Description | Letter from Old Machar Poor’s Office, signed Thomas Skene (inspector) to the Senatus, 31st October 1857, re. Drainage works required on the High Street of Old Aberdeen. Group of documents: Letter regarding a report by Mr Thomas Scott, 19th October 1857; Invitation to a meeting of the Town Council about a visit from the Queen in October 1857; two rough notes regarding a parliamentary grant for University buildings. 2 Letters: Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Palmerston, first Lord of the Treasury from the Senatus, 15th September 1857, re. Report of the Royal Commission of Enquiry of 1826 and the representation of the Scottish Universities in Parliament; Reply from Lord Palmerston at Downing Street, to the Senatus, 18th September 1857. 2 Letters: Letter from Joseph Williamson, Secretary of the medical lectures, to the Senatus, 26 June 1857, re. Regulations for graduating medical degrees accompanied by a copy transcription of the resolution regarding medical degrees; Letter from John Williamson to the Senatus, 19 August 1857, re. The preparation of a circular for publication. 2 Letters: Receipt from Mr J.D. Milne, for the papers and teinds associated with Newhills, June 1857; Correction to the receipt of the Newhills papers, from Mr J.D. Milne, June 1857. Letter and Document: Letter from James Reid, Leochil Cushnie to the Senatus, 27 November 1858, re. Requesting degree; with accompanying copy of certificates in favour of James Reid. Letter: Letter from Robert MacPherson to the Senatus, 5 December 1857, re. Accountant’s report to the Lord Rector on the funds and accounts of King’s College and requesting them to be laid before the Senatus. |