Description | Talk describing the origins and administration of Soroptimist International Association, and seeking funding for renovations to the Soroptimist Headquarters, House 63, Bayswater, London. Given to a Soroptimist meeting (place not known), 7 April 1971.
The Soroptimist's London headquarters were purchased in 1947 and formally opened in 1948. The purchase and start up costs of the building were raised by members' subscription, through the sale of £5 shares, which were heavily over-subscribed. The cost of recent renovations costing £50,000 was to be met by similar means, but despite the greater number of clubs now in existence, only £45,000 had been raised so far. Mentions the number of overseas visitors to the headquarters, the volume of carpeting required throughout the building (800 yards - some of which was apparently taken from her own stair carpet), and other similar information.
In discussing the origins of the association, she states that there are three federations, viz. Great Britain and Ireland (also including the Commonwealth countries), Europe (which includes fifteen European countries), and the Americas (which includes North and South America, and the West Indies), and that the 'extension work' of the association is decided by the Board, which comprises representatives from each federation. Six committees are listed, viz. Constitutions and Bye Laws, Extension, Finance, International Goodwill and Understanding, Status of Women, and United Nations. States that she has worked with the Extension, United Nations and Status of Women committees. |