Description | Set of handwritten notes on selection of George Washington Wilson images, labelled with query 'GWW's own notes?' Photocopy of a postcard showing Wilson Bros., Lantern Slide Works with Diagram drawn by Charles Wilson, showing location of where a stock of slides were buried after the business was wound up. Photocopied chapter 'technicalities' from: Victorian and Edwardian sailing ships from old photographs by Basil Greenhill, 1976 (unclear if these images are sourced from George Washington Wilson or used to identify ships in the collection during cataloguing) 16 glossy prints of Wilson family members with their names annotated from an unknown source and one additional print of George Wilson's (G.W. Wilson's father) medals. A series of photocopies taken from a scrapbook possibly belonging to Charles Wilson, which includes interior images of the Wilson family home. Photocopy of article: 'The East Church of St Nicholas: Mr C.A. Wilson recalls early day of Aberdeen Church' Photocopy of advert from 'Bon-Accord', 21 April 1888, for 'G.W.Wilson & Co. Photographers |