Collection | GB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections |
Level | Item |
Ref No | MS 4022/2/6/9/1/3 |
Alt Ref No | AB00155572 |
Title | Drawing of Anti-Surge Controls [Unit M7] |
Date | 1978-1980 |
Extent | 1 item |
Creator Name | Sybron | Taylor / Conoco |
Description | [13-TT-5101] 13-P-1061/1063, 13-F-1051 & 13-XY-1056/1057 - K1301 Anti-Surge Controls [Unit M7]. Drawing no. 32-00-684. Re-issues and modifications dated 1999 and different drawing no. 10206/DJ011. |
Access Status | Open |