Description | Contract between Master Alexander Seatone sometime of Thorntoune,(with consent of Margaret Bannerman & others) and John Seatone, fier of Thorntoune, eldest son of George Setone, sometime of Woodhill, (with consent of said George and his wife, Isobel Ogilvy, mother of said John), following on contract between George and Alex. Seatone of 17 July 1652 respecting lands of Meikle Tibbertie, of "Quhrichmuire" & croft of Meikle Tibbertie called Newwark and moss called the Redmoss (with some privileges re arable lands) in the said moss in favour of Sir John Turing of Foveran "auctor" to George Seaton & [?]Wm.Innes of LittleTibbertie etc. in parishes of Logie Buchan & Foveran, into which infeftments were to be granted by George Seatone in favour of his brother Alexander, which was done. By disposition of 28 August 1655 Alex Seatone relieved brother George of cautionary under taken on his behalf respecting various debts - details and names given - & in security disponed to him the toun and lands of Meikle Tibbertie etc. (no mention of Moss of Reidmoss but includes tiendshieves etc.) as in precept of sasine - infeftment of George took place on 6 June 1655 [sic]. There is also mentionof a contract of wadset between Alex. Seatone & deceased James Panton in Calie & Marjorie Keith (or Leith), his wife for 6,000 merks on said lands disposition by George Seaton to his son, John , in May 1661 and assigned rights in tiends etc. in him. Lands reseigned in hands of lords of exchequer for new infeftment & John obtained possession of all lands etc. not included in above wadset to James Panton. Now there had been an accounting between George, John and Alex. Seaton respecting sums due to the satisfaction of Alex. he ratifies charters etc. by George to John & & John becomes immediate superior to Alex. respecting said lands. Procuratory of resignation included accordingly and clause re. ratification by wife. etc. Duly signed and witnessed. In O.Sc. in scroll form. [Cf. 1. of 13 Apr. 1603 Old refs. 7 (or 17), 28 & 9.] |