Collection | GB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections |
Level | Item |
Ref No | MS 3407/6/1/4 |
Title | Miscellaneous papers and notes relating to broadcasts and talks given by Helena Mennie Shire on the subject of a Scottish song between 1854-56. Includes ms of first two talks on 'Scots Songs Discovered', unidentified typescript of miscellany of Scots song and prose, ancient and modern, probably from a broadcast, and cutting from unidentified newspaper, previewing an arrangement of song and prose on the history of the Dee by Helena Mennie Shire, (1955) |
Date | 1954-1956 |
Appraisal | This material has been appraised in line with normal procedures. |
Accruals | None expected. |
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | All correspondence files closed for 70 years. |
Physical Description | No physical conditions affecting use of collection. |
Finding Aids | A paper catalogue is available in the Reading Room. |