Description | Letter from Amelia Nyasa Laws, Rome 5, to her relatives, pointing out to Aunt Amy the new constituent of the address, no news from anyone for three weeks, post very irregular just now, some batches of mail have been burned, outgoing mail may well have left as the station post office is manned by volunteers, quiet Labour Day in Rome but not in Turin or Padua, Mr. Webster and Mr. Street from the Continental Committee have had to hurry home because of illness there, waiting for news to allow them to make decisions about furniture, etc., and move on, arrangements for shipping Mrs. Fleming's boxes, which must be inspected by customs, cost of shipping, mending Uncle's gown for his successor, Mr. Gibson's weeding of the church bookcase, cleaning out church presses, whose contents include redundant Free Church hymn books as well as possessions of Signor Ravi and Miss Turnbull, still tied up, Italian Gospels and Yiddish Testaments, which will go to appropriate missionaries, and pamphlets and books, which must be separated as their prices as scrap are different, Professor Luzzi took two of Uncle's books in memory of him, and asked for the Rivisti Cristiane to go to the Waldensian College, as well as telling them to destroy all the Fides et Amor correspondence, Cordano has been very helpful, all the Leghorn correspondence has been destroyed, which is a very good thing, repairs to blinds and windows, Aunt is suffering from internal neuralgia, but they cannot get away before the hot weather, Mr. Smith's usual poor sermon, Board of Management's decision on the design and wording of the gravestone and tablet, Mr. Davidson's wrath over the design, Aunt's pacification. |