Description | Black and white drawing of skeleton of 'Menopoma Alleghaniensis' with diagramatical markers on certain parts, which are described on the foot of the image as follows - 'ET - orbitspenoid', 'F - frontal', 'JL - pelvic girdle', 'JMX - premaxilla', 'MX - maxilla', 'N - nasal', 'OCL - exoccipital', 'P - parietal', 'PE - prootic', 'PT - pterygoid', 'R - ribs', 'S - sacral vertebra', 'SC - scapula', 'TY - squamosal', 'VO - vomer', 'beta (Greek symbol) - hyoid apparatus', 'Z beta(Greek symbol) hyoid', 'K beta - branchial arches'.