Administrative History | This address appears to have been written during World War Two, possibly during, or soon after, the Battle of Britain, July - October 1940 (see reference on page 2 to 'recent air manuevers, Defence of London, 250 aeroplanes in attack') |
Description | Address on 'war and peace at present time', discussing the horrors of war; forces making for war; armament firms and control of press; present crisis; failure of disarmament conference; failure of the League of Nations (asking 'how can the League succeed ?', 'can it induce members to keep to treaties ?' and imploring that we 'dare not let the League fail'); German attitudes; and the ideologies of Sir Julian Huxley (1887-1975), Viscount Cecil (1864-1958), Sir Norman Angell (1872-1967), and others. |