Description | Letter from Maggie Laws, Kondowe, to her daughter, Amelia Nyasa Laws, wishing her a happy ninth birthday, glad Aunt Mary is giving her lessons in taste in dress, and that she is behaving well, death of Janet at Craigo, hopes that she brightened her grandfather's life and that of others she has visited, hopes she enjoyed the garden party at the Thins', asking about her canary and describing birds at the mission, habits of Judy the puppy to avoid fleas, other dogs, hen searching for nest, mention of friends at home, looking forward to a visit to Aunt Mary and Amy from Uncle James, Aunts Bella and Amy are in Switzerland, recommending that she study languages so that she can travel, interested in her progress at St. Margaret's College or elsewhere, mention of new method of teaching foreign languages, mention of her intelligent cook, hopes that she will be photographed when in Aberdeen with her hair up. |