Administrative History | W. Moir made annotations on a Latin translation of Aristotle between 1619 and 1623. He may be connected with the J. Moir who was working on Aristotle at the same time. Nothing else is known of him. |
Description | Aristotle:' Annotationes in eius Praedicamenta, Postpraedicamenta, Analytica priora et posteriora' (Notes on his works on logic), etc.; W. Moir: 'Annotationes in Aristotelis libros acromaticos et de ortu et interitu' (Notes on Aristotle's 'pleasant-sounding' books, and on his 'Concerning Birth and Death'); 'Cursus logicus, viz. Compendium logicae; De natura logicae' (Course on logic, that is, a compendium of logic; Of the nature of logic), etc., 1619 - 1623. Aristotle's 'Logic' formed part of the first year Arts course at King's College, Aberdeen, and his 'Metaphysics' formed part of the fourth year course. |
Copyright | Subject to the condition of the original, copies may be supplied for private research use only on receipt of a signed undertaking to comply with current copyright legislation. Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the University Archivist and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. Where possible, assistance will be given in identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material. |