
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/5
Alt Ref No2129
TitleCase book 5
Date24 May - 18 August 1797
Extent1 volume
Administrative HistoryMcGrigor disembarked at Jersey in May 1797 and had to contend with an outbreak of typhus in the 88th regiment soon after.
DescriptionDescription of medical cases in the 88th Regiment 'on board transports [The Good Intent] from Portsmouth to Jersey', and at St. Owens Barracks, Jersey. 'This volume contains detail of cases of secondary syphilis, foul ulcers, 5 cases of variola and of a fever, which made its appearance on the 18th July, and for a considerable time afterwards prevailed in the 88th Regt.' The medical officers in charge are listed as McGrigor as Surgeon and his Assistant Surgeons Bruce and Brown. Remarks are entered for each day and include the names of the patients, their complaints, the medicines prescribed, their progress and if they have been dismissed from hospital. There are no weekly remarks in this volume, although it was probably intended to add these at a later date as space has sometimes been left for this purpose (for example see page 27).

Remarks [not in McGrigor's handwriting] for the principal cases that had occurred since the 24 May are provided on page 320:

1. Carruthers: had been in Regimental Hospital at Chatham for several weeks with cough and difficulty in breathing; after unsuccessful treatment of this, symptoms of phthisis began to appear; upon arrival in Jersey, night sweats also began to occur in patient; he was given Cupr. Vitrial solution in water (which made him vomit) for several days without relief; opiates were given at the same time; a plan was then substituted…[lists various medications]; notes that on 'leaving off' the vitriolic solution he had febrile symptoms, 'the day after the mixture was discontinued'; he began taking the bark combined with opium 'till his dismission for hospital…for intemperance, at which time he complained much of the cough and night sweatings'.

2. Daniels: after fever, he experienced pain and rigidity in his left knee…

3. Knox: a case of ulcers of long standing, attended with much fungus...

4. Blair, aged 40: had been subject to ulcers on his skin for 20 years, 'during which time he had no proper care taken of them till he enlisted about 2 years ago since which he has been in different [hospitals]. He has taken C_ Per. Sulph. and _ Calomel, for some months. At present the sore is nearly healed up'.

5. Hague: a similar case to Blairs except the sores affect both legs; he uses the same medicines.

6. Gordon: affected by ulcer on skin; he was treated with mercury and bark.

7. Of 3 cases of variola, only 1 remains convalescing in hospital; 'The worst case and which shewed (sic) the most putrid symptoms was in that of Greenham which were obviated by the liberal use of Cart. _ Wine an Elixir vitriol. The infection was taken from Hill the most mild case and communicated to _ who never had the smallpox, with the least effect, 5 or 6 pustules only appearing'.

8. Droughton, Corporal, aged 38, case of epilepsy: he had been subject to epileptic attacks since he was 7 years old, but he had not suffered an attack for 2 years prior to the accident [a blow to the head] and three days after this the symptoms of concussion and extravasation appeared, 'that pressure on the brain took place within the cranium seemed clearly indicated'; symptoms which followed included delerium, vertigo, double and partial vision and headaches; 'then starting in his sleep which afterwards terminated in a regular epileptic fit'; notes that he suffered fits daily until the 18th when they became more irregular [proceeds to comment on treatment administered to patient, including use of zinc _ and opiates].

9. Sergeant Hayn, aged 43: comments that this seems to be a very doubtful case; describes history of case, one of soreness and tumefaction [swelling] of the belly; patient had been treated in different hospitals for an hydropic affection; describes recent symptoms and appearance of patient; 'Towards the latter part of the day the swelling increased along with the symptoms, at which time he generally complained of a degree of dyspnoea...'; 'From a review of the symptoms and from looking back at the different medicines we have been administered (sic) , the small nature of his complaints seem to be very much involved in obscurity. From the repeated exhibition of drastic purgatives, laxatives, tincture and suderifics he had not the smallest advantage...From the idea of his labouring under a tympanitic affection, which was at first suspected, recourse was had to those remedies employed in that disease without effect...At the time of this book being closed, he had been sent up to camp to take under his charge the orderlys over the sick, where he had the benefit of air and exercise'.

There is an index of cases at the end of the volume.
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Physical DescriptionNumbered '2028' on spine and '2129' on inside cover. 1 volume (0.05 linear metres).
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