Description | Papers relating to the Banchory bequest, as follows: instructions to trustees as to Aberdeen Divinity Hall, 1861; copy extract registered trust disposition and settlement of Alexander Thomson of Banchory, with five separate writings, dated 1867, registered 1868, copied 1936; abstract of bequests to Mrs. Thomson, 1868; inventory and valuation of household furniture, etc., at Banchory House and farm, 9 June 1868; attested list of articles belonging to Alexander Thomson and bequeathed by codicils and excepted from general conveyance to Mrs. Thomson, 1868; abstract of bequests by Alexander Thomson to Aberdeen Free Church College, 1870; notes on Banchory Museum (9 items), c.1870; letter regarding legacies to the Misses Fraser, 26 August 1870; letter regarding the legacy, 1870; copy letters from Francis Edmond to the Misses Fraser, 30 August - 19 September 1870; letters (6) from Miss Fraser regarding the library, 7 - 20 September 1870; copy letters from Edmonds to Yeats & Flockhart, advocates, 8 - 15 September 1870; letters (3) from Yeats & Flockhart, 14 & 28 September and 12 November 1870; letters concerning the dismantling of the Banchory library, 13 and 20 September 1870; report to the Financial Board by the committee set up to look into the Banchory bequest, 26 September 1870; copy minute of the Financial Board, 27 September and 18 November 1870; catalogue of books belonging to Alexander Thomson of Banchory, sent by the Misses Fraser, 1870s; letters (12) between various correspondents regarding the bequest, 1870 - 1872; letters from the Rev. W. Laughton to Principal Lumsden, 30 March and 14 April 1871; minute of meeting of special committee, 31 May 1871; copy extract from the minutes of the General Assembly Committee relative to the Banchory Bequest, 19 September 1871; report by Senatus to the College Board, January 1872; copy minute of meeting of trustees, 28 March 1872; summary of state of Banchory Trust with queries, 1873; bundle of four accounts of the Banchory Trust, 1873 - 1874; report by Mr. McHardy on 2, Alford Place, 24 February 1874; copy extract minute by the trustees of Mr. Thomson of Banchory anent the Free Church College Bequest, 27 February 1874; letters from the Rev. Dr. Duns, 20 and 27 March 1874; excerpts from minute of meeting of the Special Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland as to the Banchory Bequest, 22 April and 21 May 1874; notes made probably by Francis Edmond concerning Banchory Bequest, 1874; copy correspondence between John Cowan, W.S., Edinburgh, and Robert Lumsden, King Street, Aberdeen, concerning Banchory Bequest, 1874; draft letter to John Cowan, 13 May 1874; note of income from Banchory Trustees and its purposes, 1891; interim account of college bequest from Banchory Trust for half year ending 21 November 1931, 21 May 1932; November 1932; May 1933, November 1933; copy interim account of college bequest from the Banchory Trust for half year ending 21 May 1934; copy interim account of the capital and revenue from the Banchory bequest, 21 November 1941 - 21 May 1942; draft letter to John Cowan, n.d.; memorandum as to moving library and museum, in Thomson's own hand, n.d.; memorandum as to the bequest by Alexander Thomson of Banchory, n.d. |