Description | Slide shows two diagrams of the 'Dinophilus Taeniatus'. Two diagrams are labelled with the following explanatory key: 'Fig 121 - Dinophilus Taeniatus. (From Harma) The left figure represents the doral surface of a young individual, x76; the mouth and alimentary tract are seen by transparency; p, prostomium, with two bands of cillia and a pair of eyes; a, anus; t, tail; 1-5, the segments with cilliated bands. The right figure shows the anatomy of the male, x38: b, rectum; c, body-cavity; d, vas deferens; m, muscular organ (pharynx); n', the first nephridium; oe, entrance to oesophagus; p, penis; st, intestine (stomach); s.x, seminal vesicle (5th nephridium).' |