Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse AMCS - Records of the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical SocietyAMCS - Records of the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Expand 1 - Institutional Records1 - Institutional Records
Expand 2 - Case Books and Thesauri2 - Case Books and Thesauri
Expand 3 - Lecture Notes3 - Lecture Notes
Collapse 4 - Deposited Papers4 - Deposited Papers
Expand 1 - Papers of Sir James McGrigor, Director-General of the Army Medical Department1 - Papers of Sir James McGrigor, Director-General of the Army Medical Department
2 - Professor David Campbell: Lecture Notes
Expand 3 - Dr. Samuel Davidson: Ledgers and Day Book3 - Dr. Samuel Davidson: Ledgers and Day Book
Collapse 4 - Professor Matthew Hay: Teaching Notes4 - Professor Matthew Hay: Teaching Notes
5 - Dr. Kilgour: Case Book
6 - Professor John R. Mallard: Published Papers
7 - J. Parlane Kinloch: Research Papers and Reports
8 - David Somerset Short: Notes for Lecture on Medical Ethics
Expand 9 - Dr. J. Smith: Research Notes, Published Papers and Correspondence 9 - Dr. J. Smith: Research Notes, Published Papers and Correspondence
Expand 10 - Correspondence10 - Correspondence
Expand 11 - Papers of local medical organisations and institutions11 - Papers of local medical organisations and institutions
12 - Notes for lectures on Materia Medica
13 - Report on fever affecting the 109th Regiment in Jersey by James Bannerman, Surgeon
14 - Apprenticeship agreement
15 - Midwifery certificate
16 - Subscription list
17 - Dr. Mary Chalmers: Lecture Notes
18 - George M.R. Duffus: University of Aberdeen class certificates and papers
19 - Elbow x-rays and correspondence relating to operation