Description | Contract of alienation betwixt John Gordon of Buckie and the lairds of Auchterellon elder and younger anent the heritable right of Hiltoune and Kinharrachie, mill, mill town and mill lands. Signed at Auchterellon and [?] Eastertown by Alexander Annand, younger, friar of Auchterellon, (with consent of Alexander Annand, elder, his father, Margaret Cheyne, his mother, and Elizabeth Forbes, his wife), and by John Gordon of Buckie (for himself and his wife, Beatrix Urquhart). Following on wadset to Gordon for 10,000 merks on Kinharrachie of 13 & 19 Nov. 1610 plus a further 9500 merks now paid by Gordon, he is to be duly infeft in said lands in barony of Auchterellon, parish of Ellon and sheriffdom of Aberdeen.
Lands detailed are: Hilltown (with manor place, mosses etc., Kinharrachie (with mill, mill lands) with boundaries as at present defined apart from the rest of the barony of Auchterellon one infeftment to be held of Alex. Annand fiar of Auchterellon etc. in feu ferme & heritage for £10.13.4 Sc. Yearly, and the other of the Crown - Annand etc. to be relieved of Tax ward for Auchterellon in proportion - £10 Sc. & £3.6.8 yearly respectively as portion of taxward duty of £30. At marriage of heir male Gordon is to pay crown £48.18 Sc. As share of £300 Sc.
Usual clause of warrandice with mention of salmon fishing in the "Ithen" [Ythan] pertaining to Kinharrachie. Procuratory of resignation (for new infeftments) included. Entry to Hiltoun at Whit. 1614. Assignation to Gordon is mentioned of part of a contract between late Patrick Cheyne of ? Esslemont (for self & his son Patrick Cheyne now apparand thereof) and late William ? Benzie [??Bruce], brother of Edward then Abbot of ? Eredston? And Kinloss of May ? 1597 respecting tiend sheaves of Kinharrachie during lifetime of said William plus 19 years. Tack granted to William by Abbot at Kinloss on 30 August 1580 & he and his convent obliged to grant tack. To Chyne for years still to run. Cheynes elder and younger granted to Annand of Auchterellon & his heirs rights in above contract on 5 April 1606 - now transferred to Gordon respecting tiend sheaves - yearly duty being 38 bolls meal @ 6/8 Sc. Per boll as in principal assignation 'sett' by late Walter, Abbot of Kinloss to said Wm. Benzie ?Birnie, assigned to Cheyne, transferred to Annand or successors. Yearly payment made to Abbot of Kinloss respecting tiendsheaves of Hiltoun of £3.6.8 Sc. For tiend vicarage 6/8 - ? reversion eventually of all to Gordon. Ratification by wife to be obtained & usual clauses re registration etc; Duly signed and witnessed (no seals) Written by Alex. Spalding in Auld Aberdeen (also a witness).
In O.Sc. faded, 5 ½ sheets. [old ref. ?1]. |