
CollectionGB 0817 Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Ref NoAMCS/4/1/4/23
Alt Ref No177 (on spine) / 2147 (on inside cover)
TitleCase book 23
Date21 November 1802 - 28 February 1803
Extent1 volume
Administrative HistoryMcGrigor returned to Bombay after his posting to Egypt as superintending surgeon in 1801 where he had coordinated the treatment of troops suffering from the plague at Rosetta. He had returned to Bombay following the army's withdrawal from Egypt, eventually returning to England.
DescriptionDescription of cases in the hospital of the 88th Regiment while stationed in Bombay [volume 23, but on the title page has also been written volume 22]. A list of names has been inserted at the front of the volume, although the entries in the volume do not always seem to correspond to the page numbers marked beside each name.

Each daily entry records the name of each patient, their complaint, the medicines prescribed, their progress and if they have been dismissed from hospital.

Weekly remarks are provided throughout the volume for the following dates:

21-27 November (p.19): 'Everything at the commencement of the present week is favourable. We lost one case during the week. There is no case at present dangerously ill in the Hospital and the admissions have been fewer while the [dismissals?] are more considerable than those of former weeks'. As in the later entries, he discusses the weather, before commenting on individual cases. A typical entry reads: 'Williams. Tho much debilitated, may now be considered as on the Convalescent list, he has had a good deal of pneumonic affliction'.

28 November-4 December (p.35).

5-11 December (p.47).

12-18 December (p.59): received patients from 77th regiment.

19-25 December (p.73).

26 December-1 January (p.88): notes that 'there is a very small number now in Hospital: but the payment of _ and the yearly allowance at this season we look to as the cause of future sickness'.

2-8 January (p.98): 'We never had so few sickā€¦as at present'.

9-15 January (p.117): they have taken in invalids from the 75th, 64th and 86th Regiments.

16-22 January (p.141).

23-29 January (p.157): they do not have a case of Continued or Intermittent fever in the hospital.

30 January-5 February (p.177): omitted to mention from previous remarks that on the 25th the 84th Regiment sailed for Surat and a few days prior to this the 86th for [Biudua?]: 'The invalids embarked on the 5th for England'.

6-12 February (p.202): refers to cases of hepatitis.

13-19 February (p.217).

20-26 February (p.226).

Index, listed alphabetically by disease/ailment (p.230).

The volume is reversed and turned upside down with pages numbered 1-69. It begins with an index of different diseases followed by detailed notes on patients, documenting in particular their daily condition and the medicines and doses they were prescribed. There has also been added weekly remarks (on pp. 24, 27, 37 and 59) for the period March-July but the year is not given [assumed 1803].
Access StatusRestricted
Access ConditionsPlease note that although the catalogue is available via the Special Collections website, the papers are held by the Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society at its offices in the Medical School building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen. Please contact the Society directly to arrange access to the records: Tel. 01224 437104; Email:
Physical Description1 volume (0.04 linear metres)
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