Description | 'Evaluation of low molecular weight dextran in shock: pharmacology and pertinent rheology': conference sponsored by the Committee on Trauma, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 29 November 1962, papers edited by Ben Eiseman and Peter Bosomworth (Washington, 1963).
'Low molecular weight dextran rheomacrodex': symposium held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 1 February 1963 (London, Pharmacia Great Britain Ltd, n.d.).
'Symposia of Rheomacrodex': report of London and Cardiff meetings, November 1964' (London, Pharmacia Great Britain Ltd, n.d.). Enclosure: 'Macrodex', leaflet produced by Pharmacia, describing the dextran infusion solution developed by the company for use as a plasma volume expander during the 1940s. |