
CollectionGB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections
Ref NoMS 3470/6/1/1676
TitleLetter from Major E.Missett (describing himself as H.M.British Resident) to Lieutenant-Colonel George Airey
DateApril 20th 1807
DescriptionStating that note should be taken of the unreliability of the Bedouin Arabs whose loyalty, if any, is only to their own tribe. Several Arab tribes have left the service of the Viceroy on hearing of the arrival of the British, and the powerful Arab chief El Bagoushi had told the Sorbagi that he proposes to do nothing for the time being. Missett fears lack of news from the Mamelouks may well be due to the news of the British retreat from Rosetta. The Beys understood that a large army of British and Russians had arrived, presumably for the conquest of Egypt, and all parties wanted to know where they stood before giving up what they then held
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