Administrative History | The son of Dr. James Beattie (1735 - 1803), James Hay Beattie was born in 1768 and educated at Aberdeen Grammar School and Marischal College, Aberdeen, graduating MA in 1786. He was appointed as assistant and successor to his father as Professor of Moral Philosophy at Marischal College, Aberdeen, in 1787. He died in 1790. |
Description | List of books: includes works of classical authors, grammars, dictionaries and textbooks in various subjects and languages. Titles include James Thomson's 'Seasons', manuscript of 'Natural History', a 'Collection of Songs', and 'Byron's Narrative'. Note on first folio by 'P.B.' (Peter Buchan, 1790-1854): 'The handwriting of the late Professor James Hay Beattie the Poet and son of the celebrated Dr. Beattie author of the 'Minstrel' '. The manuscript consists of two folios torn from a small notebook, which have subsequently been put inside a wrapper. The number 810 has been pasted on as an auction lot number, the same as in MS 2121. The same handwriting also appears on the cover. |
Copyright | Subject to the condition of the original, copies may be supplied for private research use only on receipt of a signed undertaking to comply with current copyright legislation. Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the University Archivist and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. Where possible, assistance will be given in identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material. |