
CollectionGB 0231 University of Aberdeen, Special Collections
Ref NoUNIVERSITY 1452/2/3/1/1/2
TitleKing's College Sports Pavilion
Date1994 - 2001
Extent1 file
Description*Aberdeen Kings College Sports Pavilion and Pool, November 1996:

Four photocopied A3 and one large original floor plan of University of Aberdeen Kings College Sports Pavilion and Pool showing the existing arrangements and the proposed layout. Plans are dated November 1996 and were drawn by Jenkins and Marr, Chartered Architects.

*King's Pavilion Development Papers (in chronological order):

Minutes of the Working Party on the Development of Sports Facilities held on 30 November 1994.
A position paper entitled "Re-Development of King's Pavilion" written by Dr R.Gash for the Working Party on the Development of Sports Facilities under the auspices of the Welfare and Academic Services Committee at the University of Aberdeen gives an excellent overview to the progress made and discussions held to that point in time. The paper was produced after the working party meeting held on 30 November 1994. The paper refers to a set of plans held in MSU 1452/2/3/3.
Minutes of the Working Party on the Development of Sports Facilities held on 23 January 1995, 23 March 1995 (includes a a proposal for the extension of the weights room) and 15 May 1995 (includes a number of reports and plans on the proposed layout and uses of Butchart Recreation centre and its most recent timetable).

Letter/report to Bernard McDermott, Quincentenery Director, University of Aberdeen from Kit Campbell of Kit Campbell Associates dated 7 July 1995 about the proposed way forward and the likely costs of the Re-Devolpment of King's Pavilion.

Letter from James Higgins, A.A President to Bernard McDermott, Quincentenery Director, University of Aberdeen dated 19 July 1995.

Three short minutes for King's Pavilion Sports Lottery Application/University of Aberdeen Development Trust Sports Lottery Committee meetings dated 20 September, 6 November and 4 December 1996.

Two letters to Fraser Kier, President of Aberdeen University Athletic Club commenting on the proposed plans for Kings as part of the consultation process; one from Andrew Mosely, Aberdeen University Canoe Club Captain and and one from Dr. Ian E. Edwards, Athletic Association Honorary Vice- President dated 13 December 1996.

Letter from Fraser Keir, President of Aberdeen University Athletic Club to Angus Donaldson, Assistant Estates Director, University of Aberdeen dated 13 December 1996 listing a a number of problems with the suggested plans for the King's Pavilion; also has a list of facilities currently available at all the Scottish Universities.

Report from the Department of Physical Education, University of Aberdeen as a reply to the consultants' report on the Refurbishment of King's Pavilion dated 1997.

Two sets of minutes from the University of Aberdeen Development Trust King's pavilion Committee meetings dated 12 February 1997 and 5 March 1997.

Draft of the "Application to Lottery Sports Fund and Project Brief, King's Pavilion, University of Aberdeen, April 1997" and includes the distribution list for the project draft.

Minutes of a meeting to set up a new committee including a short passage on the idea behind the committee of promoting University Sports at University of Aberdeen (not to be confused with the committee to develop King's pavilion).

Interim Report by Kit Campbell Associates for the University of Aberdeen on the King's Pavilion dated June 1997.

Group of papers including a hand written letter from Elizabeth Marsden, Director of Physical Education to Alan Rose, President of the Athletic Association dated 28 November 1997 about a pitch to the Vice-Chancellor for a Sport's Development Officer; includes a number of interesting reports "Development of Student Sport and Recreation within the University of Aberdeen" by Alan Rose, a list of current facilities, "Scottish Universities Sport - First Class, Towards an Action plan" and "Sports Facility Development" by Elizabeth Marsden dated 7 July 1997.

Aberdeen University Student Association notes on the ideal layout of the swimming pool area at Kings Pavilion with an accompanying e-mail from Oasis Swimming Pools to Lara Beveridge, President of Athletic Association dated 28 July 1999 detailing the size of plant room required for that pool area.

Report entitled "Working Party on Sports Facilities Development, Proposal for Synthetic Pitch" probably dating from 1990's.

Notes by Kim Atkinson , President of Sports Council about a meeting of the King's Pavilion Refurbishment Project Board dated 24 August 2001.
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