Administrative History | Norval Clyne (1817 - 1888): advocate John Clyne (1777 - 1835): soldier |
Description | Papers of Norval Clyne, advocate (1817 - 1888). Certificate of baptism of Norval Clyne and extracts made by him for an article on Edward Raban, together with various papers collected by him. These include letters of Lady Jane Douglas:
Raban's Prognostication for 1625 - for the Honorable City of Aberdeen (cover inscribed '1841, N. Clyne'), 1625 Gabriel Friend's Prognostication for 1625 - 1630 parchment, signed ? Alexander, many signatures added including 'Charles R 1630 September' - from Mount Stewart, Co. Tyrone, Ireland - letter to Archibald Stewart from his cousin William Stewart, 1625 Long document in Latin, both sides inscribed, April 1639 Letter from William Stewart to his cousin Archibald Stewart of Hasilside, now in Edinburgh - mentions Parliament, 1642 Short letter from William Stewart to his mother, 1643 Letter from William Stewart to his mother Lady Heselside, 21 August 1660, London - mentions Mrs William Douglas, re King and "finding a place" Copy of above letter, 1660 Passeport, le 3 aout 1708, signed by Duc de Berwick, in name of le S. Menzies, permit to go to Brusselles and Holland pour un mois, 1708 Statement from Robert Paul, Schoolmaster, 1720 Four letters from Lady Jane Douglas and one from Helen Hewet, 1745 Eulogy on Alexander Douglas and epitaph, 1753 Letter from John Semple re 'gentleman in suit of your daughter', 1753 Inventory of some 'ancient' papers and letters, 1826 2 typescript sheets re Douglas and Stewart letters, reference to Lady Jane Douglas and her brother Duke of Douglas, not dated and unsigned
Papers of John Clyne, an officer in the First Royal Regiment of Foot (the Royal Scots); consisting mainly of military commissions (1777 - 1835). |