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Collapse MARISCHAL - Marischal College Archives MARISCHAL - Marischal College Archives
Expand 1 - College administration 1 - College administration
Expand 2 - Property and buildings2 - Property and buildings
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Collapse 4 - External relations4 - External relations
Collapse 1 - King's College 1 - King's College
Collapse 1 - Union of the Colleges1 - Union of the Colleges
Collapse 1 - Papers relating to the union of the Colleges, 18th century1 - Papers relating to the union of the Colleges, 18th century
1 - Memorandum for the Earl Marischal regarding the Rector of the Carolingin University
2 - Memorial by Professor Blackwell on the articles of union
3 - State of the University of Aberdeen, with respect to the union
4 - State of the revenues of King's College
5 - Another copy of the state of the revenues of King's College
6 - The original articles of union signed by all members of both colleges
7 - Extract copy of the articles of union of Kings and Marischal College
8 - Copy of the articles of union in Dr Gerard's hand, with letter to the Duke of Aygll
9 - Letter Earl Findlater and Seafield to Marischal College, accompanying his decreet
10 - Extract decreet arbital between the Magistrates of Aberdeen and the Principals and Professors of Marischal College
11 - Answers by Dr Gerard to Sir Alexander Ramsay, remarks on the union.
12 - Remarks by Marischal College on the memorial of King's College
13 - Printed copy of 'memorials etc relating to the union'
14 - A paper of hints about the union by Roderick McLeod of King's College
15 - Note, query for counsel, about the power of the crown to remove from Aberdeen Professors
16 - Original plan of union by Mr Thomas Gordon of King's College
17 - Account of the funds of King's College
18 - A later statement of the King's College
19 - Printed papers respecting union, King's College edition
20 - Printed papers respecting union, Marischal College edition
21 - Account of the expenses of the proposed union
22 - Printed outlines of the plan of union
23 - Circular letter from Marischal College requesting approbation
24 - Proposal from Marischal to King's College and answer
25 - Copy letter from Marischal College to Lord Bute
26 - Copy letter Marischal College to Mr Henry Dundas
27 - Copy letter from the Magistrates of Aberdeen to Lord Sydney
28 - Scroll petition from Baron Gordon and others to the King
29 - Scroll petition to the King, proposed by Mr Walter Ross, asking for visitation or enquiry
30 - Scroll of two letters from Thomas Gordon to the Duke of Gordon
31 - Letter from Dr Hamilton to his colleagues
32 - Permission from Professor Ross to use his name as a friend to the union
33 - Approbaion of various parties relating to the union
34 - Paper of signatures of approbation from Brodie and various members of Parliament
35 - Letters approving the union from various Noblemen and Gentlemen
36 - Ten letters from Sir William Fordyce, Lord Sydney, Lord Adam Gordon, Honorable Baron Gordon regarding union of the Colleges
37 - Sixteen letters from Walter Ross, Writer to the Signet, regarding union of the Colleges
2 - Decreet Arbital, union of the Colleges
Expand 3 - Papers relating to the union of the Colleges, 19th century3 - Papers relating to the union of the Colleges, 19th century
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Burgh Council 2 - Aberdeen Burgh Council
Expand 3 - Parliament3 - Parliament
Expand 4 - Fundraising fund management 4 - Fundraising fund management
Expand 5 - Library and Museum 5 - Library and Museum
Expand 6 - Staff6 - Staff
Expand 7 - Students7 - Students
Expand 8 - Lectures and curriculum8 - Lectures and curriculum
Expand 9 - Papers of staff and students9 - Papers of staff and students