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1 - Aberdeen Literary and Philosophical Society
2 - An abridgement of natural history for the use of the students
Collapse 3 - Blackwell Prize Essays3 - Blackwell Prize Essays
Collapse 1 - Blackwell Prize essays, successful 1 - Blackwell Prize essays, successful
1 - Blackwell prize essays; 1797 - 1812
2 - Blackwell prize essay, 'What are the duties of an historian', by A. Bower
3 - Blackwell prize essay, 'What are the advantages...study of general literature?', by Patrick Forbes
4 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'What advantages...to the sciences if new nomenclature were adapted...' by Alexander Robertson
5 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Effects of the monastic institutions...', by Thomas MacFarlane
6 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Effect which the reformation in religion...' by William MacKray
7 - Blackwell Prize essay, '...causes for superior excellence of Grecian states in fine arts', by William MacKray
8 - Blackwell Prize essay, '...syntax between the Greek and Latin languages?', by Edward Woodford
9 - Blackwell Prize essay, '...meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphics', by William Stephen
10 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the relations between the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, by William Dyce
11 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'What additions to our knowledge of the animal economy...', by Alexander Paterson
12 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'On church establishment', by John Stephen
13 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'What are the principal recent discoveries...' by James Newlands
14 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Comparison of the principal English authors of Queen Elizabeth's age', by John Rae
15 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Utility of classical learning in subserviency to theological studies', by D.M. Masson
16 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the impediments to the progress of truth...' by A. Bain
17 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'What influence has the philosophy...', by James Anderson
18 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'On what elements do the resources and character...' by Peter Bayne
19 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'On the causes that have retarded the progress of the reformation', by William MacKray
20 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Exact position and influence of Bacon in philosophy' by G. Lillie
21 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Leibnitz as a metaphysical and ethical writer', by W.A. Hunter
22 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Effects of Reformation in England and Scotland...', by J.M. Harkom
23 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Comparison of the univeristy systems of Scotland and Germany', by A.W. Robertson
24 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Influence of the union between England and Scotland in 1707...', by J. Watson
25 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'The obligation of morality', by R. Gossip
26 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Comparative estimate of intellectual value of Greek and Roman literature' by P. Giles
27 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Ancient theories of education', by W. Murison
28 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Causes and consequences of modern pessimism...' by P. Milne
29 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Causes and consequences of modern pessimism...' by A. Mitchell
30 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'The maxim in Thucydides that a pure democracy..' by G. Cameron
31 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'The character and influence of Archbishop Laud' by W. G. Robertson
32 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Coleridge as a metaphysical, ethical and religious philosopher', by R.H. Strachan
33 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Probable bearing of socialistic legislation...' by A. Stuart
34 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Socialistic legislation in its probable bearings...' by R. Robertson
35 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Comparison between Attic and Elizabethan tragedy' by R.S. Wallace
36 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Method adopted in ancient and modern free states...' by W. McHardy
37 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Nature and conditions of individual enterprise...' by A. Chisholm
38 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Prehistoric man in Aberdeenshire', by A. Low
39 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Suitability of applying the priniciples and methods...' by H.T. Sorley
40 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Sculptured and inscribed stones of NE and N Scotland' by F.C. Diack
41 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'History of the fishing industry', by J. Pyper
42 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Significance of Mr Bradley's philosophy', by R. Christie
43 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Influence of bureaucracy on fate of a nation', by J.G. Davidson
44 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Influence of General Wade's roads', by H.J. Ewart
45 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Literary influence of Sir Walter Scott on the present day', by A. Smart
46 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'History of development of hospitals in Scotland' by D.M. Byres
47 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Must representation in the cinema be more superficial...' by Frank Shelley
48 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Does broadcasting restrict the free expression of opinion' by A.C. Turner
49 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Scotland's contribution to industrial development...' by Archibald Clow
50 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'The use and value of broadcasting in education' by Lizzie Stirling
51 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Incentives in industry', by A.J. Youngson
52 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Scottish home rule', by A.C. Turner
53 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Trade unionism in contemporary Britain', by J.D. Vassie
54 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Law and opinion in Britain since 1900' by D.M. Walker
55 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Francis Bacon and the modern world', by Meyrick Carre
56 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'The doctrine of two kingdoms' by W.A. Gatherer
57 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Developments in Shakespearean tradition in the 20th century' by D.J. Palmer
58 - Blackwell Prize essay, 'Colonial legacies and the prospects of developing countries', by Carol A. Cosgrove
Expand 2 - Blackwell Prize essays, unsuccessful 2 - Blackwell Prize essays, unsuccessful
4 - Gibson Prize essay, 'The sin of the cruelty to animals', by Alexander Bain
5 - Prize essays
6 - Treatise on Chemistry by George Fordyce
7 - Record of my college class fellows
Expand 8 - Reunion of the Arts class8 - Reunion of the Arts class