Marnoch Aberchirder
38 - Copy of list of papers relative to the Town of Banff by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of Banff
39 - Memoir 1: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
40 - Memoir 2: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
41 - Memoir 3: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
42 - Memoir 5: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
43 - Memoir 6: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
44 - Memoir 7: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
45 - Memoir 8: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
46 - Memoir 9: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
47 - Memoir 10: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
48 - Memoir 11: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
49 - Memoir 12: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
50 - Memoir 13: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
51 - Memoir 14: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
52 - Memoir 15: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
53 - Memoir 16: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
54 - Memoir 17: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
55 - Memoir 18: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
56 - Memoir 22: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
57 - Memoir 23: "Memoir of the Town of Banff, drawn up by the late Mr William Reid, Town Clerk of the Burgh"
58 - Memoir 1: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
59 - Memoir 2: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
60 - Memoir 3: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
61 - Memoir 4: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
62 - Memoir 5: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
63 - Memoir 6: Memoir on Salmon Fishing
64 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: copy deed of foundation
65 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: heads of the foundation
66 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: note of points in dispute Rannes and the parson of Rathven
67 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: summons raised at the instance of the "Hospitallers" of Rathven against the heritors of Rathven
68 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: summons for non-payment of dues
69 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: further summons for payment of sums due
70 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: letter by Master George Tod to James Hay of Rannes
70a - Unsignetted copy of letters granting the Right of the King or the Beedmen to the feuduties of Rannes
71 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted by Bedesmen of Rathven for feuduties
72 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge by Bedesmen for 1632
73 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: Decreet granted against the parishoners of Rathven
74 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: letters of horning against the feuars, heritors, etc. in parish of Rathven
75 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted by the Bedemen of the hospital at Ruthven
76 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge by 6 bedesmen of Rathven granted there to George Hay of Rannes and Agnes |Guthrie his wife.
77 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge for crop 1644 by 5 bedesmen
78 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted at Cullen by 6 bedesmen of "Raphan" to James hay of Rannes
79 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted by the 6 bedesmen of Rathven.
80 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted by John Hay, in favour of James Hay, Laird of Rannes
81 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted at Rathven by John Hay, parson of Rathven
82 - Bedesmen's Hospital, Rathven, Banff: discharge granted by heritors and elders of Rathven on behalf of the Bedemen
83 - Renunciation of the Meadow of Connes by Thomas Hay
84 - Cognition and designation by George Chalmers of the manse and glebe of Rathven to James Lyll, pastor
85 - Minutes of the provincial assembly of Moray, anent summons regarding glebe at the kirk of Rathven
86 - Signet Letters of wakening & exhibition against Margaret Gordon regarding the glebe at Rathven
86a - Fragment of "information" for James Lyll, regarding croft claimed to be part of his glebe
87 - Manuscript relating to Thomas Hay, vicar of Rathven
88 - Contract or articles of agreement between James hay of Rannes and John Bell
89 - Extract by William Sharp, sheriff clerk of Banff, of registration of contract
90 - Notarial instrument of presentation, by Walter Robertson N.P. at compearance of James Hay
91 - Ratification at Aberdeen by Master David Forrester, minister of kirk of Rathven
92 - Letters of suspension granted at the instance of Mr James Hay of Rannes against Mr David Forrester
93 - Letters of removing grantedat the instance of Mr James Hay of Rannes
94 - Stent Roll of the tacksmen and others of Rathven relating to the parsonage of Rathven
95 - Instrument of intimation taken at "Roddein" [Rathven] by Master William Leslie, N.P. on compearance of Alexander Gordon in Oxhill and Adam Stewart in ?Praishare
96 - Notarial Instrument by William Leslie N.P. on compearing of Alexander Gordoun in Oxhill and John Gordoun
97 - Letters of arrestment granted at the instance of John Gordon of Buckie, pertaining to their action in the Court of Session
98 - Obligation by Mr John Logie, parson of Rathven to Mr James Hay of Rannes "not to quarrell his Rights to the Teynds, miln and multures of Rathven etc."
99 - Notarial instrument respecting the delivery of James Hay to William Scrogie, a donation of land
100 - Presentation in favour of Mr John Hay to the kirk and benefice of Rathen
101 - Presentation in favour of John Hay to the kirk and parish of Rathven
102 - A note of payments of stipend made by the heritors of Rathven
103 - Letters of inhibition granted at the instance of John Hay regarding rights to teinds and parsonage
104 - Discharge granted at Rathven by John Hay, parson of Rathven
105 - Notorial instrument taken by Thomas Murray, N.P., at Rathven Manse on compearance thereof John Hay of Muldavit
106 - Autograph explanatory letter by John Hay, anent the Patronage of Dundurcus
107 - Discharge granted by Margaret Gordon, relict and executrix of deceased John Hay, to Charles Hay of Rannes
108 - Locality of stipend of Rathven given in and subscribed by Charles Hay of Rannes as patron of the said church.
109 - Execution by John Mitchell of letters of inhibition passed at instance of Charles Hay of Rannes against Alex. Duke of Gordon and others
110 - Memorial of the Earl of Findlater & other heritors of the parish of Rathven against the minister of Rathven, who had raised aprocess for augmentation of stipend.
111 - Contemporary copy of locality of the parish of Rathven as given in and subscribed by Charles Hay at Edinburgh
112 - Contemporary copy of report for Duke of Gordon & others against Charles Hay regarding compearance at Cullen
113 - Scheme of the stipend of Rathven
114 - Note as to facts supporting rights of laird of Rannes to patronage of parish of Rathven
115 - State of the stipend of Rathven
116 - Scheme of the free teinds of the parish of Rathven and of the value thereof
117 - Scheme of the free teinds of the parish of Rathven
118 - Sheet of notes relevant to MS 2264/116 and or MS 2264/117
119 - MSS. Related to Lands of George, Lord Keith, or his father, William, (9th Earl Marischal)
120 - Excerpts from infeftment of William Baird of Auchmedden in 1709 and from his disposition to Pitfour in 1712
121 - Copy of the Lands in Pitfour's Charter
122 - Letter to William Rose, from Alexander Fraser, agreeing to supply 200 bolls of lime
123 - Letter from W. Henry, to William Rose, Montcoffer, regarding Lord Keith's charter
124 - Letter from George Moir, to William Rose, reporting on conversation regarding Moss Road from Gaval to the Moss of Longmuir
125 - Letter from W. Henry to William Rose giving requested details on Pitfour's charter
126 - Letter from James Henderson to William Rose, regarding the lease of the Gaval peat road
127 - Letter from William Rose, to James Henderson, regarding peat road at Gaval
128 - Informal covering letter and agreement regarding lease of road from mosses of Longmuir
129 - Spalding Club, correspondence, estimates etc.
1 - Correspondence regarding speeches at inaugural meeting 11 November 1886
2 - Apologies received in regard to the inaugural meeting of the New Spalding Club
3 - Apologies received in regard to the first council meeting of the New Spalding Club
4 - Correspondence regarding the opinions for the 2nd New Spalding Club meeting
5 - Correspondence relating to paper for printing publications
6 - Correspondence regarding printing estimates and samples of work
7 - Correspondence regarding apologies for the Annual General Meeting, 1887
8 - Letter from A. Mitchell-Gill, to Mr Elphinstone Dalrymple, regarding a required book
130 - Correspondence between New Spalding Club and heritors regarding preservation of sculptured stones at Dyce.
131 - Collection of off-prints
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