Collection | GB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections |
Level | Item |
Ref No | MS 483/4 |
Title | Papers of David Skene: Volume of copy correspondence of David Skene: Letter from David Skene to [his father], Andrew Skene |
Date | January 1753 |
Extent | 1 item |
Creator Name | David Skene (1731 - 1770), M.D., of Aberdeen |
Description | Letter from David Skene to his father, Andrew Skene, in which he discusses proposed journey to France and tells him that he intends leaving in mid January at the latest; he has been planning his route and intends to go via Dieppe and then Rouen but thinks that the poor weather may ensure he goes the more expensive route via Dover; when in Paris, he has been told it is better not to board and that he needs a suit of clothes cut in the Paris fashion before he can be admitted anywhere; discusses his finances; tells his father that things are 'the usual way' at Guises's Hospital; he has seen two legs amputated where fungus agaricus has been applied to every vessel instead of stitching, in one case the patient is doing well, in the other the patient who was an old lady had a hæmorrhage and died; Dr. Hunter answered his query regarding adhesion of the chorion in a lecture on an impregnated uterus; he encloses a letter from 'poor John Ross', January 1753. |
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | The records are available subject to the signed acceptance of the Department's access conditions. |
Related Material | MS 38/21 |