Description | Letter from Amelia Nyasa Laws, Bergstrasse 33, Dresden, Germany, to her relatives, regarding domestic arrangements; trouble with girl practising the violin in their old sitting room; she is going against their agreement; Amelia cannot hear to practise her own music; the girl is of the Anglo-Indian type, but has apologised; she has moved, but is now replaced by a singer with a piano playing '4th. class music'; the singer is Polish and inconsiderate; she is also to be moved; Fraulein Albrecht is better again; two excellent lessons from Frau Wedekind, who is very pleased with her (Amelia puts that down to Mme. B's training); she is as good as Herr Pfannstiehl; Frau Pfannstiehl is not a good mother; detailed criticism; Luise, the daughter, wishes to do chemistry, laboratory work and Röntgen ray photography; no dowries available for either daughter; Frau Pfannstiehl would rather they married than be trained in a profession they would enjoy; Luise was sent to Sweden to speak German in a Swedish family, but is now in a nursing home having an operation for a growth in her abdomen; the Swedish family are very good to her; Frau Pfannstiehl does not like her husband's taste for modern music; she feels that life is bitter experience; Uncle has been visited by Captain Wisely's son, lamed in a football accident; their plans to go to Sterzing. |