
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/28
Alt Ref No2152
TitleCase book 28
DateNovember 1803 - July 1805
Extent1 volume
DescriptionCase book, Royal Horse Guards, November 1803-20 July 1805. Includes index of patients at front of volume, noting date of admission, disease, name, age, commanding officer and date they were discharged. The page reference to more detailed notes on the progress of, and treatment administered to, each patient during their stay in hospital is also provided. Some cases are listed more than once where they have been re-admitted for treatment: for example, James Taylor (p.31), admitted on the 28 March 1804 with pneumonia and again on the 22 April with ague [note different ages given for patient]. A general index and a detailed monthly sick return of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards at Canterbury Barracks from September-October 1804 is also included towards the end of the volume [this continues from November 1804-July 1805 when the regiment was stationed at Windsor]. The tables contain information about the number of patients admitted for the month, the prevalence of different types of disease, the number discharged since the last return, if any patients had died and if those remaining were in hospital, barracks or billets, discharged, on furlough or 'elsewhere'.

A typical entry on page 35 is as follows:

Thomas Bingham, aged 23, Captain Slingsby's troop.
April 8th: Has for last 3 days, in consequence of getting wet, had catarrhal symptoms, got last night suderifics. He is now very hoarse, much pain of one side of head, dullness of hearing, little cough, no expectoration. Got last night a bolus of calomel and this morning a purgative powder, neither have operated'...
14th: Cough very loose, no dyspnoea, much hoarseness, [sweated?] much...
18th: Had 9 motions from cathartic, no syncope, cough loose, much hoarseness...
19th: Only little cough, hoarseness less, no syncope...
29th: Dismissed cured.

The following types of illness and disease are referred to in the case book:

'Ophthalmy' [ophthalmia]
Melancholy (p.4)
Leg wound
'Peripneumony' [peripneumonia] (pp.7 and 10)
Suppression of urine (p.12)
Coughing of blood
Hernia Humoralis
Venereal disease
(Cough) fever
Pulmonic (p.20)
Swelling of leg (p.32)
Icterus (p.33)
Ulcers [on hand] (p.22)
Vertigo (p.38)
Ague (p.31)
Wound on foot
Intermittent fever
Angina (p.58)
Kick on left knee from horse (p.60)
Psora [the itch] (p.4)
Lues Venerea (p.83)
Phlegmon (p.7)
Typhoid fever
Contusion (p.82)
Buboes (p.10)
Continued fever
Cholera Morbus (p.147)
Sphacelus (p.24)
Tumour (p.28)

[See index of patients and general index for further page references.]
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
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