Description | Notes on lectures given by Professor Hamilton on Practical Pathology, taken by Angus Fraser (volume 1). The contents are as follows:
[Lectures covering period 7 May-21 June 1883.] Lecture 1: Order of observing organs: weight, size, consistence, surface, edges, colour, cut surface, squeezing (p.1). Lecture 2: The microscopic appearances of the organs and tissues (p.5). Lecture 3: Examination of compound granular corpuscles in fluid from a sebaceous cyst (p.13). Lecture 4: 'Specimen of Brown Induration of Lung, shown from a case of Heart Disease'; microscopic demonstration of pus; the liver (p.16). Lecture 5: the liver (p.20). Lecture 6: 'Is the waxy material an infiltration or a degeneration?' (p.27) Lecture 7: Cyandie Atrophy; Cirrhosis of liver (p.32). Lecture 8: the liver including typhoid liver (p.37). Lecture 9: macroscopic demonstration of morbid livers (p.41). Lecture 10: Tubercle of liver (p.45). Lecture 11: angioma of the liver; cancer of the liver (p.50). Lecture 12: Syphilitic disease of the liver; the lung (p.56). Lecture 13: the lung including notes on emphysema (p.62). Lecture 14: Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver (p.69). Lecture 15: macroscopic demonstration (p.73). Lecture 16: Pleurisy (p.77). Lecture 17: Pleuro-Pneumonia (p.84). Lecture 18: Catarrhal Pneumonia (p.89). Lecture 19: discussion of Catarrhal Pneumonia, Secondary Tubercle, Primary Tubercle (p.93). Lecture 20: macroscopic demonstration of lung and kidney (p.96). Lecture 21: Interstitial Pneumonia; Brown Induration of Lung (p.100). Lecture 22: Fat Embolism of Lung; Trichinosis of Lung (p.104). Lecture 23: Haemorrhagic Infarction of Lung; Larynx (p.107). Lecture 24: Tubercular Larynx; Kidney; Brights Disease: Parenchymatous Nephritis (p.112). Lecture 25: macroscopic demonstration (p.118). Lecture 26: Waxy Kidney (p.119). Lecture 27: Cirrhotic Kidney (p.123). Lecture 28: Glomerulo-Nephritis; Fat Embolism of Kidney (p.128). Lecture 29: Pyonephritis; Diphtheritic Group (p.131). Lecture 30: Cyanotic Induration of Kidney (p.135). Lecture 31: macroscopic demonstration: left lung, small intestine, spleen, kidney, polypus of rectum, uterus, heart (p.137). Lecture 32: Tubercle of Kidney; Phthisis of Kidney (p.139). Lecture 33: Infarction of Kidney; Kidney in Acute Yellow Atrophy of Liver; Lymphadenoma of Kidney; Normal Spleen (p.143).
The remainder of the volume is blank. It appears from the gap that follows between volumes 1 and 2 that the student either did not attend some lectures or took notes in another volume. |