Description | Album (22cm x 28cm), leather-bound and with the Russian eagle and the initials H.W.N. in gold on the front cover. The title page reads "Holiday sketches, Sept. 1884", and the album contains pencil sketches of Russia and of the voyage there.
The sketches, mostly 22cm x 15cm or smaller, have been taken from sketchbooks and pasted into the album. They are similar to the sketches in Clyne's Russian sketchbooks MS 38918/1/6-7, and some are more finished versions of subjects found in the other sketchbooks. In most cases they are dated and initialled by Clyne. They include:
Views of St Petersburg and Moscow; panoramas, street scenes, individual buildings and details, including the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral Sketches of people in and around Moscow: railway officials, droshky drivers, beggars, peasants, officers, priests at the Simonov Monastery, also carts and carriages. In some cases, notes on details of costume etc. are given. Composite sketch of scenes from the voyage, including Copenhagen, the fort at Kronstadt, and St Petersburg from the river |