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1 - Aberdeen Literary and Philosophical Society
2 - An abridgement of natural history for the use of the students
Collapse 3 - Blackwell Prize Essays3 - Blackwell Prize Essays
Expand 1 - Blackwell Prize essays, successful 1 - Blackwell Prize essays, successful
Collapse 2 - Blackwell Prize essays, unsuccessful 2 - Blackwell Prize essays, unsuccessful
1 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays on 'Remarks on the British Constitution'
2 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays on 'On the philosophy, manners and characters of the socratic school'
3 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, untitled
4 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'An elucidation of the comparative merits of the Greek and Roman languages'
5 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'The constitutions of the Macedonian phalanx and Roman Legion'
6 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the comparative progress of the ancients and moderns in the science of metaphysics'
7 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What are the advantages...derive from the study of general literature'
8 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'The advantages and disadvantages of theory to science'
9 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the effects of the monastic institution...'
10 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What causes can be assigned for the superior excellence of the grecian states...'
11 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What are the differences, in regard to syntax...'
12 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On hieroglyphics'
13 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'The relations between the phenomena of electricity...'
14 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'What addition to our knowledge of the animal economy...'
15 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'Necessity and advantages of established churches...'
16 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What are the principal recent discoveries of fragments of Greek and Latin...'
17 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'Comparison of the principal English writers of Queen Elizabeth's Age...'
18 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'Comparison of the styles of the principle writers of the ages...' by A. Bain
19 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the utility of classical learning'
20 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'The impediment to the progress of truth...', 1842
21 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'The impediment to the progress of truth...', 1844
22 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'The impediment to the progress of truth...', 1846
23 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the objects to be kept in view...'
24 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What influence has the mental philosophy...'
25 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'What evidence of the divine origin of Christianity...'
26 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On what elements do the resources and character of the most civilised nations depend'
27 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the effect of liberty and commerce on literature and arts...'
28 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'The influence of the culture of the fine arts...'
29 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the causes which have retarded the progress of the Reformation'
30 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'The extract position and influence of Bacon in Philosophy'
31 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'An essay upon Leibnitz as a metaphysical and ethical philosopher'
32 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On a comparative view of the effects of the reformation...'
33 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'A comparison of the university systems of Scotland and Germany...'
34 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'The influences of the union of 1707...'
35 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the obligation of morality...'
36 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'A comparative estimate of the intellectual value of Greek and Roman literature'
37 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the comparative importance of scientific and classical instruction...'
38 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essays, 'On the evidence and divine superintendence in the moral world...'
39 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, untitled and partial essay
40 - Unsuccessful Blackwell Prize essay, 'A disquisition on the distinguished characteristics and comparative merits...'
4 - Gibson Prize essay, 'The sin of the cruelty to animals', by Alexander Bain
5 - Prize essays
6 - Treatise on Chemistry by George Fordyce
7 - Record of my college class fellows
Expand 8 - Reunion of the Arts class8 - Reunion of the Arts class