Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse MARISCHAL - Marischal College Archives MARISCHAL - Marischal College Archives
Collapse 1 - College administration 1 - College administration
Collapse 1 - Governance and management 1 - Governance and management
Expand 1 - Foundation charters 1 - Foundation charters
Expand 2 - Governance2 - Governance
Expand 3 - Laws and regulations3 - Laws and regulations
Collapse 4 - Visitations and commissions4 - Visitations and commissions
Collapse 1 - Visitations, 1626 - 17551 - Visitations, 1626 - 1755
Expand 2 - Visitations, 1636 - 19th century2 - Visitations, 1636 - 19th century
3 - Visitations, 1826 - 1830
Expand 4 - Letters and reports for University Commissioners4 - Letters and reports for University Commissioners
Expand 2 - Statutory committees2 - Statutory committees
Expand 3 - Non-Statutory committees3 - Non-Statutory committees
Expand 4 - Senior officer appointment4 - Senior officer appointment
Expand 5 - Litigation management5 - Litigation management
Expand 6 - Chartularies, contracts and agreements6 - Chartularies, contracts and agreements
Expand 2 - Property and buildings2 - Property and buildings
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - External relations4 - External relations
Expand 5 - Library and Museum 5 - Library and Museum
Expand 6 - Staff6 - Staff
Expand 7 - Students7 - Students
Expand 8 - Lectures and curriculum8 - Lectures and curriculum
Expand 9 - Papers of staff and students9 - Papers of staff and students