Description | Slide shows three drawings of different parts of the 'female Bonellia viridis'. The drawings are labelled 'a', 'b', and 'c'. Drawings 'b' and 'c' have further labels which are explained in the key. Title below slide reads: 'Fig 429 - Female of Bonellia viridis ; a, the whole animal ; b, anatomy ; c, integument and generative organs after removal of the intestine (after L. Duthiers). Ab, Anal vesicles ; Ad, rectum ; D, alimentary canal ; Hd, cutaneous glands ; M, mesentary ; Ov, ovary ; R, proboscis (preoral lobe) ; Tr, ciliated funnel of the single brown tube or anterior nephridium (uterus) ; U, uterus (anterior nephridium).' |