Description | The minute books cover the establishment of the Ladies Club by Lady Adam Smith in 1926, its constitution and appointments. The books also include: minutes of meetings; Annual Reports; AGMs; arrangements for summer outings; and entertainment. On 18 September 1939, at a Committee Meeting, it was decided that due to the outbreak of war the social activities of the club be temporarily discontinued and that the members would carry out 'war work' under the Red Cross. This established a weekly meeting of the War Work Party who knitted garments, including bandages, for the Red Cross. A Scottish Country Dance Class was formed in 1929 'for members of the Aberdeen University Ladies Club and gentlemen connected with the University. Fundraising: Ladies Club Book Stall at the Lord Provost's Bazaar in aid of the hospitals; two-day bazaar for the Women's Student Union. An annual joint dance with the AULC and the Aberdeen University Teacher's Association held in December which became 'The University Dance'. 1934 saw the first Children's Christmas Party for children of members of the university staff. By the time of the first AGM in 1927, the Ladies Club had 129 ordinary members and two honorary members, Lady Aberdeen and Lady Cowdray. |