
CollectionGB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections
Ref NoMS 4022/2/5/1
Alt Ref NoMURPGELIBPHO00004-01 to -17
TitleMurchison Project Photographic Progress Reports
DateOctober 1977 - November 1979
Extent17 volumes
Creator NameConoco North Sea Inc
DescriptionMonthly collections of photographs depicting the progress of the construction of the Murchison platform. Available reports dated October 1977, April 1978, May 1978, June 1978, July 1978, September 1978, October 1978, November 1978, December 1978 and January 1979 (combined), February 1979, March 1979, April 1979, May 1979, June 1979, July 1979, August 1979 and November 1979. All reports include full-colour photographs with full descriptions. Photographs taken and reports produced by the photographer Marcus Taylor.

[Monthly report for Sept and Oct 1979 missing.]
Access StatusOpen
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