Description | Notes by Dr William Cullene [Cullen (1710 – 1790), chemist and physician], explaining that he cannot promise James Beattie an immediate and perfect cure, although he should be greatly relieved and his health and vigour recovered after using a few remedies and following a regime. Notes say that Beattie has to try Goat Whey and notes give a few cautions about how to take it. Notes explain that Beattie should take regular exercise on horseback and he should refrain from deep thought. Notes mention other activities Beattie could undertake - light summer reading, chearful conversation and a game of cards. Also, notes give instructions on Beattie's diet, including instruction to eat more vegetables. Notes give guidance on what Beattie should and should not drink, including trying to give up tea and coffee.
"Tho' from the Nature of Dr Beattie's Complaints & their long Continenance we cannot promise him an immediate & perfect cure, we would yet expect that by the use of a few remedies & by a proper attention to Regimen, he might soon be greatly relieved & in a few months might recover his health & Vigour.
He proposes to try the Goat Whey, which may be very proper, but he should attend to the following cautions concerning it. To begin with a small quantity, not exceeding half an English Pint at first, which may be increased every day as the Stomach bears it to the amount of an English Quart: but it should not be taken to a greater quantity than that. He should not take above half an English Pint at once & then walk about gently for a Quarter of an hour, till in that way the whole Quantity proposed shall have been taken. He may take if he pleases Goat Whey & a little toasted bread for Supper, but the proper time for taking the Goat Whey is in the morning before breakfast. He should take with the first Draught of Goat Whey in the Morning, One Two or Three table Spoonfulls of the Medicine the Receipt for which he will get along with this. The Quantity of it must be determined by its effect. It is intended to keep the belly open once a day. If it does more its quantity must be diminished: if it does less, must be increased. It is meant to supersede the Necessity of taking any other Laxative as it is itself the best that can be taken. It will probably have the effect of preventing flatulence & making the Whey sit easy on the Stomach. If notwithstanding these precautions the Whey should ?stiteprove very flatulent, Dr Beattie must let it alone entirely.
He should use regular Exercise on hoseback every forenoon. A ride of 3 hours will probably be sufficient. But he has only to observe not to carry it the length of fatigue, which would certainly weaken instead of strengthening him. The Journey which he proposes to take on horseback will probably be of very great Service to him, especially with the Precaution he mentions of having a Chaise to retreat to in Case of fatigue or bad Weather. Dr Beattie must absolutely refrain from ?theory or deep thought of every kind if possible, especially ?Composition either in Prose or Poetry. Light Summer reading, chearfull Conversation where no great Exertion is required, with now & then a Game at Cards ?& are extremely proper, & may do more real Service than any Medicines Whatever.
With respect to Diet which is of the atmost Consequence in Dr B's Care; he must continue for some little time the same Diet of solid Animal food which he uses at present. But as soon as he enters on the proper Regimen in point of Exercise he must begin to mix some Vegetable food with his animal. Broth or Soupe with toasted bread or Rice (either of which is preferable to Barley) ought to make a Part of his Dinner: it will in all probability be easily digested & will prevent any danger of his taking more animal food than would be proper for his health in other respects. He may likewise take any kind of Garden stuff that is in Season: & will ?beable by degrees to make a considerable part of his Dinner of much substances: which it would be proper for him to do on many accounts. Vegetables when young & tender are much more easily digested than when they are older. as for instance Peas, Turnips, Carrots, ?& Colliflower & Brocoli are among the tenderest at all times & consequently the most easily digested. Whatever animal food Dr B. takes should be plainly drest, with little fat & no rich Sauces. --- Two or three Glasses of Wine after dinner may be very proper. his own Experience must be his Guide in this particular. If he finds the flatulence increased & produced in his Stomach by the use of Wine, he must give it up & have recourse to Spirits & Water. --- ?Porter too may be proper / especially as Dr Beattie finds it Laxatine / when it can be had good. but to be taken with the same Caution mentioned with respect to Wine. Neither Wine nor ?Porter are quite proper while the Dr is taking the Goat Whey.
He should give up Tea & Coffee entirely or if that is too great a Sacrifice should take them very weak. He will probably find the Cocoa Tea a pleasant & a usefull Succedaneum ------
[Signed] William ?Cullene" |