Description | Factory account and bills i) Factory account of James Blaikie ii). Mason's account iii). Account with Fowler, Sauchen iv). Bookbinder's account v). Account with a smith for installing bells in castle vi). Saddler's account vii). Gunsmith's account viii). Seeds-man's account ix). Coach hirer's accounts (2) x). John Smith, architect, "finishing various apartments in castle; full size drawings of mouldings" (in the dining room?) xi). Note from Charles to Blaikie to pay £100 to Cox and Co., on account of Ensign-Lt. John Wingfield Fraser, Coldstream Guards xii). To drawing a feu charter for Robinscroft, Inverury xiii). Royal Hotel, Aberdeen, bill for lodgings and chaises to Charles Fraser xiv). Naval outfitter's bill to Miss Marianne Mackenzie Fraser, Hayes, 'for nephew Mr F.M. Fraser, HMS Britannia' xv). Bill for an entry door and fanlight, both of which were renewed xvi). Estimate for putting up a partition in a room 12 ft long with centre door, part glass