
CollectionGB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections
Ref NoMS 2206/7/15
Alt Ref No21 (27)
TitleGregory family: papers of John Gregory (1724 - 1773): 'Formulae Remediorum'
Date18th century
Extent1 volume
Creator NameGregory, John (1724 - 1773), physician and professor of medicine at King's College, Aberdeen and the University of Edinburgh
DescriptionRecipes for remedies for the treatment of diseases, with instructions on application. The volume is in the hand of John Gregory and is indexed by disease and remedy, 18th century.

These diseases are:
Continuous Fever (page 3)
Intermittent Fever (page 7)
Dolor Auri (page 11)
Variola (page 13)
Febres Nervosa (page 17)
Dolores Rheumatiae (page 21)
Febres Petechiales (page 25)
Mania (page 29)
Apoplexia (page 31)
Paralysis (page 35)
Cephelagia (page 41)
Opthamia (page 45)
[Surdites] (page 47)
Vertigo (page 49)
Visus Imbicilites (page 51)
Lethargy (page 53)
Phrenitis (page 57)
Melancolia (page 59)
Epilepsia (page 61)
Convulsio (page 67)
Hydrocephalus (page 69)
Hydrophobia (page 73)
Haemoragia [Namium] (page 75)
Dolor Dentium (page 79)
Dens Vaccilans (page 83)
Aptha (page 85)
Facici Pustula (page 87)
Spiritus Fator (page 89)
Angina (page 91)
[Cavites] (page 95)
Scabies (page 97)
Lepra (page 101)
Hamoptoe (page 103)
Tussis (page 107)
Asthma (page 113)
Pthisis (page 117)
Cardis Palpitatio (page 125)
Syncope (page 127)
Pleuritis (page 129)
Peripneumonia (page 135)
Peripneumonia [Notha] (page 137)
Ventriculi Dolor (page 139)
[Trappentia] (page 141)
Rabies Canina ( page 143)
Ructus & Flatus (page 147)
Vomitus (page 147)
Vomitus Sanguinis (page 151)
Nausea (page 153)
Cholera Morbus (page 155)
Ventricule Inflammatio (page 157)
Calica Beliosa (page 159)
Ulcera Intestinorus (page 163)
Tumores Externi (page 165)
Abcessus & Ulcus (page 167)
Icterus (page 169)
Hepetitis (page 173)
Contusio (page 175)
Gangrene (page 179)
Scirrus (page 183)
Cancer (page 185)
[Sienis] Obstructo (page 189)
Inflammatio Intestinous (page 191)
Scrofula (page 193)
Lues Venerea (page 197)
Gonnoreanon Virulenta (page 203)
Rachitis (page 205)
Morbus Hypochondriachus (page 203)
Partus Difficilis (page 213)
Lochia[rum] Fluxus Nimia (page 217)
Palsio Hysterica (page 221)
[Mammarum] Tumor
Fistula in Ano
Colica Nephritica (page 237)
Diabetes (page 241)
Vesica Paralysis (page 245)
[Alo] Adstrictus (page 247)
Passio Iliaca (page 251)
Tabes Nervosa
Singult[us] (page 259)
Mict[us] Sanguineus (page 263)
Dolor (page 283)
Vermes (page 287)
Diarrea & Dysenteria (page 291)
Prolapsus Ani (page 301)
Oesophagi Spasmi (page 303)
Calculus Renum & Vesicae (page 311)
Strangunia (page 317)
Scorbutus (page 321)
Hydrops (page 325)
Tenesmus (page 331)
Ardor Urina (page 333)
Abortus (page 335)
Tympanites (page 337)
Haemoraides (page 339)
Chlorosis (page 347)
Mensium Suppressio (page 351)
Mensium Fluxus Immodicus (page 357)
Fluor Albus (page 363)
Sciatica (page 367)
Ledegra (page 369).
Access StatusOpen
Access ConditionsThe records are available subject to the signed acceptance of the Department's access conditions.
Physical DescriptionEnglish and Latin with many abbreviations.
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