Description | Volume, ff.1 - 230, entitled 'Marischal College Album 1..'; note on front and paper of provenance, 1871; additional note of contents, 1887.
f.1.r: Inscribed: 'The buik of register [ ] new college off Abirdein [ ] be Master Gilbert Gray prin[ci]pall thairof at his entrie to [the] said college quhilk was the 29 September 1598 yeiris Contening The authentik rentallis of the said college Decrettis and Assedationis And names of thais that passis maisteris thairof'; roughly inscribed calculations; f.2r. Headed: 'Begyins the rentall quhilk Mr. Robert Howye first principall off the new college off Abirdein maid and collected sen his entrie thairto in anno 1593 till this present year 1598'; Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae, 92 - 101.; f.4r. Headed: 'Ane perfyte rentall of all the haill beir of the Black and Whyte friers croftes within this brughe dotted be my land Marisschall to the colledge therof. see doune be Mr Gilbert Gray second principall thereof anno 1601'; Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae, 101 - 103. ff. 7 - 9 Headed: 'The rentall of the Colledge Marischall anno 1640 extracted out of ane old rentall', Fasti, 236, 46; f. 10r. Headed 'The second pairt of this buik conenand the decreittis.' 26 June 1593 minutes of the burgh court.; f.10v. - f.52r. Minutes of the burgh court. 24 July 1593 - 1 March 1721 ff. 53 - 58: Blank f. 59r. 'Catalogus librorum impendiis academiae acquisitorum', post 1649 f.59A. Excised f.60r. 'The catalogue and names of the principalls of this college Marischall in Aberdeen, since the erection thereof, anno, 1593 f. 61r. Headed: 'followis The assedationis off the croftis quhilk sumtyme perteint to the Blakfreris off the said burght and now belongis in patrimonie to the New Colledge thairoff sett be Maister Gilbert Gray principall of the said College to the possessoris thairoff. Efter the pronunciacion of the decreitts obtenit be the said principall againis the saidis possessours. Quhilk decreitts is of the daitt At Edinburgh the last of Julii jm and vi c yeris <day off> and the 14 Merch lastly past 1601. 'Alexander Chalmer and Jeane Lumsdane his spous thair assedatioun off the croft callit Foircroft'; autographed subscription. 28 August 1601 f.63r. 'Robert Forbes and Jeane Gray his spows their assedatioun of the croft callit Cwninghar Hillis' autograph subscription. 31 August 1601 f.64r. 'Assedatioune of Mr Williame Andersoun of ane rig of land'; autograph subscription. 30 August 1601 f.65r. 'Assedatioun to Alexander Mollysoun of the <Croft> twa riggis of land lyand in the North territorie of the croftis of this burght'; autograph subscription.14 September 1601 f.66r. 'Assedatioune to Maister George Bissat of Petmukstoune, off the dowkat rig'; autograph subscription. 10 November 1601 ff. 67 - 69. Blank f.70r. Assedation; Gilbert Gray to John Leslie in Kyntor and Agnes Tailyer his spouse; 8 roods of land in Kintore, as described; autograph subscription. 13 November 1613 f. 71r 'Jhone Leslie of Kintor his assedation 1618'; incomplete. 1618 f.72r. 'Johne Melving his assedatione of the croft called the Cuninges Hill.' February 1624 f.73r. 'Jhone Nicolsone his assedatioun of the Carmelits yairds. 28 April 1624 f.74r. Assedation; Patrick Dun to Walter Skeddie; rig of land called Gairtles Rig in Aberdeen. Annotated 'Possessed now by Androw Farquhar 1675 yeares'. April 1626 f.75r. 'Copie off the originall charter given by the freirs to Gilbert Mengyess of Cowllie'; annotated: 'Provost Petries now Jhone Duncan baylyies last yeir 1675.' f. 76r. 'Tak set by the new colledge off Aberdeen to David Andersone of thair croft of land <callit> lyand in the west territorie of Aberdeen'; deleted. 20 April 1623 f. 77r. 'Ane assedation of the mercroft'; deleted. 6 April 1626 f. 78r. 'Assedatione to Androv Burnet elder of the colledge yaird for 5 years.' 12 July 1630 f. 79r. 'Assedatione to Androv Burnet elder of Crabsteries croft for 3 [terms of] 19 yeirs. 4 bolls beir.' 3 August 1630 f.80r. 'Assedatione to William Baxter and his spous of ane rige for thrie 19 yeires taks. 3 bolls 3 firlots.' 31 December 1630 f.81r. Assedation; Patrick Dunne to Robert Harrow and Isobell Milne his spouse; rig of land in west territorie of the crofts of Aberdeen. 20 December 1638 f.83r. 'Carta Valteri Robertson de tenement suo in vico viridi.' May 1651 f. 85r. 'The coppie of the fundatione of the colledge of New Aberdein…producit 21 May 1647 be the Lord Earle Marischall befor the commissioners appointit by the generall assemble.'[1656] f.90r. Note of production of above and record of it in 'the books of the Exchequer' by W. Purves, clerk. 22 May 1652 f.91. Blank f.92r. 'Mr Gilbert Ramsay's mortification.' 23 November 1714 ff. 94 - 133 Blank f.134r. Mortification of Alexander Galloway; autograph subscriptions. 17 February 1700 f.140 Blank f.141v. 'Mortificatione of doctor… Rosse divine at London'; abstract.; Mortificatione of doctor William Guild divine and principall of the Kings College'; abstract. 1650s f.142r. Notes on mortifications, bequests etc. to college. 1616 - 1670 f.143r. 'Ordinance for delyvering of wnquhill William Jamesones mathematicall instruments to D Jonston'; extract from burgh register; 'Mr Alexander Reidis mortificatione, 8 Martii 1632'; extract as above.; 'Mr Alexander Reids mortificatione of 110 punds sterline to poore schollaris, 4 October 1633'; extract as above.; 'Doctor William Jonstoune his haill mathematicall books and instruments giwen to the towne for the use of the colledge be his widow'; extract as above. [1632]; 25 April 1632; 6 November 1633; 17 February 1641 f.145r. 'Decreit of the Lords of Sessione given at the instance of Dr Alexander Irving of Ormund knight anent the sowme of ten thowsand pound…mortifiet be his father…for mantenance of tene poore schollaris within the grammar schoole and colledge of this burght. 27 February 1633 f.148r. 'The inventar testament testamentar lettre will and legacie of wnquhill Mr Duncan Liddell…'; copy. 9 December 1613 f. 153r. 'The mortification of unquhill Doctor Liddell off the landis of Pitmedden to sex bursaris', copy. 12 June 1612 f. 156v. Notes of mortifications of William Leslie and John Straquhan. 1669, 1676 f.157r. 'A pairt of the testament testamentar lettre will and legacie of wnquhill Sir Thomas Crombie of Kemney…'; copy. 5 March 1644 f. 159'. Blank f.160r. 'The act of Parlament ratefeing the donacione of the bishoprik of Aberdeen by King Charles to the tua colledges therof,…'; copy 17 November 1641 f. 161r. 'King Charles his donation of the bishoprik of Aberdeen to the tua colleges therof…', copy, annotated: 'quhilk is in the custodie of the old toune college'. 8 November 1641 f. 164r. 'Mortificatione: Laird of Drum': extract from burgh register. 19 May 1630 f. 165r. 'Ordinance of counsall concerning the Laird Drummes mortificatione', extract as above. 22 May 1630 f.165v. 'A pairt of Dr Reid testament of the dait [deleted] quhilk is in the toune of Aberdeens chartour kist'; extract as above. 17th century f. 166r. 'Master Patrick Copland his mortificatioun to ane professor of divinitie …'; copy. 27 January 1616 f. 167r. 'Master Patrick Copland his second mortificatioun…'; copy. 18 July 1622 f. 168r. 'Mr Patrick Copland his third mortificatione'; abstract.; 'David Chamberlaine his mortifications…'; abstract; ;David Chalmers mortificatione…'; abstract.; Note of toun council's gift of a bell 'in contentation of this mortificatione.' 1 February 1627; 13 June 1621; 2 February 1625; 1658 f.168v. 'A particle of Mr Thomas Reid's (legacie)…' copy 4 March 1625 f. 169r. Augmentation of money mortified by Patrick Copland for professorship of divinity; extract from burgh register; 'Text of diploma of Senate on behalf of William Les', A.M. 17 May 1637; 167? f. 169v. Headed: 'Censura morum et doctrine candidatorum ex academia Marischallanca cum laurea emittendorum. Ingrediantes in circulo primo'; text of diploma; text of diploma. 167? 1661 f. 170r. 'Statuta accademiae [ ] Abredonensis… a.M. Gilberto Graio gymnasiarcha anno 1605 qui octavus est annus prefecture eius'. c.1605? f. 176r. Untitled [statutes of M. David Vedderburn]; autograph subscription of students. 1615 f. 176v. Untitled [Statute] 1673 f. 177r. 'Nomina studiosorum anno 1616 albo academie inscriptorum sub M. Andrea Aidio gymnasiarcha'; autograph subscriptions. 1616 f.177v - f.207 - Lists of names and subscriptions and students ff. 208 - 210. 'James Milne's mortifications.' 2 June 1677 ff. 211 - 213. Blank f. 214r. 'Admissioun of the bursars funder be doctour Liddell.' 3 June 1616 f. 215v - f. 218r 'Libri [medic] inales et physiological etc.' 17th century ff.218v - 219v. 'Blank' ff.220v - 221r. 'The catalogue of the books within the librarie belonging to the colledge given in anno 1662.' ff.221v - 222v. 'Blank' f.223r. Duties of porter. 17th century f.224r. Blank f. 225r. 'Acts made by the commissioner of Parliament appointed for visiting and regulating the universities and colledges of this kingdome of Scotland conforme to the commissione granted by their majesties King William and Queen Marie and the estates of Parliament to the persones therein named for that effect...'; Edinburgh; 'Anent the tryall of the regents at their admissione.' 4 July 1690; 27 September 1690 f.225v. 'Edinburgh; Anent exeem[ption]…masters or regents transported, frome…above tryall.'; 'Edinburgh; 'Anent the foundation and mortificationes…the severall universities and colledge.' 4 February 1695 f. 266r. Edinburgh; 'Anent the report of the community to be sent to the severall universities and colledges'; Edinburgh; 'Anent a meeting of the colledges the last Wednesday of July.' 4 February 1695; 14 May 1695 f. 266v. Edinburgh; two entries, marginal titles missing. 'Anent the [hep]domedus.'; 'Anent wearing…gownes…dges.' 15 May 1695; 17th century f.227r. 'Anent a strict examination of the students.'; 'Anent the age of the regents to be admitted.';'Anent the tyme of meeting and the dismissing of the colledges'; 'Anent the students their testificats.' 17th century f.277v. 'Anent the students takeing their degrees.'; 'Anent the publick examinatione of students at their first entrie to and dismissing from the colledges.'; 'Anent the examinatione of bursers.' 17th century f.228r. 'Anent the mathematicks.'; 'Anent the regents dictats'; 'Anent the mentioning of the founders and benefactors.'; Edinburgh; 'Anent a printed our of philosophie.'; 17th century; final entry 1 August 1695 f. 228v. Continued 'Anent a printed our of philosophie.'1 August 1695 f. 229r. Edinburgh; 'Anent the bejan and semi classes…their tryall'; Edinburgh 'Remitt from the commission to the committee.'; 1 August 1695 f.229v. 'Anent admitting of excuses and granting licences to students.'; 'Anent the publick worship and sacred lessons.' 1 August 1695 |