Collection | GB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections |
Level | Item |
Ref No | MS 2621/125 |
Title | Obligation granted by William Moir, advocate, in favour of John "Rosse", "anent the rentall of the vicarage teynds of the Lands and Barronie of Hiltone, Tillydesk & pendicles yrof". |
Date | 24 June 1682 |
Extent | 1 item |
Description | Obligation granted by William Moir, advocate, in favour of John "Rosse", "anent the rentall of the vicarage teynds of the Lands and Barronie of Hiltone, Tillidesk & pendicles yrof".[Signature of "Wm. Dallas"under the above note.] On paper in O.Sc.. Duly signed and witnessed in Aberdeen. Granted because of action of "spulzie" of tiends depending at the instance of the minister of Ellon for right of vicarage tiends of that parish against Moir and other heritors.In rental he had given vicarage of said lands at 5 merks per pleugh "for ilk pleugh of eightein pleughes and ane half" except Corsehill at 4 merks -voicarage of whole rentalled at 91 1/2 merks Sc. If Moir be freed before Court of Session of any claim by minister of Ellon respecting these vicarages or a decreet of reduction obtained by Moir and heritors this obligation is to be of no effect against Moir, etc. [Old ref.38]. |
Access Status | Open |