Description | Letter from Amelia Nyasa Laws, Valence, to her parents, regarding going home with Aunt and Uncle; copy of letter to Uncle from Mr. J. Macdonald Webster of the Continental Committee regarding increased taxation in Rome and summons to meeting in June to talk about his retirement and replacement; Uncle had previously said that he could not leave Rome before the end of June, but now of course it seems possible to him; some wish Uncle to remain in Rome, and he wishes it, too, along with the seasonal appointment of a minister until visitor numbers make it possible again to have a permanent ministry there; this would make things awkward for the seasonal man, who would only be preaching, anyway; if he is allowed a pension, what would pay the seasonal appointment; Aunt does not enter into the plans; 'the minister and the brother are two different people'; Amelia will help with the removals if necessary but her plans will be made independently, to include Aunt if desired; at present they are simply grateful that Uncle has had decisions imposed on him. |