
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/5/1
Alt Ref No2120
TitleReports to Medical Board and Commanding Officer of the 88th Regiment / Admission book
DateOctober 1796 - February 1798
Extent1 volume
Description'Copies of Reports as given in to Medical Board, The Inspector General of Hospitals and the Commanding Officer of the 88th regt.'. Labelled 'Admission Book 2' and numbered 19 on spine.

Volume containing copies of monthly reports sent to the Army Medical Board and the Inspector General of Hospitals and weekly medical reports sent to the Commanding Officer of the 88th regiment (pp.1-123). Starting at the end of the volume, there is also a record of the admissions to the hospital of the 88th regiment (pp.1-24: each double page is numbered as one page).

Monthly Reports:

The monthly returns to the Army Medical Board and the Inspector General of Hospitals in London are in table format and typically provide the following details: the name of each patient, their age, the disease they are suffering from, when they were returned fit for service and if they are unfit for service. It also notes where the patients were accommodated and any changes in their condition since the last report. Any general observations on a patient's condition are also sometimes included as are figures relating to the increase and decrease of certain diseases (see p.93).

The diseases listed are: fevers, pulmonary cases, dysentery, dropsy, rheumatism, disorders of the eyes, wounds and ulcers, ruptures, venereal complaints and disorders of the urinary passage. Patients could also be accommodated in the hospital, in barracks or billets, at headquarters or in cantonments.

The reports were sent from Dartford 'on the march to Chatham barracks', at Chatham Barracks, Hilsea Barracks and St. Owens Bay, Jersey and date from the 20 February 1797-20 January 1798.

Weekly Reports:

The weekly returns sent to the commanding officer of the 88th regiment typically include the name of the patient, the date they were admitted, the company they belonged to, the disease they were suffering from and sometimes a note of the treatment administered to each patient. Figures relating to the total number of sick in the regiment, the prevalence of certain types of disease and the number of patients dismissed and admitted are also provided. For example, the report provided to the commanding officer at Chatham Barracks on the 3 April 1797 (p.4) notes that venereal complaints and ulcers were the most common disease among the 15 patients in the Regimental Hospital; 19 men were also being treated in the Garrison Hospital while 6 had been dismissed resulting in a total of 34 men listed as sick in the regiment. The reports also sometimes note the number of men 'sick in quarters'. These weekly returns were given while the regiment was stationed at Rochester, Chatham Barracks and St. Owens Bay, Jersey and date from 27 March 1797-4 February 1798.

Record of admissions:

This section of the volume contains a record of the admissions into the hospital of the 88th regiment from 29 October 1796-10 February 1798. In table format, the column headings are as follows: Date of Admission, Names, Companies, Age, Diseases, Treatment, Dismissed, Dead, Deserted [sometimes this last column is headed 'Run', left blank or is not included at all].
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Related MaterialSee Case books 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for more detailed notes on individual cases kept while McGrigor was stationed at St. Owens Bay, Jersey.
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