Title | Precept of sasine in favour of William Gordon, writer, Edinburgh, respecting Meikle Tibbertie,Whatrichnore & croft of Meikle Tibbertie called Newwark etc. and Red Moss held of crown by George Seattoun, elder, of Thorntoune and his son. |
Description | Precept of sasine granted at Edinburgh under the great seal (portion still adhering on tag) in favour of William Gordon, writer, Edinburgh, respecting Meikle Tibbertie, Whatrichmore & croft of Meikle Tibbertie called Newwark etc. & Rea Moss called Reidmoss in parishes og Logie Buchan & Foveran,held of crown by George Seattoun, elder, of Thornton & his son, John Seattoun, elder, of Thorntoune and his son, John Seattoun now in Thorntoune & resigned into lands of crown for granting of new infeftments. [on parchment , in Latin.] Written to the Great Seal 12 Aug. 167 -[final figure in endorsement signed - Acheson depute to director of chancery is indistinct.]. Old refs. 31 (14) (15) [both scored out] (19). {Cf.1, 51,57.] |